"Slender, look at this perfect body proportion!"

"This dark hair!"

"Especially the pattern of white lightning on your body, this is simply a symbol of your status!"


"Perfect, so perfect!"

Chen Nan's eyes stared hotly at this lightning leopard with a body length of more than three meters!

For some reason!

After seeing Chen Nan's gaze, the lightning leopard actually had a creepy feeling!

It subconsciously clamped its butt, revealing a trace of panic and anger in its tone: "You... You don't have any bad intentions, do you?

"I tell you, I'm male, male!"

The Lightning Leopard didn't know why he was afraid of Chen Nan!

After all, he was just a Mahayana realm cultivator!

This kind of person can slap to death!

Don't even bother to eat!

But the other party's hot eyes made it physically and mentally uneasy!

"Want to take this half elixir?" Chen Nan smiled and threw it directly!


Lightning Leopard is confused!

Is this Terran so good to talk to?

Could it be that he was shocked by Xiao Ye's momentum?

Think of this!

It bit the half of the elixir on the ground, and while chewing, it said: "Little master has faith in his words, you can roll!"

Chen Nan smiled and said, "You are fast, or else, send me to the Dragon Clan?" "

Leopard Master matches your immortal plate!" The lightning leopard was furious: "The leopard master kindly let you go, you actually want me to be your mount?" If it weren't for the fact that you are a truth cultivator, believe it or not, the leopard master would have swallowed you a long time ago?

Chen Nan sighed: "Since you refuse to be my mount, then spit out that half of the elixir!" "


The lightning leopard spat viciously: "You let me spit on me?" If this is the case, isn't Leopard Master very faceless... Oh, leopard seed, that medicinal herb turned out to be a hundred thousand year elixir?

"No, how can you a mortal have such a heavenly treasure?"

The Lightning Leopard didn't expect that the medicinal herb was a hundred thousand year old elixir, and after swallowing it into its abdomen, it detected a vigorous medicinal effect!

This shocked it!


"Leopard Master has changed his mind!"

"Leopard Master wants to you!"

"Eh, dry means to eat!"

"Although the leopard master doesn't like to eat mortals, if you eat half a hundred thousand year elixir, you can also make the leopard master make an exception!"

Words fall!

It opened its blood basin and pounced on Chen Nan!

Chen Nan disappeared on the stone!

Just left the stone!

That boulder was bitten into rubble by the Lightning Leopard!


"Dead leopard master!"

"Muggle, the front teeth are missing..."

Lightning leopard is furious!

It turned around angrily, and the anger in its eyes turned into doubt, puzzled: "It's not... Aren't you a Mahayana practitioner? Why is it so fast?

"How unreasonable is that!"

It's a bit of a!

The Lightning Leopard is the fastest species of beasts!

Not one!

Its cultivation is not very strong though!

But it has also reached the level of heavenly immortals!


A Truth Cultivator dodged its attack!

This is not a small blow to it!

Chen Nan spread out his right hand, and another 100,000-year-old elixir appeared in his hand: "If you can send me to the Dragon Clan, I can give you a 100,000-year elixir!"

"If I'm not mistaken, this elixir should be able to transform you into an adult, right?"

Lightning Leopard was stunned!

"Who the hell are you?"

"How come there are so many rare medicinal herbs?"

It has always lived in the demon world!

No fixed place to live!

Although I have seen quite a few treasures!

But the most are thousands of years of medicinal herbs!

Tens of thousands of years are extremely rare!

Not to mention that Chen Nan, an ordinary person, took out two elixirs that were more than 100,000 years old!

You must know that the medicinal herbs of that year are all guarded by the five subordinates of the ceiling!

Chen Nandao: "This is a very fair transaction, you just say yes or no!" "

He still has a hundred thousand years old elixir!

Use a elixir to let the other party send themselves to the dragon clan!

Fair enough!

Lightning Leopard: "Are you stupid, if I eat you, isn't this elixir mine?" Do I still need to be your mount to send you to the Dragons? "

Eat me!?" Chen Nan was amused: "Do you have this strength?" The

lightning leopard grinned, and his eyes showed a cold light: "The leopard master is also a master of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, why is it difficult to kill you as a truth cultivator?" Saying that, he pounced on Chen Nan again!

It didn't put Chen Nan in his eyes at all!

What is the difference between a true cultivator and an ant?

Chen Nan stood there quietly!

When the lightning leopard appeared in front of and behind his eyes, he smashed a fist into its jaw!


The lightning leopard let out a miserable scream, and was directly blasted out hundreds of meters!

Several trees were broken during the flight!

Make a dull sound!

"Damn, you are obviously a true cultivator, why is your strength so strong?" The lightning leopard shook its head and stood up, and as it shook its head, blood flew out of its ear canal!

Its eyes were solemn, and it didn't understand why Chen Nan was so strong!

Chen Nan didn't answer its question, and said with a smile: "A elixir, do you want to consider my previous proposal?" "


The lightning leopard's eyes lit fiercely, and it roared like thunder: "We leopard clans will never be slaves, and we would rather die than be the mounts of your human race!"

Speaking of this, its pupils showed shock: "You... Behind you..."

See it behave!

Chen Nan's heart trembled!

A sense of foreboding arises!

Could it be that the 100,000-year elixir in his hand attracted the strong man of the demon race?

Slowly turn your head...

Only to find out!


But there was a mocking voice of the lightning leopard in his ears: "Stupid, confused, right? The leopard master lied to you, hahaha!

"Even if the leopard master is not your opponent?"

"In terms of speed, who can compare to my Lightning Leopard?"

"Chase, you come to chase me, if you catch up with me, I will spit out that half of the 100,000-year elixir!"

"If you don't dislike it, I can feed it to you mouth-to-mouth!"


"Brainless big stupid fork!"

Chen Nan felt tons of insults!

He didn't expect to be humiliated by a demon one day!

"Since that's the case, then I'll let you know Xiao Ye's means!" Chen Nan's eyes froze, and he cast the Dapeng Technique and appeared behind the Lightning Leopard!

The Lightning Leopard didn't expect Chen Nan's speed to be so terrifying, and he actually appeared behind him in the blink of an eye!

After seeing Chen Nan, its leopard eyes almost popped out!

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

"A human being can not only defeat me in the Heavenly Immortal Realm!"

"Even the speed is comparable to our leopard clan?"

Chen Nan silently removed the long stick on his back: "I gave you a chance, but you didn't take it, since that's the case, then don't blame me for convincing people with virtue!" "


Lightning Leopard's face is full of doubts!

Just before he could react, Chen Nan showed an evil smile: "This stick... Call it to serve people with virtue! "


The stick blasts out!

The lightning leopard flew out with a scream!

"Don't fight, don't fight, woo, I'm willing to be your mount!"

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