"Hugh will be disrespectful to the king of my family!"

"Yes, the king of my family is one of the five emperors of the demon clan! How can you denigrate him like that? "

Eleven children were outraged!

In their hearts, Peng Huang is the god in their hearts!

They don't allow someone to slander Peng Huang behind his back!


Fan snorted coldly: "Call you stupid and you still don't admit it, since that's the case, then His Highness will convince you!"

He sat casually on the ground and asked, "You should all know about the fowl mess, right?" Do you know when was the last poultry riot? How many people died at that time? Those

eleven children all shook their heads!

Chen Nan said, "It is recorded in the books that the last poultry riot was a million years ago!" At that time, the poultry chaos spread throughout the immortal world, first the bird race, then the demon race, and finally even the human race was infected!

"Although the books do not record how many people were killed or injured, the number of deaths should have exceeded seventy percent!"

That bird riot was indeed terrible!

Fan Peng sneered: "You have some insight, but do you know who finally solved the poultry chaos?"

Chen Nan shook his head!

Fan repented: "The poultry chaos broke out, and the casualties of ten thousand races were serious, which triggered the people of the God Realm!" After they came into the world, they gave the medicine, which solved the danger of poultry chaos!

"It just so happens that my demon spider clan has a prescription that can solve the chaos!"

Chen Nan was puzzled: "And then?" Just because of this, you slander my king for being stupid?

Fan Peng smiled and said, "My words are not finished, although the bird chaos can endanger the lives of immortal cultivators and demon cultivators, if you have the bird chaos and do not die, you can improve your strength!"

"So, my Demon Spider clan has a virus of fowl chaos, and I specialize in practicing in this way!"

"It's just that ordinary people are not eligible to enjoy this cultivation method!"

"What? Do you practice with fowl? "

This time!

Chen Nan was really shocked!

Fan Peng showed a disdainful gaze: "This is that you have not seen, our demon spider clan is also the existence of the first of the five poisons in the world, do you need to make a fuss about cultivating with poison?" "

Let's get back to business!"

Fan Peng continued: "I didn't expect the occurrence of poultry chaos in the Divine Tree, although our Demon Spider clan uses poultry chaos to cultivate, there are rules that we cannot release poultry chaos to endanger the world!"

"And this time, it must have been Fan Qian who violated the rules and released the avian chaos virus!"

"His purpose in doing this is to cause chaos among the poultry clan!"

"Then step up at the critical moment and turn the tide!"

"So that the birds can be grateful to him!"

As soon as these words come out!

Eleven little guys had anger on their faces!

It seems that he didn't expect Fan Qian to be so insidious!

Even Chen Nan's face was gloomy, and he didn't say a word!

But my heart feels very happy!

It's easy to meet someone with brains!

You see!

This matter was said in Fan Peng's mouth, and it was different from him saying it himself!

They say it will give them a sense of superiority!

And it can relax the other party's guard!

"Fifth Highness, is the virus of the fowl chaos really released by Fan Qian?" Chen Nan emphasized another sentence, giving Fan Peng a feeling that he would be suspicious!

Fan repented: "I can swear to heaven about this!"

"This is a premeditated, planned act!"

"Moreover, the means are inferior and unconscionable!"

Chen Nan said angrily: "I really didn't expect that Fan Qian would be so frustrated, for his own selfishness, he actually murdered hundreds of thousands of birds, thank you Fifth Highness for today's words!"

"If you hadn't unveiled Fan Qian's mask of hypocrisy, the king of my family would definitely have been kept in the dark by him!"

"Don't worry, after I go back, I will inform my family king about today's events!"

"Let him cut off his relationship with Fan Qian!"

"Promise not to meddle in the battle of your Heavenly Demon Cave!"

Fan Peng nodded gratifyingly: "This is so good!"

Chen Nanxing saluted: "I thank His Royal Highness for the guidance of the fifth highness on behalf of my family king, my bird clan owes you a favor, if you need it in the future, you can open your mouth at any time!" "

That's it!

Fan Peng, those subordinates all shone with their eyes!

If you can get the support of the poultry family!

Fan Peng will definitely be able to become the heir of the Heavenly Demon Cave!

Who expected Fan to regret but shook his head: "Although my Demon Spider clan is experiencing serious civil strife, but this is a family affair of my Demon Spider clan, how can I let others interfere?"

"There are some rules, you can't break them!"

"Especially not like Fan Qian!"

As soon as the words fell, he waved his hand casually, and the spider silk shrouded in the surroundings disappeared instantly!

"Mr. Chen, please give me the spider silk in your hand, this will be our weapon to bring down Fan Qian!" Fan Peng had already thought about it, so he went back to the other six brothers and told them what Fan Qian had done!

If the seven of them join forces!

You can completely kill Fan Qian!

Chen Nandang gave Fan Qian's piece of spider silk to the other party!

Then turn around and head east with eleven little guys!

Returned to the territory of the poultry along the way!

"What have you learned before?" Chen Nan asked as he walked!

Eleven little guys looked at each other and all shook their heads!

Chen Nanyu said seriously: "I know that you all have the bloodline of the Divine Bird, have a proud personality, and don't put others in your eyes!" But no matter when and where, you must learn to judge the situation and be able to flex and stretch!

"So, Fang is the eldest husband!"

"After all, being alive is the most important thing!"

"Especially in the face of strong people who are stronger than us, we must have a heart of awe!"

Eleven little guys nodded their heads as if they understood something!


Chen Nan's footsteps stopped for a moment!

He saw a tiny, tiny red spider land on his shoulder!

He will smile heartily!

Sooner or later, it will come!

No one can resist the temptation of absolute power!

Fan Peng rejected him before it was just because there were other people's eyeliner in his team!

Just thinking about it, a repentant voice came from his head: "Mr. Chen, you said before that the poultry tribe owes me a favor, does this mean that if I go to a desperate situation, the poultry tribe can help me once?"

Chen Nan communicated with its soul: "If the bird tribe has grace, it will be rewarded, this is naturally true!"

Fan repented, "In that case, then I will believe you once!" Speaking of this, it opened its mouth and bit Chen Nan's neck!


Chen Nan only felt a sharp pain hit his neck!

In this instant!

He actually had a brief loss of concentration!

Fan Peng: "Mr. Chen, don't be angry, I would rather believe in myself than in the promises of your Terrans!"

"You don't need to be afraid of anything!"

"Although you have been hit by my spider poison, it will not affect much!"

"And I promise you that when I become the leader of the Heavenly Demon Cave, I will help you detoxify as soon as possible!"

Chen Nan was furious in his heart, he didn't expect Fan Peng to have such a hand!

He was really bitten back!

As the first existence of the five poisons, their poison is not so easy to dissolve!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Nan gritted his teeth and said, "If you fail to become the leader of the Heavenly Demon Cave, then am I going to go to the Yellow Spring with you?" "

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