"Back to the previous topic!"

Chen Nan said, "Our side can help you get rid of Fan Tian, as well as Fan Qi!"

"As for the others, it depends on your ability!"

Fan Tong replied: "Yes!" As long as you help me kill the eldest and second, I promise to solve a few other people!"

Chen Nan said, "Half a month later, Fan Tian will die!"

Fan Tong showed a surprised look!

Half a month later, the old man dies?

Where did this guy get the confidence to say such things?

"In twenty days, Fan Qi will also die!"

Chen Nandao: "Colluding with the poultry clan, this crime should make them the target of everyone, right?" At that time, Fan Peng will lead people to besiege the two of them!

"All you have to do is fix everyone else before that!"

"After Fan Tian and Fan Qi die, the Poultry Clan will openly admit that all this is a union with Fan Qi!"

"By then, you will be the sole successor of the Heavenly Demon Cave!"

Fan Tong's heart trembled!

It's a plan in the middle of a plan!

First use Fan Penance to get rid of Fan Tian and Fan Qi!

And then say the relationship between Fan Peng and the poultry clan!

If the powerhouse of the Heavenly Demon Cave knew that all this was secretly manipulated by Fan Peng!

They will definitely be outraged!

And get rid of the repentant!

And so it goes!

Isn't it just to inherit the throne yourself?

This guy surnamed Chen is not simple!

Thinking of this, he got up: "If that's the case, then I'll return to the Heavenly Demon Cave now!"

"Please rest assured Emperor Peng, I swear to the heavens!"

"If I can become the Spider Emperor, the Heavenly Demon Cave will always obey your orders and marry the Poultry Clan for eternity!"

"If you violate this oath, the sky will strike thunder!"

He's smart!

Although swore to heaven!

But he only listened to Yan Guang's orders!

Now Yan Guang already has the strength of a ninth-level demon emperor!

It is a supreme existence that is one of the five ceilings of the demon race!

Maybe one day it will usher in the Heavenly Tribulation and ascend to the God Realm!

Then he won't have to be restrained!

However, this little trick Chen Nan did not break it, as long as the Demon Spider clan and the poultry clan were good friends forever!


Fan Tong got up and left!

Under the stars!

The bonfire is crackling and burning!

Yan Guang glanced at Chen Nan with complicated eyes: "Although my brother wants to keep you living in the poultry clan for a while, I know that your heart is afraid that it has already flown away!"

Chen Nan smiled: "Actually, my heart has never stayed here at all!" Yan

Guang's face turned green!

He wanted to scold his mother!

For Chen Nan!

He took out the treasure medicine treasured by the poultry clan!

Even cut off his own flesh!

The result?

The heart of this product is not here at all!


Chen Nan's voice sounded again: "However, if you want to ask me where I want to live in the future..." I thought about it, I'm afraid it's only here! "

This period of life of the poultry tribe is definitely the most stable in his life!

Don't worry about work!

There are not so many deceptions!

Yan Guang whispered: "If you have the opportunity, come back at any time!"

"We birds always welcome you!"

Chen Nan snorted and said, "Brother Yan, I have a request to help me send Concubine Yu back to the human realm!" "

The Dragon Clan's side is extremely dangerous, although Concubine Yu's strength has also improved!

But after all, he is a cultivator of the human fairy realm!

There will be danger with you!

Tuan couldn't help but ask: "When to leave?" "

After dawn!"

Chen Nan didn't know that the Dragon Teng Grass was just down!

Now that you know!

Then you have to find the Dragon Teng Grass and solve the spider poison in your body!

At least restore the function of men!

Yan Guang: "You carry these medicinal materials, after all, your cultivation path is different from others!" These elixirs should improve your strength! "

Chen Nan didn't shirk either!

He really needs these elixirs to improve his strength!

"Come, everyone drink this cup!" Yan Guang picked up the wine glass: "I wish you a smooth road ahead and find the flesh of your brother and sister as soon as possible!" "


In the wee hours of the morning!

Yan Guang, Hei Yan, and Tu'an three left!

Concubine Yu also walked out of the cave!

There was a trace of reluctance and sadness in her eyes!

Because she heard Chen Nan's words before and Yan Guang!

"Brother Chen, can't I go to the Dragon Clan with you?" Concubine Yu's eyes were red: "I'm not afraid of death!" As long as I can stay with you, I am willing to go wherever I go!

Chen Nan sighed: "Actually, I didn't want to come to the Immortal Realm!" But my wife's body was stolen, and I had to come here!

"I saw her die tragically!"

"That kind of pain is unforgettable once in my life!"

"How can I let you follow me into danger?"

"Well, you go back to the human realm first!"

"When I find the Dragon Teng Grass and relieve the poison on my body, I will go to you!"

"I'm waiting for you in the sect to come to me!" Concubine Yu forced tears and nodded desperately!

Chen Nan rubbed her head spoiledly!

Then look at the divine tree that covers the sky!

Then there was a soft sigh!

Cast the Great Peng Technique and disappeared into the Bird Clan!

He doesn't like to say goodbye!

This will sneak away in the night!


the top of the Divine Tree!

Three figures stand side by side!

It is Yan Guang, Hei Yan, Touran!

They watched Chen Nan disappear into the northern sky!

"Tuan, you will take over the matter over there in the Heavenly Demon Cave, how to do it, Chen Nandu has already told you! No matter what, help Fan Tong sit on the throne of the leader of the Heavenly Demon Cave! "Yan Guang's eyes are deep!


Yan Guang said again: "Hei Yan, hurry up and cultivate!" Strive to step into the ninth-level demon emperor as soon as possible!

"Although I haven't spied on the reason why the Human Emperor took the flesh of his younger brother and sister, there will be a battle between Chen Nan and the Human Emperor sooner or later!"

"He saved my birds, we can't sit idly by!"

Hei Yan: "Yes!" "


Dragon Clan is located in the northwest of the Avian Clan!

300,000 li away!

The journey is very long, even with Chen Nan's current speed, it will take at least a month to arrive!

And on the premise of not eating or drinking, always performing the Dapeng technique!

But performing Dapeng Technique is very physically demanding!

So, he can only do it in the most primitive way!


Hurry, experience while you go!

Three days passed in the blink of an eye!


On a boulder, Chen Nan sat there casually, holding a 100,000-year-old elixir in his hand as a radish to gnaw!

Although it is a hundred thousand years of elixir!

But for him, it can only fill the hunger!

"Gotta find a way to get a demon beast as a mount!"

"At my current speed, if I just walk, it will take at least ten years to reach the Dragon Clan!"

"However, the relationship between the dragon clan and the poultry clan is too bad, if you take the poultry clan there, you will definitely die a miserable death!"

In the past three days, although Chen Nan has also encountered some demon races, his strength is very poor!

Those who are good at speed have not met at all!

It's not that there are too few demon beasts in the demon world!

It can only be said that the territory of the demon clan is too vast!

"Hey, I really didn't expect that I would be the Desolate Ancient Saint Body!"

"You can't even step into the Earth Immortal Realm!"

"In that case, how else can the Immortal Mansion be opened?"

"What use do I want it?"

Thinking of not being able to open the Immortal Mansion, Chen Nan felt a faint sadness!

Even the elixir in the mouth is tasteless!

But the next moment!

A gloomy voice sounded: "Human, hand over that half of the elixir and I will let you live!" "

Follow the sound!

Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "You are the number one lightning leopard in the demon race?" Lightning

was suddenly gone, and looked at Chen Nan suspiciously: "Why are you so excited to see me?" "

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