Of course!

Chen Nan is pure YY!

Although the power of merit can cure diseases and save people!

But can bloodline inheritance be opened by the power of merit?


Absolutely not there!

Dragon meat is more delicious than Chen Nan imagined!

The taste is delicate and tender, and it has a vigorous demon atmosphere!

Watch him feast!

Those eleven little guys all showed shocked eyes!

Is the gentleman a human or a demon?

Why could he ignore the demon qi in the dragon's body?

It's scary!


rested for a moment!

Chen Nan led them to continue to the west!

A month later!

Only then did the twelve leave the territory of the Poultry Clan!

The territory of the Bird Clan is the smallest of the five major forces!

After all, their real territory is the boundless heavenly dome!

Although they also encountered some dangers along the way, it was not enough for these eleven little guys to fight the tooth sacrifice!

Even if Caifeng, this little girl, is ruthless, Chen Nan is creepy!

He had seen this girl tear a brute bear in the Earth Immortal Realm with her claws!

Of course!

Their battles were not all smooth sailing!

But with Chen Nan, a gentleman with profound experience in killing enemies, he can always find out their weaknesses and correct them!

To put it bluntly!

They have all made rapid progress in this trial!


Their trials have just begun!

After leaving the territory of the poultry clan, there is a primeval dense forest that is inaccessible to people!

There are some big trees everywhere!

Although not as good as the divine tree of the poultry clan!

But countless trees with lush foliage block the sun!

The sight in the forest is dim!

The sun shone overhead through the gaps in the leaves!

Looking up at the chaos, it was as if a dome had cracked!

It gives a beautiful feeling!

"Sir, we should have arrived at the territory of the Heavenly Demon Cave, right? Can we fly into the air? Yinluan couldn't help but ask!

He knows that there are many masters here!

It's not that I'm afraid!

It's just that in the forest it is not their battlefield!

In case of encounter!

And if you fight!

Their strength will be affected and limited!


The premise is not to encounter a strong person who exceeds the realm of human fairy!

Otherwise, they will most likely have come and go!

Chen Nan said as he walked: "Your bird clan has an innate advantage in fighting enemies in the open field, especially against the demon clan, because many demon clans cannot fly in the air!" Eleven

little guys all had proud expressions on their faces!

This is their proudest existence!

Chen Nan: "But, why do you want to transform into adults?"

Caifeng thought for a while, and said in a childish voice: "Mother said that the Terran race is the head of all spirits, and the human form is the most perfect evolution among the ten thousand races so far!"

"That's why we became human!"

Chen Nan smiled and said, "So, you guys have to adapt to the human form!"

"To survive, to fight!"

"And here, you can improve your strength!"

Speaking of this, he stopped abruptly!

Eyes staring deadly ahead!

He felt an evil aura!

"No, no, just came here and met the master of the Heavenly Demon Cave? Luck is too good! Chen Nan's heart was ecstatic!

There is a reason to come here to practice!

Meet the other seven sons of the Spider Emperor by chance!

After all, Fan Qian launched an offensive against the seven brothers with the momentum of thunder, while the seven sons of the spider emperor fled everywhere, and no one knew where they fled!

Because of this, Chen Nan came here to try his luck!

Just imagine!

When you meet the son of the Spider Emperor when they are forced to a desperate situation, he will definitely find a way to kill them!

If he said at this time, Fan Qian had the support of the Dapeng Demon Emperor!

Then the good show begins!

Moreover, Chen Nan has read the introduction of the eight sons of the spider emperor!

The eight sons of the spider emperor are not good and extremely cunning!

As long as they learn the truth!

I won't kill them at all!

"What's wrong sir?" Jin Biao asked nervously!

They all have the strength of the Human Immortal Realm!

But because of their transformation into adults, their soul power will also be limited!

Moreover, the power of the soul is not easy for them to exert!

At this time, seeing Chen Nan waiting in a stern formation, he was inexplicably a little uneasy!

Chen Nan: "There is a demon beast in front, and I estimate that the strength has reached the human fairyland!" "

The voice just fell!

A giant spider with an emerald green body and a length of five meters crawled over!

Its eyes bloomed with a faint blue light, and its belly behind it was bulging and covered with cyan hair!

At this moment, this giant spider was staring at them with cold eyes!

Even Chen Nan had a great sense of oppression!

Because this is the first time he has seen a spider of such a large volume!

But it's just a momentary loss of concentration!

He turned back!

Looking at the eleven little guys with fierce or uneasy eyes: "Which of you would like to practice with it?" "

Practice with me? Bite off more than one can chew! The

green-eyed demon spider let out a hoarse roar, and then spewed out a piece of spider silk!

"Get out of the way!"

The speed of the spider silk spray is fast, like a white lightning!

But those kids are very responsive, plus they are small and flexible!

They all calmly dodged the attack of the green-eyed demon spider!

"Together, you eleven join forces, I'll see how long you can kill him!" Chen Nan decisively ordered!

He did not sense the breath of the powerhouse of the Heavenly Demon Cave!

So, get a fierce battle!

This is very likely to attract the masters of the Heavenly Demon Cave!


Eleven little guys are especially obedient!

With Chen Nan's order, their troops were divided into three ways, left and right, the middle road, and the three sides attacked the green-eyed demon spider at the same time!

Although it is in Terran form!

But they are flexible and cunning!

Even if the spider silk sprayed one by one, it did not hit them!


Spiders have eight legs!

Even if eleven of them attacked each other at the same time, they could not get the slightest bargain!

Because they have no weapons at all, they are all barehanded!

Several people obviously smashed their fists on the green-eyed demon spider, but they did not cause substantial damage!

Instead, it was blasted out by the green-eyed demon spider!

Again, they weren't hurt!

After all, with the blood of the divine bird, they are very resistant to beating!

"A little stupid, a little stupid!" Chen Nan grabbed a dead grass and said, "The Terran form is just to make you better adapted to battle, but you can transform your palms into claws to attack each other!"

He shook his head helplessly, still not flexible enough!

After Chen Nan's suggestion, everyone quickly changed their offensive strategy!

Hands transform into sharp claws!

This time!

The green-eyed devil spider was seriously injured!

One eye was cut out by the golden eagle!

A terrible cry came out of his mouth!

Chen Nan's eyes froze: "Take advantage of your illness to kill you, it's now!" "

Eleven people launched a fierce attack at the same time!

With a whoosh!

The belly of the green-eyed devil spider was broken!

The body is broken down!

"Teachable!" Chen Nan showed a gratifying look!

But at this moment, a gloomy voice came from the tree on the side: "Use my demon spider clan as a whetstone, you guys are too good at death, right?" "

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