Fan Qian didn't expect that the fleeing fifth brother Fan Peng would actually come back!

And let yourself get out and die!


He was delighted!

"Fan Qian, do you really think you can kill me?" Fan Pengyin smiled: "Move your brain and think about it, if I don't have absolute confidence, will I return to the Heavenly Demon Cave?"

Fan Gan frowned: "Where is your confidence?"

"Me, count?"

"And me!"

Accompanied by a burst of indifferent sounds!

The other six sons of the Spider Emperor came out one after another!

Behind them they all followed each other's followers, looking at the black press!

Fan Qian's brows furrowed, he didn't expect that the seven of them would appear at the same time!

This gave him a sense of foreboding!

Normally, they committed such a big thing!

You should escape from the Heavenly Demon Cave and escape far away!

But why go and return?

And still together?

"Fan Qian, are you guilty?"

Fan Tian, the eldest son of the Spider Emperor, looked indifferent!

Fan Qian sneered: "Big brother, it should be you who are guilty, right?" What am I guilty of?

Fan Tian said, "If it weren't for your poisoning, how could the seven of us and Yin Niang do such morally corrupt and contrary to human ethics?"

Fan Qian smiled and asked, "Do you have evidence that I poisoned it?"

"Don't spray people with blood without evidence!"

"This behavior of yours is a slander in the human world!"

"It's going to be sentenced and jailed!"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you!"

"Come, arrest these mother-killing beasts in prison, and wait for your father to come out and punish!"

Fan Gan decisively ordered these seven people to be arrested!

But for him!

As long as they can be caught, it is impossible for them to see their father alive!

After all!

Only they died!

You can live by yourself!

to become the next leader of the Heavenly Demon Cave!

Premeditate big things without informalities!

Be ruthless to be a man!

There have to be means!

This is the truth that the spider emperor instilled in him when he was a child!

Seeing that the strong men of the Demon Spider clan did not have the idea of making a move, Fan Qian was furious: "What for?"

"What the are you doing?"

"Didn't you hear Xiao Ye's order?"

"Arrest people!"

"Do it to catch people!"

Although he is roaring!

But those strong men of the Demon Spider clan did not answer him!

Even... I didn't even look at him!

"My good third brother, why do you take everyone for fools?" Fan Peng looked at him with a smile: "I really think that the clansmen don't know that you planned that incident?"

"If not, why do you think we left alive?"

"They just saved their lives and didn't want to get involved in our brothers' fight!"

Fan Qian's eyes showed a cold light: "Even if they don't make a move, I can kill you all!" Immediately, he looked towards Yang Xun, and the two old men made a look!

Both of them are masters who have followed him for many years, and they immediately shot to kill the seven brothers!


They are also the sons of the spider emperor, and there are masters around them!

It's just that in terms of strength, it is weaker than Yang Xun and Yu Yu!

But they are better than the crowd!

It's hard to tell the difference!

This moment!

Fan Qian had a sense of foreboding!

If Yang Xun and Yu Yu were not their opponents, I am afraid it would be difficult for them to leave alive today!

After all, with his strength, he can't beat these seven brothers!

Unless Chen Nan is summoned!

Let the Poultry Clan send strong people to suppress them!

It's just that!

As a last resort, he didn't want to get help from the birds!

Although this will give him a crushing victory!

But it will lose people's hearts!

After all, this kind of thing is disgraceful!

Solve your own family affairs yourself, and find foreign aid will lose face!

But in the face of life and death, he decisively chose life!

It's a big deal to become the spider queen and kill all the clansmen who know about it!

At this moment, Fan's repentant voice sounded: "Third brother, ask you something, where did you leave the Heavenly Demon Cave three months ago?"

"Do I need to explain to you where I'm going?" Fan Qian snorted coldly, and the soul transmitted: "Chen Nan, I am in trouble, quickly let the strong man of the poultry clan come and help me!"

An intriguing smile appeared on Fan Chen's face: "My good third brother, believe it or not, a small act of mine can make you be killed by the clansmen behind you?"

Fan Qian was stunned and sneered: "You also said that they are not willing to intervene in the fight between our brothers!"

Fan's smile remained unchanged: "So, you don't believe my words?"

Fan Qian: "I have no reason to believe your words!"

Fan Peng said again: "Third brother, do you know where I escaped during this time?" Did you meet anyone? Fan

Gan didn't pay attention to him at all!

Instead, he was anxious and roared at Chen Nan: "Chen Nan, what are you doing?" Why haven't you replied yet? Hurry up and send the masters of the poultry tribe to rescue me!"

At this time, Fan repented: "Third brother, don't summon the news, it's useless!"

Fan Gan's face changed suddenly: "What do you mean?" A

sense of foreboding rose in his heart!

Fan Peng ignored him, spread out his right hand, and a piece of silver spider silk appeared!

See this scene!

Fan Gan gasped!

Even Yang Xun and Yu Yu were stunned in unison!

What's going on?

How did this spider silk get in Fan's hands?

Fan Peng smiled and asked, "Third brother, aren't you very surprised?" Surprised? "

Those powerhouses in the Heavenly Demon Cave were stunned, a piece of innate spider silk, it didn't seem to be a big deal!

Need for such a fuss?

Fan repent and shouted angrily: "Everyone, Fan Qian colluded with the poultry clan, the crime is unforgivable, and he violated the rules of my demon spider clan, and now the evidence is conclusive, and it should be cut by a thousand cuts!"

"Give me back my original spider silk!" Fan Qian was furious, and grabbed that piece of innate spider silk with one palm!

When he asked Chen Nan for help, he knew that colluding with the poultry clan could not be concealed at all!

However, if the strong man of the poultry tribe comes, it will be enough!

But if he didn't come, it would be revealed that he colluded with the poultry clan again!

The consequences will be devastating!

Fan Peng had already guessed that Fan Qian would compete for the spider silk in his hand, and immediately dodged away, injecting a wisp of demon qi at the same time!

Next second!

Fan Qian's voice sounded in the spider silk: "Chen Nan, I'm in trouble, quickly let the experts of the poultry clan help me!" "



Everyone showed strange eyes!

At first, they didn't believe that Fan Qian would collude with the poultry clan!

But this summons has proved that Fan Peng did not lie!

Immediately, Fan Qian's angry roar came from the spider silk: "Chen Nan, what are you doing?" Why haven't you replied yet? Hurry up and send the birds clan masters to rescue me!" "

This moment!

There was deathly silence in front of the main hall!

Everyone looked at Fan Qian with an angry, gloomy gaze!

The biggest natural enemy of the Demon Spider clan is the Bird Clan!


Who would have thought that Fan Qian would actually join forces with the Poultry Clan?

"Third Highness, how do you explain this?" A Demon Emperor level powerhouse openly spoke!

Fan Qian's heart was like ashes, he didn't expect things to turn out like this!

He knows that everything he says pales!

But his heart was still full of unwillingness: "So, did you kill Chen Nan and find my true life spider silk in him?"

Fan repented: "No, this spider silk was given to us by Chen Nan on his own initiative!" Fan

Qian's whole person was immediately stunned!

Chen Nan knew his relationship with the seven of them, why did he give him this spider silk?


He snorted!


I was pitted by Chen Nan!

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