Mei Niang's face was shy: "This is also very good!"

"After all, Ao Ding's father is a dragon clan powerhouse in the Spirit Immortal Realm!"

"If I can practice with this kind of person, my strength will also improve!"

"Of course, I just want to try the two of them, who has a better life!"

"You're awesome!"

Chen Nan gave a thumbs up!

At this time!

Apart from admiration, he really didn't know what to say!

It's just a little distressed about this guy Ao Ding!

Go and collect the 100,000-year elixir with anticipation and hope!

Just to be with Mei Niang after stepping into the Earth Wonderland!

But he never dreamed that Mei Niang would become his stepmother when he came back!

I really feel sorry for him...

In the blink of an eye, it was evening!

The rotisserie is also full of people!


There were also many people gathered outside the door!

These are people who have bought lottery tickets before!

I'm here to wait for the draw!

See if you can win the 5 million jackpot!

"There is still a quarter of an hour to go to the draw, start now, stop betting!" Chen Nan opened his mouth, the first time he got a lottery, he earned 30,000 Lower Grade Immortal Stones in more than two days!

This income is still considerable!

After all, among so many merchants of the Dragon Clan, there are very few who can earn 10,000 immortal stones with a daily salary!


There is still a huge disparity between the daily salary of eight million lower grade fairy stones!


"Qu Treasurer, it's time to hand over this month's monthly routine!"

Ruyi Herb Store!

A young woman in a long white dress walked in!

Qu Dalin walked out with a flattering smile on his face and said to the woman: "Miss Du, can this month's monthly routine be delayed for a while?"

Du Yuan frowned: "Qu Treasurer, you have always been very sensible and have never defaulted on monthly regulations, but what is going on this month?" "

Two hundred thousand fairy stones shouldn't be difficult for you, right?"

"Could it be that you want the young lady to be disappointed in you?"

A trace of panic flashed in Qu Dalin's eyes, and he hurriedly said, "Miss Du, I don't want to default on the monthly routine either, but something happened to the medicinal herb store this month." I purchased more than ten fake medicines, all of which are more than 100,000 years of elixirs, and I lost no blood this month!

"Do you still want you to intercede with the eldest lady for me?"

Qu Dalin was able to mix up to this day, thanks to the help of the noble man behind him!


He has to pay the other party 200,000 immortal stones every month!

Even if he had thirty-six medicinal herb shops in the Dragon Clan, he looked very rich!

But the medicinal materials industry is very hoarded, and he can't take 200,000 fairy stones at all!

"Who is so bold as to dare to sell you counterfeit medicine?"

With an indifferent voice!

Outside, a young woman wearing a golden-red robe, stunning facial features, and peerless style walked down from the golden car!

As soon as she appeared, she became the focus of the eyes of pedestrians on the street!

Many people know her!

She is not only beautiful, but also the little princess of the dragon clan!

"Meet Miss!"

Seeing Ao Xiaoyu, Qu Dalin quickly bowed and saluted!

This is the backer behind him!

Ao Xiaoyu looked indifferent: "Who sold you counterfeit medicine?"

Qu Dalin's face was full of nervousness: "Miss, this matter is very complicated, and I can't say a word or two..."

"It's like this..."

Although Qu Dalin said Chen Nan's affairs!

A flash of curiosity flashed in Ao Xiaoyu's eyes after hearing this: "That is to say, a cultivator at the peak of the Mahayana period has not been able to break the shackles after taking nine hundred thousand years of elixirs?"

Qu Dalin nodded desperately: "I also feel weird, but that's the way it is!"

"That's fun!"

Ao Xiaoyu showed an intriguing smile: "Where is that person?" Miss Ben went and took a look!

Qu Dalin said respectfully: "He is the owner of Meiniang Barbecue Restaurant!" "

Kite, go to Meiniang Rotisserie!" Ao Xiaoyu turned around and walked outside!

Du Yuan followed closely behind, got into the cart and said to Ao Xiaoyu: "Miss, there can't be a Mahayana cultivator in the world who takes nine hundred thousand year elixirs and doesn't break through!"

Ao Xiaoyu: "So, you also think that Qu Dalin received fake medicine?"

Du Yuan couldn't help but say, "Isn't it? Ao

Xiaoyu didn't answer!

Under normal circumstances, she would also think that Qu Dalin had received fake medicine!


She had read an ancient book that had been passed down for millions of years some time ago!

An extremely terrifying physique was recorded above!

Ancient Eucharist!

This kind of person can only cultivate to the peak of the Mahayana period, and he can't step into the Earth Immortal Realm at all and have the body of an immortal!

The Mahayana period is their end!

But nothing is absolute!

Although the Mahayana period is their end, their strength can still be improved!

It's just that I want to improve my strength!

It takes a lot of elixir!

She wasn't sure that Chen Nan was the Desolate Ancient Sacred Body!

This past is purely lively!

When she came to the Meiniang barbecue restaurant, it was already crowded!

Everyone holds a thin piece of bamboo in their hands!

Chen Nan stood in front of the counter and shook the joystick in his hand!

Then red balls rolled out, each with a different number written on it!

A large number of people gathered here, but the atmosphere was quiet!

In addition to the sound of iron balls rolling, it is not even too much to describe it as a falling needle!

After the six red balls come out!

Chen Nan shook out another basketball!

He placed the seven balls together in order and looked at everyone: "The results of the first draw of the two-color ball have been announced, the red ball is 3, 6, 8, 12, 16, 22, 2, and the basketball is 7!"

"You can look at the lottery ticket in your hand, if you win, you can directly exchange it for Senshi!"

There was a sudden sound of regret in the audience!

"Why didn't any of them hit?"

"It's too hard, isn't it?"

"I won a basketball, how much is this worth?"

The probability of winning the two-color ball is still too low!

However, the probability of winning basketball is not small!

"Only one basket color ball is worth ten fairy stones!" Chen Nan secretly shook his head and pointed to the sign beside him: "Look at the winning instructions above, the winner can come to me to exchange for fairy stones!"

"Of course, you can also continue to bet, and the second draw will be held at this time the day after tomorrow!"

Two-color balls are all about luck!

Although more than 15,000 bets were placed for the first time, very few won the lottery!

Only more than eight hundred fairy stones were exchanged!

Chen Nan felt a little helpless in his heart!

The benefits of the two-color ball are very gratifying!

If you can open the entire dragon clan and find another big man to help, it will not be difficult to fight for gold at all!

But now!

He doesn't know any big people at all!

Even if Mei Niang and Ao Ding talked about this, Ao Ding did not dare to guarantee it!

Although he is a member of the Dragon Clan, his status in the Dragon Clan is not very high!

"Is it that you ate nine hundred thousand year elixirs and failed to break through?"

Just when Chen Nan was helpless, an indifferent voice came into his ears!

Following the sound, he saw Ao Xiaoyu, who was wearing a golden-red robe and was as fresh as a fairy!

Chen Nanhu looked at her suspiciously: "This girl, have we met somewhere?" "

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