Chen Nan's blood is like a rainbow!

Like a god!


When the sledgehammer fell on Fan Peng's head!

Fan's head is like an exploding watermelon!

White brain pulp and emerald green blood fly everywhere!

It roars!


But Chen Nan was not merciful, and the sledgehammer continued to bombard his head!

"To tell you one thing, you are the first demon beast I killed when I came to the immortal world!"

Fan regretted and roared: "Is this difficult or my honor?"

"How else?"

Fan Peng screamed: "Chen Nan, I was wrong, I was wrong, please let me live!" As long as you let me live, I swear allegiance to heaven! "

Meet a monster like Chen Nan who can't be beaten!

He feels that there is no shame in admitting defeat!

"I'm sorry, you have to die!" Chen Nan frantically bombarded Fan Peng's head!

Until its head turned into blood mud, this did not stop!

And at this time!

Fan Peng has long ceased to struggle!

A huge demon spider corpse, with only seven legs left, and an abdomen!

"It should be safe now, right?"

Be sure that Fan Penance has no life fluctuations!

Chen Nan was relieved!

However, the mental power is highly concentrated!

Sense every move around you!

After all, the means of the demon spider are still unpreventable!

At the beginning, he was bitten on the neck by a small spider released by Fan Peng and hit his spider venom!

So, it's always right to be cautious and sail carefully!

Wait until the evening!

Make sure there are no spiders around!

Chen Nan's hanging heart finally landed!

Then found Fan's storage bag!

"Good fellow, Genima has money!"

See those elixirs in the storage bag!

And Shangpin Sengoku!

Chen Nan felt his heart beat wildly!

There are as many as twenty-six elixirs over 100,000 years alone!

There is also a half-million-year-old elixir!

As for the top-grade fairy stone, there are more than a thousand!

Now he has three thousand top-grade fairy stones in his hands!

That is, if he can earn two thousand top-grade immortal stones in a year!

You can enter it when the Dragon Tomb starts next year!

"I already knew that this guy has so many treasures, I should be gentle when I start!" Chen Nan sighed softly!

Before, he didn't think he could raise five thousand top-grade immortal stones in a year!

And now it seems that this task is not difficult!

Be sure that Fan Penance is completely dead!

Chen Nan broke the spider silk, left the Hundred Flowers Valley, and returned to the city!

Then back in town!

But just as he entered the city!

A black-gray spider silently landed on his clothes and then disappeared!

Of course!

For this, Chen Nan didn't know anything about it!


"Now Fan Penance is dead!"

"Tomorrow I will be able to sign rental agreements with those seventy-eight landlords!"

"Buy a puppet!"

"The lottery shop is about to be built!"

Right now!

Chen Nan's goal is to make money!


"It's so late, haven't the employees in the store gone back to rest?"

Before returning to the barbecue restaurant, Chen Nan saw that there were still lanterns lit in the shop!

I can't help but be curious!

It's late at night!

How can there still be people in the store?

Take a closer look!

I saw Mei Niang drinking with Ao Ding, and a middle-aged man who looked a little like Ao Ding!

"Son, from now on, Meiniang will be your stepmother, and you two will be good in the future!" Ao Han's face was red when he drank, and his voice was also very loud!

Ao Ding said obediently: "Father rest assured, I will definitely treat Meiniang as my mother-in-law!" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched!

Lightning leopard this product is really good at playing!

It was embraced by Ao Han in his arms, but the feet under the table were hooking up with Ao Ding!

Chen Nan knows!

It must be thinking that it is a lightning leopard, which is why it is so fearless!

After all, if this guy runs in the mountains and forests, ordinary people really can't catch up with him!


Meiniang got up, and a trace of uneasiness flashed on her face: "My husband is back!" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched!

Crazy twitching!

He felt like he was green!

But it's not all green!!

Although there is no innocence between him and Mei Niang!


In the eyes of others, the two of them are Taoist couples!

Ao Han's originally slightly drunken eyes suddenly flashed a fine light, and Chen Nan's heart jumped when he saw it!

He could feel that Ao Han's strength was very strong!

Definitely the strongest Dragon Clan expert he has ever seen!

Just one look made him feel uneasy, and even had the urge to worship!

This is the oppression of the strong!

Ao Han threw out a storage bag: "This is five hundred thousand year elixirs, take it, from now on, the grudge between you and Meiniang will be written off!"

"If you dare to harass her, don't blame me for not giving face to Mei Niang!"

Chen Nan took the storage bag with sincere trepidation: "Don't worry, senior, from now on, I will definitely not harass Meiniang!"

Ao Han said again: "Also, from now on, the name Meiniang Barbecue will not be used, so you can replace it yourself!"

Chen Nan: "Yes!"

Ao Han got up: "In that case, then our grandfather will go back first!" Mei Niang, you pack up your things, say goodbye to him and go home! "

Ao Han didn't do things too well!

Gave the two a chance to say goodbye!

After the two of them left, Chen Nan and Meiniang came to the second floor: "What, our relationship ends here!"

"For?" Mei Niang was not happy: "You think I am the kind of woman who loves vanity?" I'm telling you, you're trying to kick me away!

Then she swore to heaven: "My concubine swears to heaven, follow Chen Nan in this life!"

Chen Nan was completely confused: "What are you doing?" Can't believe me, afraid that I will tell your secret?

"Nor is it..." Mei Niang said embarrassed: "I'm afraid that one day I will show my stuffing, so I have to run with you!"

"Don't worry, I'm just staying in Ao Ding's house temporarily, and I'll definitely leave when you leave!"

She also felt like she was on the verge of death!

The slightest mistake will lead to dispersion!

But she also enjoys the feeling of dancing on the tip of a knife!

Chen Nan was just a retreat she left for herself!

"You really took them both?" Chen Nan asked cautiously!

Mei Niang nodded with a red face: "Isn't it very powerful?"

Chen Nan cleared his throat: "Take the liberty of asking, which of them is more powerful?" Mei

Niang sighed: "Ao Han's tongue is more powerful!"

"As for Ao Ding... Fingers are more flexible! "


Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood: "Feelings are not good for both of them!"

Mei Niang asked rhetorically: "Otherwise, why are the nine sons of the dragon born different?" Not because they are too fast? "

Chen Nan is powerless to complain!

I didn't expect that such a powerful existence of the Dragon Clan would be so weak in that aspect!

Maybe... They pride themselves on being fast!

Mei Niang said while packing her things: "Don't be too anxious on your side, even if you can't earn five thousand top-grade immortal stones, I still have a way to let you enter the Dragon Tomb!"


"You think I like them both?"


"I just want to get in touch with the people of the Dragon Palace through Ao Han!"

"The old lady will use up all the dragon masters!"

"Well, if you want to play, play a big ticket!"

Chen Nan was creepy: "Ancestor, I call you ancestor, let's not be like this, okay?" "

Chen Nan is afraid!

If someone else discovers that the Mei Niang body is a male lightning leopard!

At that time, there will be no place for the two in the world!

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