This is not Chen Nan's way of seeing beautiful women talking!

Even if it's a pick-up!

Nor will such a low-level opening statement!

He really felt that he had seen Ao Xiaoyu somewhere!

There is an inexplicable sense of familiarity with her!

Ao Xiaoyu's eyes were indifferent: "I have never taken a step out of the dragon clan, how can I see it?"

"It's me who is abrupt!" Chen Nan quickly apologized!

He can feel that the other party's strength is very strong!

As for how powerful it is!

He doesn't know either!

"I heard that you have taken nine hundred thousand years of elixirs without breaking through the shackles?" Ao Xiaoyu stared at Chen Nan!

Chen Nan's heart trembled!

Did it get the attention of the other person?

Ao Xiaoyu's eyes froze!

The terrifying soul power instantly enveloped the entire Meiniang Barbecue Restaurant!

It was like an invisible sacred mountain falling on everyone's shoulders!

This moment!

Everyone knelt down on one knee, and they couldn't bear this breath at all!

Chen Nan is no exception!

Although this spiritual power still can't crush his body!

But in order not to attract attention, he can only pretend to be very painful!

Not only that, but even the expression is very painful!

The facial features are hideous, and the green tendons are densely covered on the face!

In terms of acting, he is still professional!

"It seems that it is not what I imagined!" Ao Xiaoyu withdrew his soul power, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes!

Those diners didn't even pay for it, got up and ran away!

Chen Nan stood up weakly!

He knows!

Ao Xiaoyu definitely knows about the Desolate Ancient Holy Body!

He knows even more that the other party is not an ordinary person!

It is impossible for ordinary people to know the existence of the Desolate Ancient Holy Body!


Ao Xiaoyu's voice sounded: "I see that your so-called two-color ball is quite interesting, do you want Miss Ben to also get in?" "

Ao Xiaoyu is the most business-minded person among the young generation of the Dragon Clan!

She has also invested in a lot of stores!

Without exception, they have brought her a lot of benefits!

And she also understood the pattern of the two-color ball, which was very interesting!

Chen Nan was stunned for a moment, he never expected such a good thing!

Immediately, he said, "Naturally!"

Ao Xiaoyu said, "I heard that you have an industry monopoly book, right?"

Chen Nan: "Yes!"

Ao Xiaoyu: "In this way, you are responsible for opening the store and operation, and I will come forward to guarantee it, and we will make money!"

"You eight, me two!"

Speaking of this, she added: "After tax! Chen

Nan thought about it, and he didn't lose money at all, so he answered it in one mouthful!

"My name is Ao Xiaoyu, you can contact Du Luan if you have anything in the future!" Ao Xiaoyu turned and left, doing things simply, not dragging mud and water!

Du Yue left Chen Nan a message jade card and said, "I hope to receive your message within ten days, and besides, my young lady doesn't like to make small troubles!"

"Since she wants to help you stand on the platform, the scale naturally can't be too small!"

Chen Nan said, "I won't let Miss Ao down!"

"This woman, I'm afraid she has a great origin!" Mei Niang's eyes are solemn!

A waitress named Wei Ran said: "She is the youngest little princess of the Dragon Clan, and the so-called taxation, industry monopoly book are also proposed by her!"

"Many merchants respect her, because with the rules she proposed, the dragon clan is not so harsh on merchants!"

"She is also a recognized talent of the Dragon Clan!"

"Proficient in doing business!"

Chen Nan didn't expect that the other party was the little princess of the dragon clan!

If so...

He had no doubt that ordinary people entering the Dragon Tomb to pay five thousand top-grade immortal stones was also proposed by this woman!

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, Ao Xiaoyu is deeply respected by many people!

But in front of his eyes, Ao Xiaoyu clearly treated everyone as leeks!

Don't be afraid that you won't earn enough!

Anyway, no matter how much money you make, it will eventually fall into the hands of the dragon clan!


the next day!

Chen Nan and Meiniang left the barbecue restaurant after breakfast!

The two spent seven days traveling through the Dragon Clan!

Found some nice shops!

Lottery shops don't need too big shops!

Just have a small store!

These stores are not big, compared to other industries!

But it's perfect for opening a lottery shop!

Among them are in the rich areas!

There are also ghettos!

Compared to the rich area, opening a lottery shop in a slum area is even more appropriate!

After all, the lottery is a thing that rich people don't play much!

It is the common people who really want to get rich overnight!

After choosing a house, then the price!

The cheapest month is only more than 200 lower grade fairy stones!

Even if the location is better, it is only five hundred lower grade fairy stones!


Seventy-eight stores!

And renting a house requires a one-year rent payment, and a three-month deposit!

This point is very pitted!

Chen Nan calculated the account, even if each shop averaged three hundred lower grade immortal stones to calculate, it would be four thousand five hundred a year!

Ten is 45,000!


Three hundred and fifty-one thousand senshi!

One thing is to say, he has earned less than 100,000 immortal stones so far!

You can't take 350,000 fairy stones as rent!

Not to mention buying seventy-eight golems!

Even if each puppet has two thousand immortal stones, it adds up to 500,000 lower grade immortal stones!


Actually, there are two thousand top-grade fairy stones in Chen Nan's storage bag!

As long as it is to take out a piece, it can solve the current financial problems!


Redeeming spirit stones is a very troublesome thing, and you also have to register personal information!

Just imagine!

Can a cultivator in the Mahayana realm take a top-grade spirit stone to exchange without attracting the attention of others?

Shangpin fairy stone is not something that ordinary people can have!

Even those merchants of the huge dragon clan may not be able to come up with a top-grade immortal stone!

As soon as this thing comes out, he will definitely be targeted!

If that's the case, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble!

"I asked, you can exchange fairy stones in the black market, but the handling fee is very high!" Meiniang has not been idle these days, following Chen Nan to run east and west, inquiring about all kinds of intelligence!

Chen Nan's eyebrows rose: "How high is it?" Mei

Niang said, "Others take forty percent of the profits!"

"That is to say, if we go to the official exchange, we can exchange a piece of Shangpin Immortal Stone for one million!"

"But if you go to the black market, you will only get 600,000 fairy stones!"

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched!

One million fairy stones is only 600,000!

This is a pit!

Like, it's not necessary!

Thinking of this, Chen Nan took out the piece of communication token given by Du Yu: "Girl Du, do you have time, I want to invite you to dinner in the evening and discuss the opening of the lottery shop!" "

Chen Nan plans to open more than a dozen lottery shops first, so that he won't worry about money!"


He didn't count it!

Gotta ask the coffin!

"Okay, Miss Ben will go to your shop in the evening!" Du Yuan quickly replied to Chen Nan!

Chen Nan was overjoyed!

As long as the other party can come, it means that there is a lot of room for relaxation in this matter!

Eight o'clock in the evening!

The codds have arrived!

Chen Nan had already prepared grilled meat and fruit plates, as well as fruit wine!

After three rounds of drinking, he got straight to the point and said the problem he was experiencing!

Du Yuan shook his head after hearing this: "If you want the eldest lady to stand for you, you must have at least fifty lottery shops, so as not to dishonor the reputation of the young lady!" "

As for money... I have a solution to your urgent needs!

Chen Nan was overjoyed: "What way?" "

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