Yan Guang disappeared into the room in an instant!

He once gave Chen Nan a piece of feathers!

In order to help him at a critical moment!

He originally thought that there was no trouble under the sky that Chen Nan could not solve!

Now it seems!

He's in big trouble!

Yan Guang transformed into a body, a golden roc bird with a length of more than a thousand meters!

The spread of wings is not much different from the body!

"A collection of powerhouses above the fifth-level demon emperor of the Avian Clan!"

Yan Guang's voice echoed above the Divine Tree!

In a flash!

More than three hundred powerhouses above the fifth-level demon emperor appeared in mid-air!

"Boss, what happened?" Hei Yan's expression was solemn!

Everyone else has a sense of urgency that a great enemy is coming!

Because Yan Guang had never gathered a demon emperor above the fifth level!

Yan Guang looked to the northwest: "I just received a call for help from Brother Chen Nan, he should have encountered great trouble in the Dragon Clan!" "

What?" Hei Yan was furious: "The Dragon Clan dares to hurt Brother Chen Nan? Go and them!

"Brother Chen Nan is the benefactor of my poultry clan, and he must not let that group of big insects hurt him!"

"Yes, we must kill them this time!"

The strong people of the poultry tribe opened their mouths one after another!

Chen Nan saved the entire poultry clan, and these masters of them all know it!

Now that Chen Nan is in trouble, they will not sit idly by!

Yan Guang: "No! This trip to the dragon clan, I go alone! As

soon as these words came out, the strong people of the poultry clan were taken aback!

Obviously, I didn't expect Yan Guang to go alone!

Hei Yan said anxiously: "Boss, even if you are a golden-winged Dapeng, but the dragon clan is a dangerous place, I don't know what danger is hidden there, let me walk with you!"

Yan Guang: "Don't forget your mission!" "

I..." Hei Yan was speechless!

Son Chenjin is still in a coma!

The golden crow bloodline in the body has not yet awakened!

Although it was important to rescue Chen Nan, now it could only stay in the Divine Tree!

Yan Guang's eyes were firm: "If I can't come back, you will be the emperor of the poultry clan from now on!"

"No matter what, protect the territory of my bird clan!"

"No, the emperor of the bird clan is you, we are waiting for you to come back!" Black hot tears!

Actually, he knows too!

Once the boss goes to the Dragon Clan, he is bound to violate the rules set by the five top powerhouses!

At that time, he will face the ceiling of the combat power of the four demon races with his own strength!

Although the Heavenly Demon Cave has been controlled by Fan Tong!

He also became the only heir of the Heavenly Demon Cave!


The Spider Emperor has not fallen!

It didn't soar either!

It's just a retreat!

Once the boss goes to the Dragon Territory...

The consequences are unimaginable!

Yan Guang: "We are the demon clan!"

"The biggest difference between the demon race and the human race is that they are not sentimental!"

"Even if this trip dies, it is my destiny!"

"In order to rescue your benefactor, even if you die, you will die well!"

He holds a mortal heart!

Because he knows better than anyone!

As long as you step into the dragon clan, you will definitely die ten times!

Even if he could rescue Chen Nan with his speed, or even escape back to the Bird Clan!

But so what?

Once the rules are broken, the Three Directions Demon Emperor and the Dragon King will not let him survive at all!

Dying in battle is his last dignity!

Yan Guang looked at the more than three hundred powerhouses above the fifth-level demon emperor, and his eyes were complicated: "Once I die, the four forces will definitely encroach on my poultry clan's territory!"

"There will inevitably be a bloody battle then!"

"All you have to do is the Guardian Tree!"

"Guard the last territory of my Avian Clan!"

"If you don't fight against the other side... Then retreat to Nirvana Mountain!

"Remember, tell those people in Nirvana Mountain that we are Chen Nan's friends!"

His voice echoed in the sky!

But the figure was like a long rainbow tearing through the vast firmament!

A touch of gold becomes the only color in the depths of the firmament!

"Send Emperor Peng!"

Hei Yan held back tears and let out a deafening howl!

He knew that Yan Guang was dead and lifeless!

But it can't help him!

Can't fight alongside him!



Ao Lie spoke: "Chen Nan, your talent and growth space are huge!"

"I have a heart for talent!"

"If you can turn to me, I can let you live!"

"Give you endless medicinal herbs to make your strength stronger!"

For him, after Chen Nan asked Yan Guang for help, he lost all his use value!

Although killing Chen Nan in front of Yan Guang would make Yan Guang miserable!

However, the feeling of comfort that Yan Guang's pain brought him was far less than accepting Chen Nan!

After all, once the Desolate Ancient Saint Body grows, it is still very terrifying!

Chen Nan smacked his lips: "It sounds like it feels..." Seems to be pretty good!

Ao Thirteen spoke: "Chen Nan, there is an ancient saying in your Terran clan that the one who knows the time is Junjie, you are a smart person, you should know how to choose, right?"

"Yes, my dragon clan has the richest resources! If you join my dragon clan, you are guaranteed to grow your strength by leaps and bounds! Everyone

in the Dragon Clan spoke!

Chen Nan looked at Ao Lie with a smile: "If I'm not mistaken, there must be other conditions, right?"

Ao Lie casually threw a short blade to Chen Nan and said, "When Yan Guang comes, you only need to stab him secretly!" It doesn't matter if he can't be stabbed, I want him to feel betrayed! His

eyes were scarlet and full of anger!

He will never forget the feeling of being betrayed by the woman he loves!

Even if he becomes the number one powerhouse of the demon race!

Even if he marries another woman!

But whenever he remembered the feeling of being betrayed, he still couldn't breathe!

"This knife is quite sharp!" Chen Nan played with the short blade in his hand, and a playful smile appeared on his face: "Senior, do you know the biggest difference between people and demons?"

"The biggest difference between our Terrans and the Demon Race is that we have what we say!"

"Brother Yan Guangguang and I are in love, and it is like seeing each other!"

"If you threaten me with death and force me to comply..."

"Isn't that too much to look down on the brotherhood between us?"


Ao Lie's eyes froze!

The terrifying spiritual power turned into a sharp sword and slashed towards Chen Nan!

It's just the right time!

A bird clan expert behind him flew directly in front of Chen Nan and used his flesh and blood to resist that terrifying spiritual power!

And he also turned into a blood mist and disappeared into heaven and earth!

"Young Master Chen, you have cultivated the Dapeng Technique, you may have a chance to escape from here!"

"We're stalling for time here, you guys take the opportunity to leave!"

A bird clan expert transformed into a golden-scaled eagle with a body length of 100 meters, spread his wings and rushed towards Ao Lie!

The feathers on the body turned into sharp blades and tore through the void!

The other six Demon Race powerhouses also manifested their ontology and killed Ao Lie at the same time!

They all have the cultivation of the Golden Immortal Realm, and their strength is not weak!

But their opponent is the Dragon King!

The ceiling of the demon clan's combat power!

The Dragon King's eyes were indifferent!

He didn't even do it!

A cold snort came out of his mouth!

In an instant, the void trembled!

The powerhouses of the Seven Bird Clan realms were instantly wiped out!

The terrifying nature of the Dragon King is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

"The Dragon King bullies the weak, isn't he afraid of the ridicule of the world?"

And right now!

A golden light tore through the void and came instantly!

Who is it not Yan Guang?

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