Hear this!

Everyone stepped back in unison!

Chen Nan fell on Caifeng!

Although he can perform the Great Peng Art to fly in the air, he is still a mortal in the final analysis!

Can't fly in the air yet!

"Sir, you go upstream, block the retreat of this big worm, and prevent this big worm from escaping!" When it comes to business, Chenjin is not ambiguous at all!

Chen Nan nodded slightly and ordered eleven birds to fly upstream!

"Little loach in the river listen, give you three breaths to spit out my brother, if not, Xiaoye will cook you!" Morning brocade spreads its wings and hovers in the air!

Its body is the smallest of the twelve birds!

It looks like a black swan!

It's just that the black feathers that emit a glow highlight its extraordinary!

"Don't worry, when I digest this silver bird, I'll go and eat you one by one!" The water on the surface of the river shook slightly, and there was a loud voice with a hint of pain!

"Give the face something that is not a face, go and die!"

Chenjin roared!

In a flash!

The golden divine fire shrouded the whole body, getting stronger and stronger!

As time passed, its light also made Chen Nan and the others squint!

The heat in the air is unbearable!

At this moment, it is like a round of fiery red sun!


Chenjin let out a roar!

And plunged headlong into the river!

"And this operation?"

Chen Nan's scalp is numb!

Most birds are afraid of water!

But Chenjin plunged headlong into the river!

This wave of operations made him unable to understand!

But the next moment Chen Nan realized!

I saw blisters popping up on the surface of the water!

In a flash!

The huge water seemed to be boiled, and countless fish and shrimp corpses appeared!

The air is filled with the delicious smell of fish and shrimp!

"Chenjin is a descendant of Jinwu, although he is afraid of water, he is not afraid of mortal water!" The colorful phoenix under Chen Nan spoke!

"Are you a descendant of Jinwu? Damn, how are you!

"Why is Emperor Peng willing to let you go out to practice?"

The roar of the black dragon came from underwater!

It has lived here for many years and devoured many of its clansmen!

But I never expected that this time it would kick the iron plate!


The river is boiling and bursting!

The black dragon swam upstream as fast as it could!

"What's going on? Why is there an extra white dragon underneath? A golden eagle fluttered its wings, and its tone was full of horror!

Chen Nan's eyes were resentful: "Can you say this, it's really strange that I didn't teach it well, didn't you see that the dragon scales of this dragon fell off?" "

The golden eagle is embarrassing!

It spread its wings and chased after it!

When the dragon appeared in a shallow water area, its figure instantly turned into a kilometer!

Shout when preying low on the surface of the water!

"Sir, I'll catch this big worm!"

Words fall!

Its huge golden eagle claws grabbed the dragon's seven inches!

No race is better at catching insects than birds!

In their eyes, even dragons are worms!

"Let go of me, let go of me, I'm willing to spit out that bird!" The dragon is constantly struggling in the air, and meeting a golden crow is terrifying in itself!

Not to mention meeting a group of birds with divine bird blood!

"Do our noble birds eat as you want and vomit as you want? If this is said, what will our face be? "There was a silver bird's angry voice from the belly of the dragon!

Immediately, I saw the position of the dragon's abdomen rise and fall rapidly, as if something was about to break out!

Accompanied by a fierce cry of the dragon!

The silver plover flew out covered in blood!


Dragon blood is also spilled into the sky!

But it's not dead!

After all, it has the realm of human fairy!

"I'll teach you a lesson!" Chen Nan took off the 'Yide Serving People' behind him and held it in his hand with one hand: "When you meet the enemy in the future, don't say so much nonsense, be simple, just be simple!" "

When the words fell, he cast the Dapeng Technique and flew out!

It was accurately smashed on the head of the dragon with virtue!


A red blood mist exploded in the air!

The dragon's head is gone!

This bloody scene made the twelve birds cry out excitedly!

Although they are not old, they have not yet grown!

But the inheritance of the divine birds in the bloodline makes them all bloodthirsty!

Chen Nan also felt the horror of convincing people with virtue!

The dragon of the human fairy realm said that the second kill is the second kill!

If you don't convince, you can't do it!

"I'm afraid this group of little guys will grow up!" Chen Nan secretly said that they themselves were amazingly talented, and their hearts were also rock solid!

Just give them time and you can become the strongest in the immortal world!

"Go, go to the shore and rest!"

Chen Nan said, and then used the Dapeng Technique to go to the beach on the shore!


Twelve rays of light flashed, and then transformed into the appearance of a child!

Of course, the corpse of the dragon also fell behind them, which looked very spectacular!

"I really didn't expect the world outside the Divine Tree to be so exciting!"

"Yes, who would have thought that we had just come out and hunted a dragon in the human fairy realm?"

"Hunting demon beasts in the human fairy realm is nothing to other clansmen, but we only have the cultivation of the earth immortals!"


Their faces were full of excitement, and then they looked at Chen Nan at the same time!

are all a group of children, this time with Mr. out to experience can be thrilling!

Sir must not boast about them?

Chen Nan naturally did not skimp on these: "This time Chenjin and Jin Biao performed very well, worthy of rewards, that is, the sentence that appeared a white dragon was slightly brainless!"

Jin Biao scratched his head with an embarrassed look!

"What about me, sir? How am I doing? Yinluan looked at Chen Nan carefully!

"You... The upfront performance was terrible! Chen Nan said, "After all, you are a bird, and among the twelve of you, only the blood of Caifeng and Jinwu is nobler than you!"

"But how could you be swallowed by a dragon? Didn't you feel the slightest sense of crisis before he appeared?

Yinlu whispered, "I only felt a chill at that time, and I didn't think much about it!"

Chen Nan: "Feel the chill, if that kind of thing appears again, it will endanger your life!" Well, write a 20,000-word summary and hand it to me when you go back!

Yinlu raised his head sharply: "Huh? 20,000 words? That's too much, right? "

The others almost didn't laugh!

Chen Nan cleared his throat: "Although your performance in the early stage was very poor, you were swallowed by the dragon and did not give up the instinct to survive, and attacked madly in its belly, which is still commendable!"

"In this way, just write a 10,000-word summary when you go back!"

In fact, Chen Nan also knew that even without Chenjin and Golden Label, Yinluan alone could get out of trouble!

Yinluan was overjoyed: "Thank you sir, thank you sir, I will write a 10,000-word summary after I go back!"

"Come, let's improve our lives today and taste what dragon meat tastes like!" Chen Nan was in a good mood, took out the knife and began to cut the dragon!

Because the dragon scales fall off, it is also very good to cut!

But at this moment, there was an exclamation behind him: "Chenjin, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Nan turned to look, and his pupils trembled uncontrollably!

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