Tearfully ate the flesh of the Golden-winged Roc!

Chen Nan felt... The meaning is still unfinished...

Quite a perverted idea!

It is also thanks to the other party that Yan Guang!

If he changed to the group of guys in Nirvana Mountain, Chen Nan would definitely let him chop another piece of meat!

Ate that piece of meat!

Chen Nan obviously felt that his strength had increased a little more!

But there is still no sign of a breakthrough!

And at this time!

He has accepted it!

Since the heavens don't want him to break through, then this matter can't be forced!

It only means that the time is not yet yet!

It's like the thing for men and women, the water comes to the canal...


Water has it!

But nothing happened!

Chen Nan didn't want to think about it, and seriously prepared dinner!

After Chen Nan took twelve little guys out for training last autumn, Concubine Yu collected a lot of mountain treasures in the mountains, and they have been dried!

These things can be used as dishes!

And it tastes good too!

On the eve of sunset!

Yan Guang and Tu'an, as well as Hei Yan three appeared!

Seeing that Chen Nan had not yet broken through, a trace of stunned light flashed in Yan Guang's eyes, as if he didn't expect this!

But he didn't say much!

Taste the food!


Listen to what Chen Nan saw!

Listen to interesting things on earth!

All yearning!

"I really didn't expect that the life of mortals would be so colorful, if I have the opportunity, I want to see it in the Nether!" Yan Guang's face was fascinated!

Chen Nandao: "Life itself is a practice, but what they cultivate is a short journey in life!"

"But the cultivator cultivates immortality, the avenue!"

Yan Guang realized: "You are right, life is a practice!"

"It's just that the picture is different!"

"However, immortal cultivators are inferior to mortals!"

"Even if I have the strength of a ninth-level demon emperor, there are only a handful of people who can defeat me in heaven and earth!"

"But even so, what can it prove?"

"I've been cultivating all my life!"

"In order to cultivate, I gave up too much and lost too much!"




"I... As if forgot their names, looks!

"Probably, one day I'll forget who I am!"

Touran held the wine glass and said drunkenly: "Pull down you, you can't grow up to that point!"

Yan Guang came back to his senses and said with a smile: "See? I have met this great smart man in my life who can talk to his heart! Little one, okay, I really went to the Maokeng today!

"What, is there a catch?"

Hearing this disgusting topic, Chen Nan quickly diverted the topic: "Brother Yan, let the clansmen pay attention, if I guess correctly, the Heavenly Demon Cave should send someone over!" Although

he and Fan Peng did not reach any agreement in front of people!

But with the urine nature of the Demon Spider family, they will definitely doubt Fan Repentance!

"And, I feel, they will come at least two!"

Yan Guang nodded: "Don't worry, I will let the clansmen pay attention to the movements in the west!" "


Touran slapped the table and said angrily: "Chen Nan, come and come, fight!" "


Chen Nan looked stunned!

Is this guy so badly liquor?

Tu'an looked at Chen Nan with cold eyes: "You have eaten more than a dozen elixirs passed down from my poultry clan, I can't test your strength?"

"Come on, come on, fight!"

"There's no need for that, is it?" Chen Nan wants to cry without tears, Tuan is a strong man at the peak of the Golden Immortal!

He is not his opponent at all!

Touran: "Are you afraid that I will kneel in front of you and beg you not to die after beating you?"

Yan Guang made a face: "Don't mess around!"

"Since Big Brother Tu wants to fight, then I will dare to fight with him, and I hope that Big Brother Tu'an's subordinates will show mercy!" Chen Nan also wanted to test his strength!

After all, he had eaten more than ten elixirs of more than 100,000 years, and even half a million elixirs had eaten one!

Not to mention taking the meat of the Golden-winged Roc!

Although he could feel that his physical body was much stronger!

But I don't know what level it has reached!

"Come on, I will suppress my cultivation to the Earth Immortal Realm, and I will definitely not bully people!" Touran's eyes shine!

"Offended... Finish!

"When Tu'an heard Chen Nan's offended '', Chen Nan had already appeared in front of him!

He's extremely fast!

One punch at Touran!

"Your speed is too weak!" Touran's face was full of disdain!

Chen Nan's speed was really slow in his eyes!

But he was shocked to find out!

His own speed is not as fast as Chen Nan!


Next moment!

A terrifying force wrapped around Chen Nan's fist and smashed fiercely on Tu'an's chest!


His whole person flew out tens of meters and fell into the river!

Hei Yan, who lowered his head and had no sense of existence, raised his head sharply and looked at Chen Nan with incredible eyes: "What words would you humans use to express your inner shock?"

Chen Nan didn't know why he asked this, but he still said, "The literati and ink scholars will improvise ...

Hei Yan interrupted him: "I'm a rough person!

Chen Nan cleared his throat and said a little embarrassed: "Rude words... That's it! Lying groove can not only express inner shock, but even express anger, and can be used in many occasions!

Hei Yan gave a thumbs up: "Lying groove, your move just now is really strong!"

Yan Guang on the side grinned!

Hei Yan never evaluates someone easily!

Now he praises Chen Nan like this, you can imagine that his strength is really strong!

This also made his heart feel a little more comfortable!

If he can't improve his strength after eating so many heavenly materials and earth treasures, he will really be depressed!


In the distance, a voice representing Touran's anger came from: "I haven't suppressed Xiu Wei just now, how can you engage in a sneak attack?" "

Groove!" Hei Yan suddenly stood up: "Lie in the groove!" Groove! Groove! You, a mortal, actually punched a master of the peak of the Heavenly Immortals? Is this reasonable? Touran

was stunned!

The expression on Yan Guang's face also froze instantly!

Even if Touran was unprepared just now!

But Chen Nan can blast him away with one punch!

This also proves the strength of this person!

It's terrifying!

So, Yan Guang silently recited the sound groove in his heart!

The reason why I didn't shout it out is, in the final analysis, I still don't want to be a rough person!

After all!

Chen Nan said that the literati do not say lying groove!

"Come on!"

"Come again!"

"I don't believe it, you can still shoot me off twice!"

This time!

Touran became serious!

Even the drunkenness instantly sobered up!

He is the only blue-winged roc of the bird clan!

If he is defeated by a human cultivator, what face will remain?

"Come on!"

Chen Nan's blood is boiling!

He didn't expect that he could just shoot Touran!

This is a bonus!

Immediately, he cast the Dapeng Technique and appeared in front of Tuan!

Punch out!

Touran narrowed his eyes slightly!

This time, his mental power was highly concentrated and he raised his fist to meet him!

Two punches collide!

A terrifying energy erupted in the air!

It's like thunder suddenly exploded!

Let the void be distorted!

Tu'an fluttered down hundreds of meters away, his right arm trembled slightly, and blood dripped from the cracked tiger's mouth!

Chen Nan hesitated and asked in a low voice, "Heavenly Immortal Peak, is it so weak?" "

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