Chen Nan was overjoyed!

It was exactly as I expected!

Led the people of the Heavenly Demon Cave here!

Eleven children are feeling the joy of victory!

A cold voice came from Leng Buding!

Directly frightened them!

Follow the sound!

I saw a middle-aged man with a straight figure, frosty face, an eagle hook nose, and Danfeng eyes looking at them indifferently!

"How do you... So ugly? Yinluan spoke: "Didn't your parents tell you that if you look ugly, don't come out and embarrass yourself?"

Jin Biao: "I thought that there might be something wrong with this guy's head, the demon beast will be as handsome as possible when he transforms into an adult for the first time, but he is so ugly!"

"Oh, I see, mom dad should be ugly too!"

Just killed a green-eyed devil spider!

This group of little guys is exactly when it swells!

I didn't put the other party in my eyes at all!

"You guys, it's really lawless!" Anger bloomed in the eyes of middle-aged people!

He didn't expect that someone would dare to insult him in person like this!


Listen to this time!

Screams came from all directions!

Everyone subconsciously looked around!

The picture in front of them made everyone gasp!

A giant demon spider with a body length of more than ten meters and tens of meters appeared in all directions!

There are at least dozens of them as far as the eye can see!

Those pair of green eyes saw everyone who looked at it with trepidation!

Especially the breath they emitted, even Chen Nan felt that his heart had stopped!

A sense of oppression!

The overwhelming sense of oppression made Chen Nan panic and uneasy!

He has also been in the Immortal Realm for a while!

I have also seen Yan Guang, one of the five ceilings of the demon clan!

Even drink and brag with him as a brother!


Yan Guang converged his breath when he was with him!

But now!

The group of demon spiders in front of him did not converge their breath!

Their gazes were like invisible blades, stabbing into Chen Nan's heart without warning!


Dozens of demon spiders spewed spider silk and directly sealed this piece of heaven and earth!

This moment!

Eleven little guys were completely panicked!

They can feel that the strength of these demon spiders is very strong!

At least with their current cultivation, they can't break these spider silks at all!

"Fifth Master, they all seem to have the blood of a divine bird!" A black devil spider appeared beside the middle-aged man, his eyes radiating with excitement!

In fact, they had felt the fluctuations of the battle here before, but they did not make a move!

The purpose of this is to see what they are!

Although their essence was not exposed in the battle, it is not difficult to know that they all have divine bird bloodline based on their claws!

Fan Peng smiled wickedly: "I didn't expect that I would meet a group of geniuses of the poultry tribe here, and if I eat them, my strength will also become stronger, right?" "

The magic spider in the distance is approaching fast!

This moment!

Eleven children gathered together in fright, shivering!

Fighting in the forest is not their strong point!

Not to mention that such a group of super masters has appeared!

Seeing that the time was ripe, Chen Nan hurriedly smiled and said, "Seniors, this is purely a big water rushing the Dragon King Temple, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

"We are all a family, why should we meet each other?"

"Who's family with you?" A red-eyed devil spider let out a deafening roar!

Fan Peng also looked at Chen Nan with a smile: "Although I don't know why you are a human in the poultry clan, I also want to hear how you use your rhetoric."

"You said the water washed the Dragon King Temple? What does this mean? "

The presence of a group of descendants of divine birds here is incredible in itself!

Not to mention that their leader is still a Terran!

This thing is weird everywhere!

I also have to guard against!

Chen Nan took out a silver spider silk from the storage magic weapon!

At the moment when the spider silk was taken out, Fan Peng, as well as those demon spiders around him, showed angry eyes!

They could feel that this spider silk was left by Fan Gan!

Chen Nan grinned and said, "You should be able to feel the breath of this spider silk, right?" "

Yes, our Avian Clan and Fan Qian, the Third Highness of your Demon Spider Clan, are friends!"

"Because of this, juniors will bring these little guys here to practice!"

"Aren't we just flooding the Dragon King Temple?"

Fan Chen's eyes were deep, and he said with a smile: "You are right, this is indeed the water that washed the Dragon King Temple. One thing you may not know, Fan Qian is my third brother! "


Chen Nan suddenly realized, and hurriedly saluted: "It turned out to be the fifth highness, the junior has eyes that do not recognize Mount Tai, please forgive me!" Saying that, he glared at the eleven children: "This is the fifth highness of the Heavenly Demon Cave, hurry up and salute!" "

Eleven children have never seen Chen Nan so humble!

In their eyes, Mr. has always been gentle!

No matter what happens, whoever it is, they are very high-profile!

At this time, although they didn't feel happy in their hearts when they saw him like this, they were very obedient, and they forcibly endured the unhappiness in their hearts and saluted Fan Penance!

Fan Peng casually asked, "What's your name?"

Chen Nan replied respectfully: "Back to the fifth highness, junior Chen Nan, it is the gentleman that Emperor Peng found for these children!"

Fan Chen nodded slightly: "Ask you something, when did my third brother go to the Divine Tree?"

Chen Nan thought for a while and said, "Three and a half months ago, yes, it was almost that time!" The

red-eyed demon spider transformed into an old man, appeared in front of Fan Peng, and said in a low voice: "Fifth Master, three and a half months ago, His Royal Highness did leave for a few days, and he took a series of actions after he returned. If I'm not mistaken, he should have made some kind of agreement with Emperor Peng!

"If not, he wouldn't dare to use such a tough means to tear his face with the other seven highnesses!"

"Obviously, Emperor Peng has become his helper!"

At this moment, Fan Peng also thought a lot!

In fact, he had felt that Fan Qian's methods were a little too extreme before!

It doesn't match his previous personality!

But now he realized!

Be able to get the support of Penghuang!

If it were him, it is estimated that it will have to be inflated!

"Mr. Chen, huh?" Fan Peng smiled: "I take the liberty to ask, what did my third brother do in the Divine Tree?"

Chen Nan did not hide it, and said truthfully: "Back to the fifth highness, some time ago, the poultry tribe caused a plague poultry riot, and the deaths and injuries were heavy. Because the Third Highness happened to have an ancient medicine recipe in his hand, this medicine recipe could solve the danger of poultry chaos, and then it was given to the poultry clan!

"This matter is also thanks to him, if there is no ancient medicine formula, the bird clan will definitely be killed and injured countless times, and may even usher in a catastrophe!"

"Because of this, Emperor Peng regarded him as a guest of honor!"

"My Third Highness and I also saw each other as before, and before he left, he deliberately spit out a piece of spider silk, saying that as long as he carried this spider silk, even if he strayed into the Heavenly Demon Cave, he would not encounter any trouble!"

Fan Peng frowned: "The poultry tribe is really infected with poultry chaos?

Chen Nan swore and raised his right hand: "This kind of thing, it seems that the junior does not need to lie." Moreover, what he said before is true, if the fifth highness does not believe it, the junior can swear to the sky!

Fan Chen laughed out loud: "I thought Peng Huang was a strong man, but I didn't expect that he would be stupid enough to be played with in the palm of his hand!"

Chen Nan gasped: "Fifth Highness, Emperor Peng is one of the five great demon emperors of the demon clan, who can play him in the palm of the world?" "

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