He was not familiar with this person who appeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes!

To be precise, the two have only met once!

But it was that meeting that had a huge impact on Chen Nan!


This person is none other than the Fifth Highness of the Heavenly Demon Cave, Fan Repent!

In order to make Chen Nan willing to do things for him, he injected spider poison into his body!

Although the spider venom did not endanger his life, it deprived him of the physiological characteristics of his man!

If it weren't for that, he wouldn't have mixed into the Dragon Clan and looked for the Dragon Grass!

It's just that!

He didn't expect Fan Peng to appear here!

According to his plan, Fan Peng should have been attacked by the powerhouse of the Heavenly Demon Cave!

It is impossible to survive!

And now it seems that things are out of his expectation!

Otherwise, Fan Peng would not have been able to come to the Dragon Clan!

Thinking of this, he turned around and disappeared into the rain curtain!

Can't let Fan Peng see him!

If Fan Peng learned that he was in the Dragon Clan, he would definitely do whatever it took to get rid of himself!

And the most important point!

He knew his relationship with the Bird Clan, if he told the strong man of the Dragon Clan about this!

With the hostile relationship between the dragon clan and the poultry clan, he will be frantically suppressed and retaliated by the dragon clan!

If so!

You will die ironclad yourself!

Died miserably!

"Huh? Why did you feel a familiar breath just now? As soon as Chen Nan's front foot left, Fan Peng turned to look, his eyes flashing with doubt!

After making sure that there were no acquaintances, he took out some inferior fairy stones: "Boss, check out!" "

After settling the bill!

He left the rotisserie!

Standing on a bustling street, you don't know where to go!

He originally thought that by controlling Chen Nan, he could let the Bird Clan help him sit in the position of the spider emperor!

The poultry side is also reliable!

Told him about the eldest Fan Tian, the second elder Fan Qi's people going to the poultry tribe to meet with the Peng Emperor!

He even informed him of the place where the two brothers met with the strong man of the Poultry Clan!

At that moment, he was full of spirit and directly led the strong to kill the past!

In front of absolute evidence, Fan Tian and Fan Qi had no chance to quibble at all, and were killed on the spot by the people he brought with them!

But just when he rejoiced!

The master of the poultry tribe actually admitted his relationship with the poultry clan!

It's all his game!

And then...

He became the target of everyone!

Taking advantage of the time when his subordinates were fighting with the powerhouse of the Heavenly Demon Cave, he decisively escaped!

Eventually escaped to the Dragon Clan!

Because he also knows that the relationship between the dragon clan and the poultry clan is very poor!

He wants to use the dragon clan to help him avenge himself!


Even if he came to the Dragon Clan, he would not be able to see the core disciples of the Dragon Clan!

As for revenge... It's even far away!

"Chen Nan, all this is because of you, one day, I will cut you by a thousand cuts, otherwise it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart!" A monstrous killing intent rose in Fan's heart!

He thought that his spider venom could make Chen Nan obediently obey his orders and become his own puppet!

But he didn't expect Chen Nan to dare to betray him!

If it weren't for the fact that he was gullible Chen Nan!

Things will definitely not go to this point!

"Forget it, first find a place to live for a while, and then find a way to meet the dragon clan powerhouse when you open the Dragon Tomb in a year!" Fan Peng sighed softly, and then went to an inn to stay!

Although he had just entered the Dragon Clan, he also knew that he would open the Dragon Tomb in a year, even if it was an outsider, he could enter it as long as he paid five thousand top-grade fairy stones and look for the opportunity left by the ancestral dragon!


watched Fan Peng enter the inn!

Chen Nan felt an invisible sense of oppression!

The existence of repentance is like a cattle in the throat!

If he stayed in the Dragon Clan for three or five days, he could hide during this time!

As long as you don't see it, it doesn't matter!

But the problem is!

If he wanted to use the Dragon Clan to help him avenge him, then this matter would be complicated!

Although ordinary people can't contact the core disciples of the Dragon Clan, a year later it will be a grand event for the opening of the Dragon Tomb!

At that time, even the Dragon King may appear!

The identity of the five highnesses of the Heavenly Demon Cave may not be much to the Dragon King, but he can completely support him as the next leader of the Heavenly Demon Cave!

In other words, if the Dragon Clan wants to meddle in the affairs of the Heavenly Demon Cave!

Even if Fan Tong, one of the eight brothers, has become the new spider emperor, he will be pulled down!

After all!

To say which of the five major forces in the demon world is the strongest!

It's the Dragons!

"If the Dragon Clan knows that the Heavenly Demon Cave has become the territory of the Bird Clan, the Dragon Clan will not tolerate it!"

"They will definitely support Fan Penitential as a way to fight the threat of the birds!"

"No, no, no!"

"I have to get rid of Fan Penitential first!"

"It's not just for me!"

"Or for the birds!"

This moment!

Chen Nan already has a plan!

Fan Penance must die!

But fighting is forbidden in Dragon City!


Only to lure him out of the city!

Think of this!

He resolutely walked into the inn where Fan Peng stayed!

At this time, Fan Peng had already checked in and went upstairs!

"Yo, Treasurer Chen, which gust of wind blew you here?" The owner of the inn has been to Meiniang barbecue and bought lottery tickets, so he knows Chen Nan!

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Li Treasurer, help me open a room!"

Li Treasurer was surprised: "Treasurer Chen, there is a beautiful girl in your family, why did you come out to live?" Could it be that the little two quarreled?

Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "Isn't it normal for the husband and wife to quarrel and make noise?"

"That's true, too!"


the third floor!

As soon as Fan Peng entered the room, he felt Chen Nan's breath!

An incredible gaze suddenly flashed in his eyes!

"Chen Nan? It turned out to be Chen Nan? How could this guy be here? Fan Peng once thought that he had hallucinations, he knew that Chen Nan was the guest of honor of the Poultry Clan, and he was a brother and brother with Emperor Peng!


He never expected to meet Chen Nan here!

At this time!

He couldn't wait to rush out directly and unload Chen Nan into eight pieces, if he hadn't turned into a bereaved dog!

But he eventually gave up on the idea!

Fighting is prohibited in Dragon City!

But anyone who breaks the rules, no matter who they are, they have to pay a heavy price!

"Chen Nan doesn't know about my coming to the Dragon Clan, let alone that I have already discovered him!"

"As long as I spy on him secretly, I will have a chance to get rid of him when he leaves the city!" Fan Chen's eyes flashed with a vicious light!

Chen Nan, must die!

At this moment, Chen Nan's voice sounded again: "Li Treasurer, do you know where there are red sparks?"

Li Treasurer asked, "Is there no one in the medicinal herb store?"

Chen Nan sighed: "This medicinal herb is too cheap, and the medicinal effect is minimal, and the medicinal herb store does not have this medicinal herb at all!" If it weren't for the red spark being used as a seasoning to enhance the taste of the roasted meat, I wouldn't have looked for it!

"So it is!" Li Treasurer suddenly realized, and immediately said: "If I remember correctly, there is a hundred flower valleys five hundred miles west of the city, and there are red sparks there!"

Chen Nan was overjoyed: "Then I'll try my luck tomorrow!" "

Hear this!

Fan Peng was immediately stunned!

Ouch Groove!

Just worried that I couldn't find a chance to kill you, you actually took the initiative to send it to the door?

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