
The blood-colored spider climbed up along the spider silk in the air!

But the sweet voice echoed in Chen Nan's mind: "So, for the sake of your life, you also have to help me sit in the position of the leader of the Heavenly Demon Cave!"

"Remember to be obedient and well-behaved!"

Chen Nan was in a frenzy!

I really want to pinch each other directly!

But in the end, I put up with it!

As long as he can help Yan Guang subdue the Heavenly Demon Cave!

These are endured!

As for the other party's spider poison...

If you have the power of merit, you should be able to resolve it, right?

"Sir, where are we going now?" Continue the experience, or return to the sacred tree? Caifeng's voice interrupted Chen Nan's thoughts!

Chen Nan looked in the direction of the northeast: "First go to Luofeng Ridge, go all the way south from Luofengling, and return to the Divine Tree!" Well, can you go to that place? "

Falling Phoenix Ridge is located 50,000 miles north of the Divine Tree, and it is said that a fairy phoenix fell there a long, long time ago, and blood stained the entire mountain range!

Therefore, the descendants gave it the name Luofengling!

"I've always wanted to go there!" Caifeng's eyes are complicated, she is a descendant of Xianfeng, and she has always wanted to go to the place where her ancestors have fallen, but it is too dangerous, and her parents have never approved her to go there!

"Then let's go to Falling Phoenix Ridge!" Chen Nan smiled slightly!

He also gained a lot from training with these little guys!

Since the beginning of the previous Mahayana period, he has stepped into the sixth layer of the Mahayana period!

He believes!

Before returning to the Divine Tree, his strength will definitely reach the peak of the Mahayana period!

Even the true qi in the body may be transformed into immortal qi!

Become an Immortal Cultivator in the Earth Immortal Realm!

At that time, you will be able to open the Immortal Mansion!

This can also allow him to find the slightest sense of security in this vast and boundless immortal cultivation world!

Of course!

When encountering the clansmen of the Demon Spider clan, go to Luofengling, this is Chen Nan's plan!


He didn't expect that he would be hit by Fan's repentant spider poison...

As for the matter over there in the Heavenly Demon Cave!

He didn't panic!

If Fan Peng really needed the help of the poultry clan, he would definitely contact him as soon as possible!

His task is to cultivate (eat) and refine (demon)!

Eleven guys with the bloodline of the divine bird kill monsters in front, and he cooks in the back!

In fact, eating monster beasts, others can't break through if they eat it!

Can only fill the hunger!

But Chen Nan is different!

He is mortal!

There is no difference between mortals eating demon beasts and eating panaceas!

This is how he cultivates!

Of course, Chen Nan had no doubt!

If Yan Guang is willing to give himself a wing to eat!

After eating it, his strength will at least step into the Golden Immortal level!


Heavenly Demon Cave!

Fan Gan, dressed in a black robe, sat on the throne of the main hall!

Below each stood two teams of Heavenly Demon Cave powerhouses!

The Terran is the first existence of ten thousand races, so many demon races will follow the example of the Terran race!

Transform into an adult and build a palace!

And the scene in front of him is like a group of courtiers waiting for the king to give orders!

Fan Qian liked this feeling of being high!

Although he has not yet sat in this position!

But at this moment, he can get through it in advance!

He looked at the strong man of the Demon Spider clan below with indifferent eyes: "A group of wastes who have achieved more than enough to fail, haven't you found those seven traitors?"

"They are mad and contrary to human ethics, and they actually took advantage of their father's retreat cultivation scheme to occupy Yin Niang!"

"Even tortured her to death!"

"If I don't capture them and cut them by a thousand cuts, how can I be worthy of my father?"

"How can you be worthy of Yin Niang, who died tragically at their hands?"

The spider emperor is!

So I married a lot of women from the Demon Spider family!

Yin Niang was married by him 10,000 years ago!

It's just that since the spider emperor's retreat, the coquettish Yin Niang has been a widow!

It coincides with Yin Niang's birthday!

The eldest son, Fan Tian, held a banquet on the grounds of celebrating Yin Niang's birthday!

This banquet was a family banquet, and only the eight of their brothers and Yin Niang were present!

Fan Qian also took advantage of this rare opportunity to secretly dissipate his soul in the food!

This is a colorless and odorless poison!

From the human world!

According to legend, even if the powerhouse of the Spirit Immortal Realm is hit, he will get carried away and return to his bestial nature!

Of course, Fan Gan left halfway through the process, citing physical discomfort!

When people heard Yin Niang's miserable cry and rushed over, Yin Niang was already dead!

The picture in front of you is shocking!

No one expected that the seven brothers would attack Yin Niang after getting drunk!

Although Yin Niang is not related to them, she is the wife that the spider emperor has just married!

Their move made countless powerhouses of the Demon Spider clan angry and feel disgusted!

This is definitely the biggest scandal ever witnessed by the Demon Spiders!

Three views of ruin!

After all, the seven brothers took turns to fight, causing Yin Niang to die tragically!

Even if they are all demon races!

I also feel that their move is too contrary to normal ethics!

It should be struck by lightning!

Fan Qian rushed to hear the news!

After seeing this, he became furious, and ordered these seven people to be captured alive!

Put them in prison, and when the spider emperor is out, they will be handed over to the spider emperor!

However, they are all the sons of the spider emperor, their strength is not weak, and no one dares to kill the killer!


Seven escaped!

All right!

It's not that their strength is too strong!


Everyone felt the smell of intrigue!

The last thing that the Demon Spider family lacks is the wisdom of superiors!

The conspiracy can be felt by anyone with a discerning eye!

If not, the nine of them will celebrate their birthday together!

Why did this kind of scandal break out on their side after only Fan Qian left halfway?


This is a contest between the eight sons of the Spider Emperor!

At this time, the only thing they can do is to avoid this dispute as much as possible!

Otherwise, it is very likely to set yourself on fire!

Not helping each other is the way to survive!

In fact, they didn't want to believe that Fan Qian could make such a despicable trap, after all, he was very smart among the eight sons!

But that's the way it is!

It can't be anyone else but him!

"Third Highness, in my opinion, contact the strong people of the Poultry Clan and ask them to help find the whereabouts of the other seven sons of the world!" The old man beside Fan Qian, Yang Xun, spoke!

"If they are still alive, they will definitely know the truth when the spider emperor comes out!"

"At that time, you may be in danger of your life!"

Fan Qian nodded quietly!

With his knowledge of the spider emperor!

If he can kill his seven brothers, even if the spider emperor is out of the customs, he will be punished at most!

After all!

What is done cannot be undone!

He certainly wouldn't kill himself to avenge his other seven sons!

In any case, he is a member of the Demon Spider clan!


He didn't know that if he contacted the master of the poultry clan, he would definitely be able to find seven brothers and brothers!

Although the poultry family is good at finding, searching!

But in the dense forest, the Demon Spider family is extremely good at camouflage!

That's it!

He also planned to summon Chen Nan after he went back, and asked Chen Nan to send the strong men of the poultry clan to search for his seven brothers!

The piece of spider silk he left for Chen Nan had the function of transmitting information!

But right now!

A roar came from outside the hall: "Fan Qian, quickly get out and die!" Fan

Qian was carried away by the sudden joy, and he flew out of the hall in a flash!

Looking at Fan Chen, he was stunned, and then showed a hideous smile: "Old Fifth, don't you know that I've been looking for you?" What did you come back for? Send to death? "

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