See him so excited!

Chen Nan suddenly felt distressed!

He didn't know what Ao Ding had gone through during this time!

But he was in rags, and there was still dried blood on his body!

As you can imagine, the process of taking medicine is full of hardships!


It's just that his efforts can be rewarded accordingly!

The question is...

Mei Niang has already thrown herself into the arms of his father Ao Han!

Loss of conscience!

It's really a loss of conscience, hey!

After hesitating, Chen Nan felt the need to give Ao Ding a preventive shot!

He in the province will have an emotional breakdown when he sees Meiniang and Ao Han together!

Chen Nan poured a glass of water for Ao Ding and said, "Brother Ao Ding, Meiniang went out last night, and I don't know where she went!" "

That's it!

Ao Ding's face instantly turned as pale as wax: "Mei Niang won't return home at night?"

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "I don't want this either, but that's the case!" This is the first time since the two of us were together that she didn't stay up at night! Ao

Ding only felt a heart-wrenching pain in his heart!

This is a result he did not expect!

Nor is it the result he wants!

He thought that after picking the elixir for 100,000 years, Mei Niang would be grateful to him!

Then make a promise!

But I didn't expect that in exchange for it, she didn't return home at night!

A beautiful woman never returns at night...

As for what to do!

Do you still need to think about this kind of thing?

"Brother Ao Ding, women are fickle animals!" Chen Nan patted Ao Ding's shoulder and comforted him softly, "How can a cultivator of my generation affect his cultivation because of his son's daughter's private affair?

"Woman, it will only affect the speed at which we draw the knife!"

Ao Ding felt that what Chen Nan said was reasonable, and then his eyes widened: "No, it's your woman who goes outside and doesn't return for the night, how can it be you who comfort me?"

Chen Nan shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "Because I know that I can't keep her, I have long been prepared for her to leave me!"

"Of course, she just stays up at night, and it may not be what we think!"

"That's right!"

"In the past few days of your absence, I have never seen him have intimate contact with other members of the opposite sex!"

"Didn't come back last night... I guess something is delayed!

Ao Ding could only comfort himself in this way, and then he gave the 100,000-year-old elixir to Chen Nan: "No matter what, I promised Meiniang to help you step into the Earth Immortal Realm, and you will receive this elixir!"

Chen Nan hurriedly refused: "Brother Ao Ding, you can't help it, you can't help it!"

"If you and Mei Niang can come together, I will definitely accept it!"

"But if you don't get together, won't I be guilty?"


This elixir can't be collected anyway!

If he accepts it, his secret is very likely to be discovered!

After all, this is a fresh elixir!

It is impossible to eat without effect!

Therefore, this elixir is resolutely not accepted!

Look at him so persistent!

Ao Ding didn't say anything more, and silently put away the elixir!

Immediately he hugged his fists and said: "Brother Chen Nan, I have been out for a few days this time, now go home to report to my father that I am safe, if Mei Niang comes back, please don't be angry!" "

Good fellow!

Chen Nan called a good guy!

You really can lick!

It's all this time, and you still want to protect Mei Niang's unrestrained, lower limit lightning leopard?

Watch Ao Ding leave!

Chen Nan shook his head helplessly!

I really hope that Ao Ding can withstand the next blow!

"Father, I'm back!"

After returning home!

Ao Ding shouted loudly!

"Brother Ao Ding is back!"

Mei Niang, who was nestled in Ao Han's arms, couldn't help but snort, her eyes full of horror!

Ao Han made a face and said displeased: "You have become his stepmother, why should you be afraid of him?"

Speaking of this, he said outside: "I'm in the bedroom, you come in!"

"It's all day, why hasn't my father gotten up yet?" Could it be that you found me a stepmother? Ao Ding smiled and pushed the door open!


The moment you push the door in!

He was directly stupid!

It feels like being struck by lightning!

He never dreamed that the woman he longed for would snuggle in his father's arms!

"Father, what's going on?" Ao Ding's face turned pale, and he couldn't accept this!

Ao Han hugged Meiniang in his arms and said casually: "Meiniang came to you last night, saying that you two are friends, I thought, the relationship between friends is too distant, just want to deepen the relationship!"

"You're right, I did find you a stepmother!"

"This woman is a meijiang!"

Hear this!

Meiniang showed a humiliated expression, lowered her head, and did not dare to look at Ao Ding!

It's her who the said!

As a male leopard, he knows the weaknesses of all male animals!

Seeing her like this, Ao Ding felt that his heart was dripping blood!

He knew why Mei Niang didn't return home at night!

It's not that she's not a good person!

In the final analysis, it fell into the clutches of my father!

Zhizi Mo Ruo father!

Ao Ding knows exactly what his father's personality is!

The situation where things have developed to this day must have been forced by her father!

Otherwise, Mei Niang would not be able to act so ashamed!

"Okay, you go out, I still have important things to do with Mei Niang!" Ao Han spoke, making Ao Ding's face full of grievance, clenched his fists and walked out!

He really wants to snatch the mei girl back!

But he knows!

If this were the case, my father would definitely not spare himself!

Not long after his front foot went out, there was a slightly painful voice of Mei Niang in his ears!

Ao Ding's heart is like a knife!

Things have developed to this point, and they are completely out of his control!

It is also out of his ability to bear!

He can only run out of the house!

And at this time!

The heavens seemed to feel his mood, and a pouring rain fell!

The rain fell on his face, and he couldn't tell if it was rain or tears!

Dragons are!

He will naturally be no exception!

He didn't expect that he would be attracted to a certain woman!

And so much for her!

But he couldn't accept it...

It's time to fall in love with the woman you love!

Father is a sideways kick!

Let their relationship change in an instant!

Oh my God!

Why are you doing this to me?

Ao Ding looked up at the sky, and a roar came out in his heart!


Meiniang appeared behind him, with tears in her eyes, extremely aggrieved: "Brother Ao Ding, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't expect things to turn out like this!" "

Thanks to Chen Nan's absence!

If you see her acting skills here, you have to award her a 10,000-year Xuantie Little Golden Shadow Queen!

Ao Ding turned around abruptly, hugged Meiniang into his arms, and cried silently: "Don't say sorry, don't say sorry, even if you want to say sorry, that's what I say to you!"

"If you hadn't cared about me and found my home, you wouldn't have been occupied by my father!"

"At the end of the day, I didn't protect you!"

"Blame me, if I had come back a day earlier, things wouldn't have turned out like this!"

Mei Niang was held in his arms and almost suffocated!

She was puzzled!

Obviously want to cultivate the plot of immortals, why did it suddenly become so bloody?


This is the highlight of Leopard!

Play with two dragons at the same time and play between them!

Under the whole world, who else can be as awesome as the leopard master?


at the same time!

Chen Nan also returned to Meiniang Barbecue!

But the moment I stepped into the barbecue restaurant, a figure in front of me came into view!

It was like a thunder fell on him, making his scalp numb!

"Damn, why is he here?"

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