Du Yuan casually took out a document from the storage magic weapon and handed it to Chen Nan and said, "The Dragon Clan encourages entrepreneurship and has been supporting major merchants!"

"So small merchant loans were launched!"

"This is a loan specifically for small merchants!"


"No guarantee!"

"Approve on the spot!"

"Pay on the spot!"

"And it is an interest-free loan, which supports repayment for up to five hundred years!"

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched!

I feel the urge to vomit blood!

He once suspected that Ao Xiaoyu might have crossed over the earth!

This special routine is one after another, which makes people unpreventable!

He flipped through the contract!

If it's an interest-free loan!

Supports repayment for up to 500 years!

It's a good choice!

Even if he borrowed one million Lower Grade Immortal Stones and repaid it in five hundred years, he would repay two thousand spirit stones every year!

On average, it's less than two hundred a month!

There is one to say!

Even if you just find a job, you can repay this loan!

It's like pie in the sky!

Think of this!

Chen Nan looked at Du Yuan and couldn't help but ask: "Miss Du, this so-called merchant loan is actually quite good, but if I'm not mistaken, there have to be some additional terms, right?" "

Smart!" Du Yuan smiled: "As long as you swear to the sky and always be loyal to Miss, you can get a lot of wealth!"

"The biggest authority on my side is 10 million Lower Grade Spirit Stones!"

"If you want to apply for a merchant loan, the young lady will definitely make an exception for you!"

Chen Nan smiled bitterly!

Ao Xiaoyu is too smart!

Take advantage of this overdraft consumption model to make people set up and be willing to become her slaves!

Even if you make more money in the future, won't you have to be enslaved by her?

This routine is really a loop after a loop!

It's hard to guard against!

"I'd better think of a way to do this!"

It is impossible for Chen Nan to be loyal to Ao Xiaoyu!

After all, he came here just to find the Dragon Grass!

When the dragon tengcao arrives and relieves the spider poison on his body, he will go to the human world as soon as possible!

How could it be possible to become a woman's slave?

"Everyone has their own aspirations, and I don't want to force this!" Du Yu said, "However, you still have three days, and if you can't get more than fifty lottery shops in three days, Miss will lose patience with you!"

"Yes, her patience for anything is only ten days!"

Chen Nan: "Good!

Du Kite: "Your barbecue here is good, let people grill some, I'll bring it back to the young lady to taste!"

"Roast a few five-colored chickens!" Chen Nan shouted in the direction of the back kitchen!

Five-colored chicken is the most expensive dish here!

A chicken is worth ten lower grade fairy stones at the cost price alone, and the sale price is thirty lower grade fairy stones!

Du Yuan said, "My young lady doesn't eat poultry!" "

Chen Nan was a little surprised!

I never expected that the dragon clan was still picky eaters!

You know, poultry tastes good!

But since Ao Xiaoyu doesn't eat poultry, he can only grill some other meat!

"There are still three days to go, what should I do now?" After Du Yuan left, Mei Niang frowned, three days was too short for them!

"I'll go to the black market!"

At this point, Chen Nan could only go to the black market to exchange fairy stones!

Apart from this method, he really couldn't think of any other way to get the fairy stone!

Although the percentage of 40% is high!

But it's better than applying for a merchant loan, being loyal to Ao Xiaoyu, and being her slave!


a golden mansion!

Du Yuan put the roast meat he brought back in front of Ao Xiaoyu and said, "Miss, you are right, then Chen Nan is really cornered!"

"Because the capital turnover is not open, it is proposed to open more than ten lottery shops first!"

"I ruthlessly rejected it at that time!"

Ao Xiaoyu tasted the barbecue brought back by the du kite: "Have you told him about the merchant loan?"

Du Kite: "Said, but the guy rejected me!"

Ao Xiaoyu looked very flat: "It is reasonable to refuse, after all, the Terrans are hypocritical and love face!"

Du Yuan hesitated and couldn't help but say, "Miss, I feel that the two-color ball that Chen Nan made is very interesting, are you sure not to give him a chance?"

Ao Xiaoyu asked rhetorically: "Doesn't he have three more days?"

Du Yuan said, "Don't say three days, even if it is thirty days, I'm afraid he won't be able to think of a way!"

Ao Xiaoyu said disapprovingly: "He is not as simple as you think!" "

Huh?" Du Yuan looked puzzled: "Could it be that this person has other means?"

"There should be!" Ao Xiaoyu's eyes were deep, even Du Yu, who had been with her for many years, didn't know what she was thinking!

Moreover, she couldn't remember how long the young lady hadn't been so serious!


Maple Street!

This street is located in the slums east of the city!

The streets are not long, but at night it is very lively!

Because many people will come here in search of treasures and barter!

Although this behavior violates the rules of the dragon clan!

It has also been suppressed by the dragon clan!

But it doesn't stop!

For where there is light, there is darkness!

Mei Niang has already found out the forces on this side of Maple Leaf Street!

There are three forces on this side of Maple Leaf Street, showing a three-legged trend!

Among them, the most powerful party is the fifth master!

Who the fifth master really is is unknown!

Because there are very few people who have seen the fifth master!

In a casino called Win Days!

"Hello, I want to exchange Senshi!" Chen Nan found a casino staff, and without saying a word, it was a small storage bag!

Mei Niang said that there must be a guide to exchange fairy stones!

Only acquaintances lead people to exchange!

Strangers don't care at all!

I think this is done out of rigor!

Afraid that the dragon side will crack down on this behavior!

Chen Nan didn't know anyone in the Dragon Clan, so he could only use this simple and rude way!

The young man weighed the fairy stone in his hand, and immediately showed a disdainful expression: "A thousand fairy stones? What about Hanako, right? "



Chen Nan was put in order!

You are a casino worker, and your monthly income is only four or five hundred fairy stones!

Lao Tzu gave you a thousand fairy stones at once, you are too little?


The heart is too dark, right?

Thinking of this, Chen Nan directly snatched the storage bag in the other party's hand: "Sorry for disturbing!" The

staff of the casino were stunned, as if they didn't expect Chen Nan's temper to be so irritable, and immediately said: "Come back and come back, I'll take you to exchange for fairy stones!"

"That's pretty much it!"

Chen Nan snorted angrily, picked up the storage bag and threw it to the other party!

The staff was also not angry, and took him to the second floor, facing a middle-aged man with a big waist and thick eyebrows: "Hu Ye, this little brother wants to exchange fairy stones!"

Hu Ye glanced at Chen Nan lightly: "Do you know our rules here?"

Chen Nan smiled: "Understood!"

"That'll do!" Hu Ye nodded slightly: "Take out the fairy stone you want to exchange!" Chen

Nan took out a fairy stone in his pocket and placed it on the table!

See this top-grade fairy stone!

Hu Ye's expression changed suddenly!

I didn't expect Chen Nan to exchange it for Shangpin Immortal Stone!

Hu Ye was short of breath: "I don't have the right to exchange Shangpin Immortal Stone, you wait, I will summon the fifth master, I have no right to dispose of this kind of transaction!"

Chen Nan: "Good!" "

Hu Ye immediately summoned the fifth master!

Waited almost five minutes!

There was a sound of footsteps outside!


The door is open!

The fifth master walked in with a smile on his face!

Chen Nan stood up abruptly: "Lying groove, why are you?" "

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