
Touran spewed out a mouthful of blood!

He fought against Chen Nan before!

The opponent's power rushed into his body unscrupulously!

Although it can be suppressed!

But hearing the phrase 'Heavenly Immortal Peak, is it so weak' instantly broke the defense!

This is murderous!

Hei Yan: "Can you still fight?"

Tuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at him incredulously: "Do you feel, is it still necessary to fight?" "

He is obedient to Chen Nan!

Although this guy is a bit pretending!

But the strength is really terrifying!

Although his existence is very unreasonable!

Breaking the gap between realms!

But Taoism has clouds, existence is reasonable!

"Boss, how about I try the strength of Brother Chen Nan?" Black Yan is eager to try!

Yan Guang looked at Chen Nan: "What is your attitude?"

"You can try!"

Chen Nan felt that he was a little inflated!

After all, Hei Yan is a super strong person of an eighth-level demon emperor!

In terms of strength, second only to Yan Guang!

However, he needs to figure out how many pounds he has!

"I will suppress my cultivation to the Golden Immortal Realm, you attack me with all your might!"

Hei Yan flew lightly to the river!

He wrapped his arms around him!

A look of indifference!

Watching Chen Nan go to the distance and carry the black stick, the corner of Hei Yan's mouth twitched, and he immediately changed his words: "Oh, I'd better suppress it to the Supreme Immortal Realm!" He

could see that Chen Nan's strength was comparable to that of the Golden Immortal!


With this stick, then you can't be careless!

After all, this is a murder weapon!

Chen Nan grinned strangely: "Brother Hei Yan, I will cast a Dapeng Technique to appear in front of you and smash it on your head!"

Hei Yan: "You're a little inflated, in fact, you don't need to tell me what you think!" I can tell you very responsibly that I will not hide!

"Whether it's swelling or not, you'll find out soon!" Chen Nan's figure disappeared in place!

"So fast!" Hei Yan was taken aback!

When I thought about it, I was relieved that this was Dapeng Technique!

Right now!

Chen Nan appeared above him and smashed a stick!

Hei Yan looked disdainful!

A palm slammed into the void!


A terrifying palm blasted Chen Nan out!

But the next second, he appeared above Hei Yan again!


Every time Hei Yan makes a move, he is difficult to resist!

The long stick in the hand simply cannot fall!

"It's time to use that trick!"

Chen Nan's eyes froze!

The long stick bursts out!

Stick go!


Dapeng Technique is borrowing the power of space!

This time!

The long stick also borrows the power of space!

Because of this, it did not cause the slightest noise!

Hei Yan's pupils trembled!

Instantly retreated several meters and dodged Chen Nan's attack!

"Big old black, didn't you say not to hide? Why go backwards? Touran grinned and laughed!

Hei Yan's face was full of embarrassment!

He did say not to hide!

But when the stick fell, he had a strong sense of crisis!

Stepping back is an instinctive reaction!

Yan Guang smiled and drank a cup to himself: "No need to fight, this guy has a strength comparable to the early stage of the Golden Immortal!" "



Heiyan and Touran are now learning and selling!

Express your inner shock with a groove!

The mortal body, but has the strength comparable to the powerhouse of the early Golden Immortal!

That's an exaggeration!

It's incredible!

"Boss, although this guy's attack is powerful, it also has a fatal weakness!" Hei Yan said, "When a true immortal cultivator fights, very few people will fight at close range and compete with others in the flesh!"

"What human cultivators are best at is spell attacks!"

"This is his shortcoming!"

Yan Guang shook his head disapprovingly: "That's because you know too little about his physique!" "


Everyone looked at it together!


Yan Guang stared at Chen Nan and revealed an intriguing smile: "Before I was still wondering, why he couldn't break through after eating so many rare medicinal herbs!"

"Until you see his strength!"

"I thought of a kind of horror recorded in ancient books, against the sky, and a physique that has not appeared for a long, long time!"

Speaking of this, his expression became extremely solemn: "Desolate Ancient Holy Body! "

That's it!

Hei Yan and Touran both gasped!

"Desolate Ancient Eucharist? Is this true?

"I feel that it is not appropriate to say lying groove at this time, and saying that lying groove cannot express my inner shock!"

They had all heard of the Desolate Eucharist!

This is an incomparably heaven-defying physique!

Chen Nan asked curiously, "Is this physique terrifying?"

Yan Guang: "The Desolate Ancient Holy Body is different from other cultivators, as long as you cultivate to the Mahayana period, the road ahead will stop!" No matter how you practice, you are a mortal physique after all!

"This physique was also called the body of waste wood in the earliest days!"

"However, not breaking through the realm does not mean that the strength cannot be improved!"

"Although there are many rare physiques in the world, once the Desolate Ancient Saint Body is born, it will become an invincible existence in the world!"

"Can suppress the enemy of the same generation!"

"Before you took so many elixirs and didn't break through, I thought of the Desolate Ancient Holy Body!"

"It's just that I didn't know your strength at the beginning, so I didn't dare to be sure!"

Chen Nan was relieved!

If nothing else, the name of the Desolate Ancient Body alone is quite scary!

Yan Guang continued, "If I'm not mistaken, the Desolate Ancient Saint Body can ignore any spell, that is, the so-called inviolability!

Chen Nan nodded: "In the mortal world, I am indeed invincible!"

Hei Yan suddenly realized: "No wonder my son's divine fire only burns you, feeling that you are an ancient holy body!"

Yan Guang continued, "Actually, the most terrifying thing about the Desolate Ancient Saint Body is not only that it is inviolable, but that it can --- slaughter the Saint!" "

The word Tu Sheng came out!

Whether it's Chen Nan!

Black Flame!


All showed shock!

Yan Guang's words were like a deafening thunder for them!

Bang in their heads!

Make their scalp tingle!

Saints are high for all!

Above the five elements, reincarnation!

Get rid of the existence of life and death!

They are high!

Immortal and immortal!

Since ancient times, they had never heard that saints would fall!

"This road is difficult to follow, full of endless dangers, it is possible, you will become the enemy of ten thousand races, and the slightest mistake may lead to ashes!" Yan Guang's expression was solemn!

Chen Nan came back to his senses in shock, and he said with a smile: "No matter what, I am me, my name is Chen Nan!"

Yan Guang laughed loudly: "Yes, no matter what, we are all brothers!"

"Come on, come on, drink and drink!"

"It's my honor to be able to drink with the Desolate Ancient Holy Body, and I won't get drunk tonight!"

Touran and Hei Yan also raised their glasses!

Drink for four!

After putting down the wine glass, Yan Guang suddenly said: "You said before that you would leave when you reached the Golden Immortal Realm, but now..." You already have the cultivation of the early Golden Immortal, when do you plan to leave? He

was reluctant to let Chen Nan leave!

Chen Nan is not only kind to the poultry clan!

Even very close to him!

As soon as Chen Nangang wanted to speak, a golden hummingbird flew over, saying something in Yan Guang's ear that only they could understand!

Yan Guang's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he said with a smile: "Brother, you really strategize, there are messengers sent over there in the Heavenly Demon Cave, who want to see you and me!"

Chen Nan was also happy: "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and let them come!" I would like to see what kind of sincerity they can show to ally with us! "

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