Yan Guang's appearance was expected by everyone!

Let Chen Nan's heart be like death!

He underestimated his weight in Yan Guang's heart!

He really shouldn't have been here!

"Yan Guang, you violated the rules set by the five forces!" Ao Lie's eyes lit up: "Do you know what the price of this is?"

Yan Guang sneered: "Since I dare to come, I am not afraid to violate the rules!"

"You, you really impress me!"

"As the number one strong man of the dragon clan, he actually killed a group of weak people!"

Speaking of which!

He looked at Chen Nan: "Brother, are you okay?"

Chen Nan forced a smile: "I'm fine!" "

It's okay!" Yan Guang laughed, and then his gaze fell on Ao Xiaoyu, his eyes full of doubts: "This girl, have we met somewhere?" "

Ao Xiaoyu is full of nervousness!

After all, this is her real father!

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "She is the crystallization of your daughter and sister-in-law!" "

It is a great joy for father and daughter to recognize each other!

But on this occasion, Chen Nan couldn't be happy at all!

Yan Guang directly rolled his eyes: "Don't make such jokes on such a serious occasion!"

"However, your brother still likes this mentality!"

"Even if you face death, you must have a relaxed mind!"

"Yes, some sages have said that death is not terrible!"

"It's just out of time!"

"In some ways, this is no different from a saint!"

His tone was flat, as if he was saying something trivial that didn't matter!

You can see that he is ready for death!

Ao Lie's voice sounded slowly: "He's not kidding, this is indeed your daughter and Ling Xuan!"

Yan Guangmeng frowned, and a chill bloomed in his eyes: "What did you say?"

Ao Lie recalled: "That year, you and I fought each other, and after Ling Xuan died, I brought her back to the Dragon Clan!"

"I originally wanted to bury her in the Dragon Tomb!"

"I accidentally found an egg in her belly!"

"After a thousand years, Ao Xiaoyu came to the world!"

For Yan Guang, these words are no less than five thunders!

Although the strong man of the demon race can give birth to the child in the belly with obsession after death!

But he never dreamed that he had a daughter!

"Xiaoyu is indeed your daughter..." Chen Nan used his spiritual power to transmit sound and tell Yan Guang what he knew and Ao Lie's conspiracy!

Yan Guang burst into tears, and looked at Ao Xiaoyu nervously: "Xiaoyu... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Father... No, no, no... I'm sorry for you!

"I really don't know your news!"

He wanted to call himself his father!

But he never fulfilled his responsibilities as a father!

If he hadn't come here today, he wouldn't have known that he still had a daughter who had been living under Ao Lie's control!

Ao Xiaoyu's eyes were red: "Father... Father, you don't have to say sorry to me!

"I believe that if you knew of my existence, you would definitely go out of your way to save me!"

For the sake of his brother, he can fight hard and come as soon as possible!

Not to mention that she is still his biological daughter!

A father made Yan Guang's tears fall like rain of excitement!

It was the best gift he received before he died!

It's worth it!

He looked at Ao Lie and said coldly: "Ao Lie, I know you want to kill me, but the grudge between us doesn't have to affect the next generation, right?" "

As long as you release Chen Nan and Xiaoyu, I'm willing to tie up Yan Guang and capture them!"

"It's up to you to live or die!"

Ao Lie sneered: "You want to let them live, right?" That's okay, as long as Chen Nan and Ao Xiaoyu stab you one by one, I'll let them go!"

Yan Guang's eyes lit up: "Are you serious?

Ao Lie: "Of course..."

"Of course you immortal plate!" Chen Nan said angrily: "Ao Lie, your means are despicable and do everything you can, can you believe your words?"

"Brother Yan, don't listen to this old fellow!"

"Even if Xiaoyu and I really stab you, he won't be able to let us go!"

Ao Xiaoyu also said: "Yes father, Ao Lie is sinister and despicable, don't believe that he will let us go!" Because he has already let us go once, but he has used an inch of heaven and earth!

"If it weren't for the little uncle thinking we had arrived at the Bird Clan, he wouldn't have asked you for help!"



Yan Guang's eyes were blood-red, and he let out a creepy laugh: "Ao Lie, you really deceive people too much, deceive people too much!"

"You, as before, have despicable means!"

"Teasing my brother, daughter in the palm of your hand!"

"Do you really think that I Yan Guang is a soft persimmon?"

Terrifying demon qi gushed out from his body!

Cover the sky!

"Although there are festivals between you and me, I never wanted to continue this hatred!"

"But you deceive people too much, then you can't blame me!"

As soon as the words fell, he probed his palm towards those dragon clan people at the entrance of the dragon clan!

"Get out of the way!"

A dragon clan powerhouse exclaimed, and quickly dodged away!

However, only the powerhouses of the True Immortal and Immortal Emperor levels dodged!

Some of the Dragon Clan people below the Spirit Immortal Realm were all shrouded in a spatial force!

They seem to be shrouded in glass!

No matter how they struggle, the attack is in vain!

"Father save us!" Ao Thirteen's face turned pale!

A sense of crisis rose in my heart that I had never felt before!


The Dragon King blasted out with a palm!

I want to break that glass cover!

"Give me all to die!"

Yan Guang clenched his fist in the air!

The glass cover shrinks instantly!

At the moment of shrinking, a red blood mist bloomed inside!


Like a flower blooming on the other side of the netherworld!


Ao Lie let out a hysterical roar!

He never expected Yan Guang's control of the power of space to reach such a terrifying realm!

In an instant!

Those dragon clansmen who were shrouded in the power of space were all dead!

The strength of the ninth-level demon emperor is terrifying in itself!

Not to mention that Yan Guang's cultivation is still the art of space!

He can completely use the rules of space to kill people invisibly!

Yan Guang's eyes were bloodshot: "Fool me!"

"Fool my brother and daughter, no!"

"Heaven can't do it, let alone you Ao Lie!"

As soon as the words fell, a silver red tasseled gun appeared in his hand, directly killing Ao Lie!

But his voice echoed in Chen Nan's ears: "Brother, I'm entangled with Ao Lie here, you quickly leave this place with Xiaoyu!"

"In any case, I don't want any danger to either of you!"

"Don't make me die pointless!"

Chen Nantuo held up the Heaven-Swallowing Bowl, his eyes firm: "In this life, I can meet people who are fighting for each other..." Not much!

"I was lucky enough to meet you!"

"You don't hesitate to risk yourself for me!"

"How can I leave you here alone?"

Words fall!

The Heaven-Swallowing Bowl in his hand flew into the air!

The light cyan light spilled from the sky, like a river of stars hanging upside down, shrouding everyone in it!

Chen Nan took off the black long stick: "I will accompany you in this battle!"

"Alive or dead!"

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