Fan Peng felt that he had received God's favor!

If not!

How could he meet Chen Nan, a guy with a thousand knives in the vast sea of people, in the dragon clan?

Not to mention, he also knew Chen Nan's itinerary tomorrow!

As long as Chen Nan leaves the city and goes to the Valley of Hundred Flowers!

With his cultivation in the early Golden Immortal Stage, it was easy to crush a human cultivator in this Mahayana period!

"Chen Nan, since I met you last time, Xiao Ye, I have been going on bad luck, this time is it considered to be extremely tai!" Fan's eyes lit up, extremely excited!


at the same time!

Meiniang and Ao Ding also went to an inn!

Ao Ding was wet all over, like a falling soup chicken: "Meiniang, you rest here first!" I'll go back and calm down first, and think about our relationship! "

He really can't call out that mother!

Meiniang grabbed his hand, her eyes were painful, helpless: "Brother Ao Ding, do you think I'm dirty?"

Ao Ding felt like he was being cut through a knife in his heart, and there was a pain that was almost suffocating: "No, I have never disliked you, whether it is the past, the present, or the future!"

Mei Niang snuggled into his arms and said softly: "You know, what I like is you!" I never thought things would turn out like this, but... And I can't disobey your father's orders!

Ao Ding hurriedly said, "He is a ruthless person, if you violate his order, he will definitely destroy the flowers with hot hands!" Mei

Niang raised her head, her eyes were aggrieved, and Chu Chu was moving: "Then what should I do?"

Ao Ding sighed!

He doesn't know what to do either!

Mei Niang hesitated and said, "How about we be together?" "


Ao Ding's eyes widened!

I didn't expect Mei Niang to say such a thing!

Mei Niang whispered, "I thought that if I left Chen Nan, I would be out of the sea of fire!"

"But it turns out..."

"I just fell from one fire pit into the second fire pit!"

"You may not believe it..."

"Your dad is not even as good as Chen Nan..."

"It's just a clever tongue!"

Ao Ding snorted!

No way!

No way!

Is the father so weak?

Meiniang said gently: "Brother Ao Ding, from now on we will each call each other, I will call you big brother, can you call me stepmother?"

"I have no choice but to be with your father, and only with you is true love!"

Ao Ding's heart was captured: "I'll let you call me dad!" "


the next day!


But the temperature has dropped significantly!

The dragon side is also with four distinct seasons and a bleak autumn breeze!

It gives a feeling of refreshment!

After simply eating something, Chen Nan left the city and headed towards the Hundred Flowers Valley in the mouth of Li Treasurer!

Although the dragon clan is hidden in the enchantment, it does not restrict freedom!

As long as you don't leave the enchantment, no one cares where you go!

"Fan Peng should have detected my existence and followed behind, right?" Chen Nan's speed was not very fast, and the purpose of doing this was to make Fan Peng follow him closely!

If he casts the Great Peng Technique!

At the speed of repentance, he can't keep up at all!

In order to lure Fan into the bait, he also took great pains!

Around noon!

Chen Nan rushed to the Valley of Hundred Flowers in the mouth of Li Treasurer!

It's early autumn, but the valley is full of wildflowers!

These flowers are evergreen all year round!

Walking into it gives you the feeling of entering a paradise!

The fragrance of flowers makes people feel tired!

Chen Nan bent down to pick red sparks!

But the moment he got up!

But I found that this small space was shrouded in spider silk!

It was like a huge cage trapping him inside!

"The surname is Chen, you don't seem to be nervous!" Fan Peng was wearing a black robe, and his eyes appeared in front of Chen Nan with cold eyes!

Chen Nan hesitated, feeling the need to respect the enemy!

Without much thought, he quickly threw away the red spark in his hand, and Niang Li said angrily: "Wow, why are you?" I'm so nervous, I'm so afraid! "


Fan Peng looked confused: "When did you become a?"

"Do you know that the way you look like this is really disgusting?"

Chen Nan cleared his throat: "Okay, the showdown, I won't pretend!"

"Actually, I already knew you existed!"

"The reason why I came here is also to lure you here!"

Fan Regret's pupils trembled: "What? You already knew I existed?

"No way!!"

"No way!"

"If you know my existence, you should avoid me!"

"But why did you lead me here?"

"Is this different from a sheep entering the mouth of a tiger?"

"Do you feel that your behavior is reasonable?"

"But no one with brains will believe your nonsense!"

"If I'm not mistaken, the reason why you said this is just to scare me, right?"

"Lao Tzu won't fall for you!"

I have to say that Fan Peng is still very smart!

Analyzed the loopholes in Chen Nan's words!

"Okay, Lao Tzu doesn't talk nonsense with you!" Fan Peng said impatiently: "Say, why did you blend into the dragon clan? What is the purpose of mixing in with the dragon clan?

"Could it be that Emperor Peng wants to attack the Dragon Clan and let you come here to give him a combination inside and outside?"

Chen Nan looked stunned: "Your brain hole is a bit big!"

"Actually, my purpose in coming to the Dragon Clan is also very simple, to find the Dragon Grass!"

"As for the purpose of finding the Dragon Grass, you should know, right?"

Fan Peng frowned: "Solve my spider poison?

"Congratulations, that's right!" Chen Nan grinned: "In order to reward you for answering the question correctly, I will send you to die, right?"

Fan Peng frowned: "The surname is Chen, how could you say such brainless words?" Xiaoye, I am a strong person at the peak of the three layers of the Golden Immortal, and you are just an ant in the Mahayana period!

"I'm going to kill you, one thought is enough!"

He had a disdainful expression: "But don't worry, I won't kill you!"

"Although I would love to kill you!"

"But if I capture you alive, I will hand you over to the dragons..."

"Do you say the dragon clan will reward me extra?"

"Although you are only a mortal, you are the guest of honor of the bird clan!"

"The Dragon Clan will definitely take you to the Bird Clan and threaten the Peng Emperor through you!"

Words fall!

His soul power roared out!

The terrifying soul power made this void tremble!

But Chen Nan stood there quietly, seemingly feeling nothing!

Fan Chen's heart trembled, and then his eyes lit up: "Could it be that you have a defensive magic weapon on you?"

"Don't worry, this defensive BMW is going to become mine!"

As soon as the words fell, he flashed in front of Chen Nan!

A fist as big as a sandbag is filled with a demon qi that destroys decay!

The strength of the Golden Immortal Realm is still terrifying!

One punch past the wind is deafening!

"Get out!"

Chen Nan punched out!


Two punches collide!

A terrifying energy burst out instantly!

Deafening like thunder!

This moment!

Because the surrounding flowers and plants could not withstand this breath, they instantly turned into powder!

Fan repented and withdrew to go tens of meters!

His scalp exploded and looked at Chen Nan, who was motionless, and a monstrous wave rose in his heart: "Lying groove, why is your strength so strong?" "

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