Chen Nan was dumbfounded!

He never dreamed of it!

The so-called fifth master turned out to be Du Kite!

Not only Chen Nan is dumbfounded!

Even Du Yuan was stunned for a moment, and an intriguing smile appeared on his face: "It's quite unexpected, huh?" I was also surprised!

Chen Nan smiled bitterly!

Now he has completely understood why the dragon clan has a so-called black market!

You don't have to think about it!

The entire black market is most likely Ao Xiaoyu's private property!

She treats these people living in the dragon clan as leeks!

Cut stubble by stubble!


It's not as simple as leeks anymore!


These outsiders living in the dragon clan are all sheep!

She will sprinkle wool regularly!

This is not more infuriating!

What's even more infuriating is that you don't give the sheep grass yet!

"Don't worry, we won't ask the guest about the origin of Senshi!" Du Yuan showed an intriguing smile, and she casually took out a storage bag and threw it to Chen Nan!

"There are 600,000 spirit stones in here, you can count them!"

Chen Nan forced a smile: "No need, I believe in the fifth master!"

Du Kite: "Go slowly!"


Chen Nan turned and left!

If it weren't for his need for the Dragon Grass to detoxify!

He'll get out of here now!

The Dragon Clan is the most insecure of all the places he's ever been!


Now that the secret of possessing top-grade fairy stones has been exposed, it can only be taken one step at a time!

If you leave at this time, there is a high risk of accidents!

Might as well sit back and make money!


Du Iris returned to Ao Xiaoyu's mansion for the first time!

"Miss, Chen Nan just went to the black market and exchanged for a top-grade fairy stone!"

Ao Xiaoyu was cultivating, and when he heard this, he slowly opened his eyes: "It's really as I guessed!"

Du Yuan couldn't help but ask, "Miss, did you guess his origin?"

Ao Xiaoyu: "But remember what he said, did he see me somewhere?" Du

Yuan nodded!

Ao Xiaoyu: "I have never taken a step out of the dragon clan, naturally it is impossible to see him!"

"The familiarity he has with me is most likely my mother-killer!"

Speaking of this, a cold light flashed in her eyes!

Du Yuan felt the killing intent exuded by Ao Xiaoyu, and suddenly had the illusion of falling into an ice cellar, and felt that his breathing was about to stop!

She endured her nervousness and said, "Then what are we going to do?" Do you want to kill him directly?

Ao Xiaoyu endured the killing intent in his heart and said, "If I'm not mistaken, he should have come to the Dragon Clan for a purpose, if nothing else, it is related to the Dragon Tomb!"

"Wait a year and see what medicine he sells in his gourd!"

"If he really came because of the Dragon Tomb, it will not be too late to kill him after he enters the Dragon Tomb!"

Du Yue's eyes lit up: "In this way, we can not only kill Chen Nan, but also let him earn five thousand top-grade immortal stones for us, this is really killing two birds with one stone!" "


back to the second floor of the rotisserie!

Chen Nan did not find Meiniang!

This is very unusual!

Although this lady usually behaves very loudly when entertaining guests!

But only in words!

If someone really wants to take advantage of her, they will definitely be beaten and scolded, and then blasted out of the barbecue restaurant!

This moment!

He couldn't help but wonder if Mei Niang had gone out to soak men...


A letter on the table caught his attention!

After spreading out, a line of text came into view: I estimate that Ao Ding should be back soon, tonight I will capture his father first, good night, have a good dream, don't feel jealous!

Chen Nan almost didn't spit it out!

Xiaoye will eat your vinegar?


I will only feel sorry for Brother Ao Ding's father!


A lady wearing a light pink long dress, a little powder, and a jade hairpin on her head came to Ao Ding's house!

She had asked Ao Ding's home before!

I also know that he lives with his father Ao Han!

Standing at the door of Ao Ding's house, Meiniang took a deep breath, tried to calm down the tension and uneasiness in her heart, and then knocked on the door!

Knock knock!


A slightly displeased voice came from inside!

It seemed that Mei Niang's knock on the door disturbed his cultivation!

Then there were footsteps!


The gate opened, and Ao Han, who was almost two meters tall, full of muscles, and shirtless, came into the eyes of Mei Niang!


Why is he so burly?

I... I'm a little scared!

Mei Niang is a little afraid!

She felt that if she really had a relationship with Ao Han, the other party was very likely to make a commotion in the air in Chen Nan's mouth...

Ao Han himself is still a little dissatisfied!

Because being disturbed during cultivation really affects the mood!

You can see the meiji!

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and his heart, which had been silent for many years, beat rapidly!

Her face shape is not the goose egg face that the dragon clan likes!

But she has a pair of moving eyes!

Shimmering with spirit!

It feels as if you can talk!

Especially the slightly nervous and uneasy expression!

Deeply aroused Ao Han's desire to protect, and even his voice was much softer: "Who are you looking for?" Is it homeless? Come on, please in the house, please in the house, hungry, right? "

Mei Niang is powerless to complain!

For there is a father and there will be a son!

Neither of you is really a good thing!

Without much thought, Meiniang hurriedly said: "Hello uncle, my name is Meiniang, and I am a friend of Ao Ding's eldest brother!" Did he come back from his trip?

"Are you Ao Ding's friend?" Ao Han frowned, as if he had some concerns!

Mei Niang nodded repeatedly: "Yes, we are friends!"

Ao Han asked, "Just friends?"

Mei Niang blushed: "Yes!

Ao Han was relieved and grinned, "Then do you want to change a relationship with him?" "

Huh? Uncle, what do you mean by this? "Mei Niang's smart eyes are full of puzzlement!

Ao Han touched his chin and smiled strangely: "Otherwise, you should be his stepmother!"

"Uncle, I don't understand..." Before she finished speaking, she was held in her arms by Ao Ding in the form of a princess: "Ah, uncle, what are you doing, let me down!" "

Speaking of which, she kept struggling!

He even beat Ao Han's chest with a small fist!

However, this little bit of strength is simply not enough to affect a super powerhouse in the Spirit Immortal Realm!

That's it!

Lightning Leopard has ushered in a happy moment!


Lightning Leopard has not returned overnight!

Chen Nan was more or less worried!

He was afraid that the other party would manifest his essence uncontrollably!

If this is really the case, it is estimated that it can scare Ao Ding's father to death!

With what he knows about Lightning Leopard!

This product is expected to say: It's over, right? Now it's time for me to say this!

Just had breakfast, just when Chen Nan was about to go and sign contracts with the owners of those houses!

The figure of a dust servant broke in excitedly!

It was Ao Ding who went out to collect elixirs!

Ao Ding was excited: "Brother Chen Nan, I have collected a hundred thousand year elixir!"

"Mmm, you see, the fresh elixir, the medicinal effect is sufficient, and not a trace of medicinal effect has been lost!"

"This elixir is guaranteed to allow you to step into the Earth Immortal Realm!"

"What about Mei Niang? Get her out to meet me! "

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