Chen Nan looked!

A young man wearing a dark gold robe with red eyes walked over happily!

The height of about one meter eighty-five, the figure is slightly fat!

When you laugh, you have two shallow dimples at the corners of your mouth!

"Junior Fan Tong meets Emperor Peng!"

Fan Tong saluted and said respectfully: "The junior originally wanted to visit the senior of Emperor Peng in an upright manner, but on the way here, he found the people of my two brothers, so he came here with a hidden aura!" "

Please forgive Emperor Peng for the offense!"

Chen Nan had heard of this name!

The Spider Emperor has eight sons, and Fan Tong is the youngest son!

Compared to the seven brothers!

He's noticeably much more low-key!

It gives people a sense of déjà vu without ambition!

But he didn't expect that Fan Tong actually came here!

The act of going alone has already shown his sincerity and attitude!

"Gee, my two brothers are really rich, and they actually took out so many elixirs!" Fan Tong also noticed the two boxes of rare elixirs, and couldn't help but sigh: "Unlike me, I brought two altars of wine..."

"Senior Penghuang, can I sit down and have a drink?"

Yan Guang: "Please!" "

Fan Tong took out two altars of old wine in the storage space!

Pour it for Yan Guang, Chen Nan and the other four respectively!

Immediately said: "Senior, junior get straight to the point, mother-in-law and mother are not like my style!"

"I want to be the next leader of the Heavenly Demon Cave!"

"If I can become one, the entire Heavenly Demon Cave will be yours!"

"As for the reason..."

"I want to live!"

"As long as you can live, even if you are a puppet, it's not a big deal!"

He was honest and spoke his mind!

Because he knows!

No matter who becomes the next spider emperor, their brothers will turn against each other!

Only one survived!

Even if he hadn't thought about competing for the throne before!

But now!

But I didn't have a choice!

Yan Guang liked his honesty, but still said, "The water in your Heavenly Demon Cave is very deep!

Fan Tong said lightly: "It's okay, as long as the poultry clan can help me get rid of the eldest and the second, I can solve the others myself!"

"Including the old five!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Chen Nan and said, "If I'm not mistaken, that guy from Old Fifth should have reached some kind of agreement with you!"


"To be precise, to persecute you!"

"He should have bitten you, right?"

Fan Tong's resourcefulness impressed Chen Nan!

He didn't expect the other party to guess this!

Chen Nan did not hide it: "Do you know how to solve the spider poison of Fan Repentance?"

Fan Tong said, "Old Fifth is the best at using poison, and his achievements in using poison are even praised by his father!"

"However, this guy is only good at using poison, but not at detoxification!"

Chen Nan frowned: "What does this mean?" Fan

Tong: "You may not believe it when you say it, even he doesn't know how to solve the poison of repentance!" Chen

Nan's heart trembled!

A master who is good at using poison is not terrible!

The scary thing is that he can't unravel his poison!

This is equivalent to no antidote!

Fan Tong continued: "Don't worry, I've studied Old Fifth over the years, and his poison can actually be solved!"

"It's just that if you want to solve the poison of Old Fifth, you need a special medicinal herb!"

"Dragon Grass!"

"What? Dragon Grass? "

This moment!

Even Yan Guang was taken aback!

"Are you kidding?"

"Dragon Grass can cure the poison of Fan Repentance? Oh lying groove, what is he, can actually be linked to the dragon grass? "

Hei Yan and Touran are full of incredulity!

Chen Nan looked at Yan Guang: "What is the Dragon Teng Grass?" Is it rare?

Yan Guang said in a low voice: "The Dragon Teng Grass exists in the territory of the Dragon Clan, moreover, it only grows in the Forbidden Land of the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Tomb!" "


Chen Nan was directly stunned!

The Dragon Clan is the most mysterious and powerful of the five forces in the Demon Realm!

Even if he wants to get the Dragon Grass, will the other party give it?

Fan Tong said, "Except for the Dragon Teng Grass, there is no medicinal herb that can solve the spider poison of Old Fifth!"

After a pause, he said, "Although most of the spider poison in Mr. Chen's body has been solved, if I am not mistaken, there is still residual spider poison in your body!" Just don't know what the impact is!

Chen Nan looked embarrassed!

He can't say that Fan's repentant spider venom has made him lose his man's characteristics, right?

He can't say such humiliating words!

Touran said to Yan Guang: "Boss, you and the Dragon King belong to the same era of powerhouses, one of the five ceilings of our demon clan, can you intercede with the Dragon King and let him give us a Dragon Grass?" Yan

Guang didn't make a sound!

Hei Yan took a sip of wine and said lightly: "Dragon Grass this matter, our poultry clan can't help anything!" If Chen Nan went to the Dragon Clan to seek medicine by himself, there might be a 1 in 100 million probability!

"But if the boss comes forward, then there is no chance at all!"

Touran was puzzled: "Is our relationship with the dragon clan so bad?" "

He has only lived for 30,000 years!

I don't know the contradiction between the dragon clan and the poultry clan!

"Actually, it's nothing!" Yan Guang hesitated, and his eyes complicated the past of that year: "In the early years, I fell in love with a dragon girl!"

"We know each other, love each other!"

"I thought that the two of us would be able to come together and be together until we grew old!"

"But I didn't know her identity until one day!"

"She is the fiancée of the current Dragon King's childhood sweetheart!"


"Yes, in the words of your Terrans, I cuckolded the Dragon King!"

"The Dragon King was furious when he found out, and he asked me to fight!"

"At that time, I was not the Dragon King's opponent at all!"

"But for the sake of the woman I love, I resolutely went to the appointment!"

"But in the end, it will not be able to fight the other party!"

"At the moment of life and death crisis, she stood in front of me!"

"Resisted the Dragon King's fatal blow with her flesh and blood!"

"With her life, in exchange for mine!"

"Since then, the relationship between the Bird Clan and the Dragon Clan has deteriorated!"

Chen Nan and Tu'an were both surprised!

I didn't expect Yan Guang and the Dragon King to have such a grudge!

If that's the case!

It is definitely not appropriate for Yan Guang to come forward to ask for medicine!

Sighing lightly, Yan Guang said, "Brother Chen Nan, if Fan's spider poison has no effect on you, then his poison doesn't have to be taken to heart at all!"

"After all, that old thing is very unreasonable!"

"But if Fan's repentant poison affects your life, you have to go to the dragon clan to ask for medicine in person!"

"But remember, the Dragon King is grumpy and moody!"

"If he is not willing to give you medicine, don't linger for a moment, leave immediately!"

"Not to mention any friendship with me, especially don't use the Dapeng Technique!"

He is optimistic about Chen Nan!

Know that he has the Desolate Ancient Body!

But he is not growing up at the moment!

The strength of the Golden Immortal Realm is not enough to compete with the Dragon King!

Chen Nan looked back at the flickering candlelight in the cave!

Although Concubine Yu said that as long as you are with him, it doesn't hurt not to do that kind of thing!


He thought!

The biggest pain of being a scumbag is that there is no B!

Dragons, you have to go!

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