A pale golden flame burned on Chenjin's body!

It is a member of the Jinwu clan!

Flames are nothing to it!

But at this moment, his face was red, and even the clothes on his body were burning!

This is no small matter!

"Sir, I... I can't control the divine fire in my body! Chenjin's face was full of pain, and the flames in his body instantly spread for several meters, igniting the surrounding grass and trees!

Even the sand under his feet was melted at this moment!

"You, you, I just praised me, you will find me something!" Chen Nanqi gritted his teeth: "You obviously can't control the divine fire in your body, why are you still stubborn?" He

knew that Chenjin had been swallowed by the Divine Fire!

If not, it can't be like this!

Chenjin's weak eyes had a trace of inexplicable sadness: "I... I just want to act better... Get... Get your compliments sir! "

He doesn't like Chen Nan himself!

But since Chen Nan praised him once!

Although there is still some frivolity in his words!

But his attitude towards Chen Nan has changed!

Because he knows that no matter how good he is, his father will not praise himself!

And sir is different!

Although he doesn't like himself very much, he doesn't skimp on his admiration!

"Sir, I... I must be dying..." Chenjin's body began to crack, as if a Dao crack appeared in the dry earth, and golden flames bloomed in the crack!

His whole person looks as if he will shatter when touched!

This scene made everyone anxious, pinched the sweat for him!

But no one knows what to do!

Even Chen Nan was helpless!

God fire back, he can't solve this kind of thing!

"Sir... I'm sorry... I made a sorry for you... thing! He forced a smile and said weakly, "But I... It's really for you... Sake! As

soon as the words fell, he closed his eyes and fell to the ground and fell into a coma!

And at this time!

It has surfaced!

A swarthy golden crow!

Chen Nan was anxious!

He had learned the power of divine fire!

At the beginning, Chenjin just released some divine fire and burned his right hand, not to mention that he was eaten by divine fire at this time!

Now the power of divine fire is much stronger than before!

"Forget it, let's fight!"

Taking a deep breath, Chen Nan ran the power of merit and pressed it directly on the heart of Chenjin's eyebrows!

Because he knew that the divine fire was released in his soul!

He also didn't know if the power of merit could extinguish the divine fire of the morning brocade!

Only try to try at the moment!


The divine fire burned madly, causing Chen Nan's arms to turn red in an instant, and the skin was open and flesh, which was very hideous!

Even if there is the power of merit, the flames of the Golden Crow clan are extremely terrifying!

Blood flowed out of his arm and fell on Chenjin's body!

Where the blood passed, the divine fire was extinguished!

Chen Nan was overjoyed, and immediately urged the blood in his body to pour on Chenjin's body, extinguishing the flames on his body!

"Thanks to this guy's small body, if his body is thousands of feet long, even if I use all my blood, it will be difficult to extinguish the flames on his body!"

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth!

Jin Biao asked, "Sir, the divine fire on Chenjin's body has been extinguished, but why don't you see it wake up?"

Chen Nan shook his head!

Caifeng let out a childish female voice: "Chenjin's divine soul has been severely damaged, and it is now sleeping on its own, as for when it will wake up, it needs to see its creation!"

"If you are lucky, it is very likely to awaken the bloodline talent when it wakes up, and if it can grow a third foot, it will be powerful!"

"Under the whole world, there is only one bird with the ability to crush the Jinwu clan!"

Chen Nan's face was full of surprise: "There are also birds with the ability to crush the Jinwu family?"

Caifeng nodded: "We have ten kinds of super birds, the Jinwu tribe can only rank second, and the first place is the legendary Nine Phoenix!"

"According to legend, Nine Phoenixes give birth to nine heads, and they are the first of ten thousand birds!"

This answer surprised Chen Nan!

Because he had seen the introduction of the ten thousand races of the immortal world, in his understanding, the first ranked was Jinwu!

But I didn't expect that there was another Nine Phoenix!


With a faint sound of breaking wind, Hei Yan appeared by the river like a ghost!

Looking at his comatose son, he frowned: "I just came out and fell into a coma, too uncompetitive, and lost Lao Tzu's face!" What a thing!

"Brother Heiyan, your son is actually quite excellent!" Chen Nan sighed secretly!

If Hei Yan was a qualified father, perhaps Chenjin would have awakened the bloodline inheritance long ago!

It won't be a big deal!

Hei Yan waved his hand: "Brother Chen Nan doesn't have to speak for him, I know better than you what kind of goods he is!" In my eyes, he is the decaying wood in the eyes of your human beings, and the immortal wood cannot be carved to say that he is him!

"What, this product should not be able to experience with you, right?"

"In that case, I'll take him back!" Immediately grabbed Chenjin's neck and disappeared in front of everyone like a chicken!

Chen Nan was very confused: "Is he really Chenjin's father?"

Yinluan said in a low voice: "As far as I know, the clansmen of the Jinwu tribe have a very poor relationship between father and son!"

"This involves their race, the water is very deep, and you won't understand it!"

Chen Nan directly gave him a roll of his eyes: "I don't understand you either, right?" Everyone

else laughed and said that Yinluan didn't know how to pretend to understand!

"I..." Yinluan's face turned red with stunned, and he said angrily: "Sir, if you say this, then the student will have to teach you a lesson!"

"Actually, most of the fathers and sons of the Jinwu tribe are very good!"

"But there is a father-son relationship that is very bad!"

"That's the father and son with pure golden crow bloodline in their bodies!"

"After all, Jinwu is a divine beast, a rare divine beast in the world, and at most two can appear at the same time in the world!"

"Let's just talk about Hei Yan's senior father and son!"

"The bloodline in Chenjin's body has changed, it is purer than his father, and he is very likely to open the bloodline inheritance and transform into a true three-legged golden crow!"

"However, in order to transform into a true Golden Crow Divine Beast, he needs a wick, and only this wick can ignite the inheritance in his body!"

"And this wick is Hei Yan senior!"

"In other words, if Chenjin can really open the bloodline inheritance, the price will be the loss of his father!"

Chen Nan's heart shook!

He didn't expect the Jinwu tribe to be so cruel!

It was he who misunderstood Heiyan!

He is not an unreasonable father!

It's just that he has a last resort!

He swallowed his saliva and said, "Brother Hei Yan also knows about this, so he deliberately shows indifference to Chenjin and impatience?"

Yinluan nodded solemnly: "Yes, only if Chenjin hates Senior Hei Yan, he can light the wick without hesitation!"

"Although this is cruel to Chenjin, when he becomes a three-legged golden crow, he will also understand the bitterness of Hei Yan's predecessor!"

"But, this is his destiny!"

Chen Nan's eyes were complicated, looking at the big tree thousands of miles away!

"I hope that the power of my merit will not open the bloodline inheritance of the little one!"

"If that's the case, he should be in pain, right?"

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