Fan was stunned!

I can't accept that Chen Nan's strength is stronger than himself!

You must know that he is a powerhouse in the peak realm of the three layers of the Golden Immortal!

And the other party is a mortal of the Mahayana period!

He never thought that he would be repelled by a Truth Cultivator in this life!

Chen Nan said modestly: "It's okay, so-so!"

"Don't pretend!" Fan Peng roared angrily: "No matter what, I will definitely kill you today!" "

Words fall!

Two iron hammers appeared in his hands!

The hammer head is like a bucket, emitting a dark glow!

"Give me death!"

Fan Peng held two hammers and launched a fierce attack towards Chen Nan!

Because he didn't bring Yide to serve people when he came, Chen Nan could only face Fan Peng with his bare hands!

Even if he was barehanded, his physical body was terrifying, and his strength was comparable to a mid-Golden Immortal powerhouse!

Even in the face of Fan Repentance, he did not show weakness!


The terrifying energy continues to erupt, giving people a sense of déjà vu that they will break through the surrounding cobwebs at any time!

The more Fan Peng fought, the more frightened he became!

What the hell is this Nima!

Obviously he is a true cultivator, but he can be indistinguishable from him!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that there was such a ruthless person in the world!

It's a monster!

"Fan Regret, can you believe now that I deliberately lured you out, right?" Chen Nan was full of spirits, he didn't fight with the real strong, and he never knew how strong his strength was!

Fan Peng's face was gloomy!

He could barely accept that Chen Nan's strength was above himself!

But he couldn't accept that he had fallen for Chen Nan's scheme, and he was led here by his scheme!

If this is the case, then he has always been led by his nose!

Endless anger filled his heart!

It's burning like a flame!

He thought he was a shrewd hunter!

But in the end, I found that real hunters often appear as prey!

"Chen Nan, do you think you can beat me?"

Fan Peng had a gloomy face and grinned!

"There's something you need to know!"

"I'm a demon beast!"

"It is the most toxic demon spider among demon beasts!"

"Even if the human posture is not your opponent!"

"However, this is not my strongest posture either!"

As soon as the words fell, a monstrous demon qi spread out in his body!



The clothes on his body are torn!

Immediately, a demon spider that was ten meters tall, huge, and possessed eight spider legs like a divine weapon appeared in Chen Nan's eyes!

The eight scarlet eyes exude a palpitating aura!


Chen Nan had a feeling of insignificance!

Facing this huge demon spider, a trace of retreat actually appeared in his heart!

"Chen Nan, this is my strongest form!"

"I'd rather see how you kill me!"

Fan Peng made a cold voice!


In a flash!

Two sharp spider legs were X-shaped, one left and one right, crossing to attack Chen Nan!

Chen Nan dodge!

But the next moment a sharp spider leg attacked!

Spiders have eight legs!

Attackable and defensible!

This is also the race with the best physical stability among the ten thousand races!

Not one!

Because the loss of a leg affects the balance of humans!

But even if the spider loses six legs, it will not be affected in the slightest!

And spiders are suitable for multi-terrain combat!

"Give me death!"

Chen Nan roared angrily and smashed a punch towards the oncoming spider leg!

Although resisted the opponent's wave of attack!

But the body flew out tens of meters!

And Fan Peng was unscathed!

Once they become honorable, their combat effectiveness will increase several times!

And their spider legs are also very strong, comparable to the lower grade immortal weapon!

"Chen Nan, you can't survive today!"

Fan Peng roared, and in an instant, spider silk was like lightning streaked through the air!

Chen Nan's face changed!

If you are really hit by spider silk, the consequences will be unimaginable!

After all, the difference in strength between him and Fan Peng is not very big, and the spider silk of the Demon Spider family is corrosive!

And highly toxic!

This poison will not only affect the body of the immortal cultivator, but even paralyze the soul!


He dodged desperately!


But he smelled a fishy smell in the air!

It's like rotting abalone!

"Is there a feeling of dizziness in the soul?"

"Do you feel that your body is affected?"

Fan Peng looked at Chen Nan playfully: "This piece of heaven and earth has been shrouded in my spider silk, and my spider silk contains poison, you, Hugh wants to leave alive!" Chen

Nan's expression became solemn!

He had heard Fan Tong say that among the eight sons of the Spider Emperor, only the fifth old Fan repented of being good at using poison!

Although the demon spider is the first of the five poisons in the world, their ability to use poison is not bad!

But Fan Peng is a master of poison among them!

Just imagine!

Even the spider emperor admired his use of poison, how could he be careless?

The feeling of dizziness in his head seriously affected his body technique!

Seeing a spider silk coming at you!

A sense of foreboding rose in Chen Nan's heart!

If you really die, it's not a big deal!

What he feared most was to repent that he handed him over to the Dragon Clan, and the Dragon Clan took him to the Bird Clan to threaten Yan Guang!

It's just the right time!

Chen Nan had been sitting cross-kneeled in his body, and the Yuan Infant who closed his eyes and raised his gods opened his eyes!

The pale golden eyes are like a god descending!

Next moment!

The vertigo is gone!

He also managed to dodge a second before he was entangled in spider silk!


Chen Nan rolled aside and picked up Fan Chen's two huge hammerheads!

He murmured, "Is it so light?"

"Hugh is going to pretend to die!" Fan Peng was furious, his two hammers weighed three thousand catties, and now being held in Chen Nan's hands was itself a humiliation to him!

Not to mention that this product is too light?

Your mother!

Can you use a weapon that weighs 10,000 catties?

"Which of us dies first is not certain!" Chen Nan held an iron hammer, but he had some confidence!

Without warning!

A thick and powerful, divine weapon-like spider leg broke through the air!

The speed didn't even cause the slightest wind!

"Disconnect me!"

Chen Nan injected True Qi into the sledgehammer and smashed it at Fan's repentant spider leg!


At the moment when the spider leg and sledgehammer collide!

An emerald green mist blooms in the air!

Fan Peng's leg was directly smashed by Chen Nan!

"Death to death, death to me!"

Fan Peng let out a heart-rending roar, with pain in his voice!

It spat spider silk wildly, and did not dare to fight Chen Nan in close combat!

Chen Nan's eyes were cold: "The grudge between us, let's end here!" "

Words fall!

He cast the Great Peng Technique and disappeared in place!

"How is it so fast?"

Fan Peng gasped!

Chen Nan's speed was too fast, even he didn't see the other party's figure clearly!

The whole person seemed to disappear out of thin air!

Don't wait for him to come to his senses!

A strong sense of crisis came in the air!

He snorted!

Subconsciously raise your head!

Chen Nan held two sledgehammers, like a thunder god, getting bigger and bigger in the depths of his pupils!


Next moment!

Chen Nan landed on top of him!

The sledgehammer smashed fiercely into his head!

Fan's heart is like death!


Ye wants to be cold!!

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