"Is that the Heaven Swallowing Bowl?"

"How is this thing in his hands?"

"The power is so strong, the demon qi in my body is being eaten away!"

Those strong people of the dragon clan were taken aback!

Including Ao Lie, who was fighting with Yan Guang, his expression was solemn!

He knows the horror of devouring the heavenly bowl!

But in Chen Nan's hands, the power seemed to be amplified!

"Hahaha, is it the treasure that your dragon clan got when the sky fell?" Yan Guang laughed loudly: "If that's the case, then it's easy to explain!" "

Kill Chen Nan and seize the Heaven Swallowing Bowl!" Ao Lie roared!


An old man of the Dragon Clan appeared in front of Chen Nan in an instant!

He poked out his palm and wanted to kill Chen Nan!

"Give me death!"

Chen Nan picked up the black long stick!

"Even if you have a cultivation comparable to that of the Golden Immortal, the old man is a strong man in the Spirit Immortal Realm, and it is more than enough to kill you!" The old man's eyes were full of disdain, and he raised his hand to grab the black long stick!


Just as soon as he grabbed the black long stick!

A red blood mist exploded in front of his eyes!

His entire arm turned into a mist of blood!

Next moment!

The long black stick slammed heavily on his chest!


His chest was sunken and smashed into the air!

"That stick in his hand is terrifying, and it can ignore the defenses of our dragon clan!" The old man vomited blood, thanks to the tenacity of the dragon clan!

Otherwise, this stick just now could have killed him!


There was a deafening sound of hand-to-hand in the void!

At this time, both Yan Guang and Ao Lie manifested their ontologies!

A thousand-meter-long golden-winged peng!

And a thousand-meter green dragon!

Gold and cyan afterimages keep crashing in the air!

Every time it hits the void, it trembles, giving people a sense of déjà vu that it will be annihilated at any time!

Both of them are the ceiling of the combat power of the demon world!

The Dragon King's attack power is unquestionable!


The Golden-winged Roc is the fastest demon beast in the world!

So much so that even if the two fought dimly, it was very tragic!

But for a while, I don't want to divide the winner and loser!


"I'll meet him!"

A True Immortal Realm dragon clan powerhouse held a long sword to kill Chen Nan!

They must get rid of Chen Nan as soon as possible!

Otherwise, the Heaven Swallowing Bowl would most likely devour their demon qi!

Then they will become fish on the enemy's board!

Chen Nan was not the opponent of a True Immortal Realm powerhouse!

Even after he came to the Dragon Clan, he took a lot of elixirs!

The strength is comparable to the late Golden Immortal Stage!


With the blessings of the heaven-swallowing bowl and serving people with virtue!

Even in the face of the powerhouse of the True Immortal Realm, the situation will not be too miserable!

Seeing that he was a little invincible, Ao Xiaoyu also joined the battle and fought with Chen Nan against that dragon clan powerhouse in the True Immortal Realm!

The cultivation of the early Golden Immortal is not strong!

But after the Dragon King broke the seal of Ao Xiaoyu's bloodline!

Her strength has improved a lot!

Especially I also felt the Dapeng Technique!

With the strength of the Supreme Immortal Realm!

Although you can't kill each other!

But he used his body technique to maneuver with ease, and successfully attracted the attention of that dragon clan powerhouse!

"Mei Niang, come back!"

A dragon clan powerhouse spoke!

"Chen Nan must die today, instead of following him, why not make a wise choice?"

"As long as you can come back, you will still be the number one lady of the dragon clan!"

Mei Niang is a little afraid!

The cultivation of the Golden Immortal Realm is the weakest in the entire scene!

Can't beat and can't beat!

Leaving Chen Nan to escape alone is more or less unjustified!


Can't be like that!

Thinking of this, she looked at the masters of the Dragon Clan and sighed softly: "You all return to the Dragon Clan, don't interfere in the personal grudge between the Dragon King and Yan Guang!"

"In this case, I will give you a face!"

"If, I show a big move..."

"You will regret coming to earth!"

He didn't want to reveal his secrets!

But now...

I don't have a choice!

A middle-aged man was furious: "Give a faceless slut, what can you do to us as a demon clan in the Golden Immortal Realm?" Do you know that getting the favor of my dragon clan powerhouse is a blessing that you cultivated in your previous life?

Mei Niang's face was gloomy: "You forced me, you forced me!"

"In that case, then I'll let you see how good I am!"


With a low roar!

Mei Niang directly manifested the essence!

A black panther of more than ten meters has a lightning mark on his body!

The slender body looks very beautiful!

Especially the black hair, which exudes a ghostly light!

That white lightning mark on his body is a unique feature of Lightning Leopard!

"I'm going to show my big killer!" Lightning Leopard grinned!

Immediately it raised its right hind leg!

The long whip swayed under the terrified eyes of those strong people of the Dragon Clan!

Those strong people of the dragon clan are collectively petrified!

Then a roar erupted!


"Damn it!"

"What is the situation?"

"What the is this? Leopard whip?

"Oh your grandmother!"

"You turned out to be a male leopard?"

"Heaven kills, disgusting Lao Tzu!"

"Are you seriously ill?" Obviously a male leopard, why transform into a woman? That's fun, isn't it?

"Cao Nima, are you polite?"

"Disgusting ~~~" Those

dragon clan powerhouses who had a relationship with Mei Niang collapsed mentally!

How hard they had sex with Mei Niang, how painful it is now!

No one expected that the charming, sultry and seductive mei girl body turned out to be a male monster beast!

This is a huge blow for them!


I want to vomit!

The powerhouse of the True Immortal Realm who fought with Chen Nan even spewed out a mouthful of blood!

I licked the leopard whip?

Chen Nan successfully captured his flaws!

"Gu Dao Kai!"

Long stick prick out!


The intense pain made the other party fly into the air like a rocket rising into the air, and everywhere it passed, there was a rain of blood dripping in the air!

"Little uncle, what is the situation?" Ao Xiaoyu looked at the lightning leopard dumbfounded!

Chen Nan had a feeling of raising his eyebrows: "This guy accidentally transformed into a woman when he transformed into an adult, and then he became a woman for a while!"

"What a personality!" Ao Xiaoyu laughed as he spoke: "The world thinks that you have a lot of green hats on your head, but I think that you fooled many strong people of the dragon clan!" At

first, she also thought that the lightning leopard had given Chen Nan a lot of green hats!

Think that the Lightning Leopard is shameless!

But knowing the truth, she changed her opinion of Chen Nan!

Of course, the lightning leopard is getting sicker!

"Nope!" The Lightning Leopard mocked: "These people of the Dragon Clan can't live!"

"Nothing but clever tongues!"

"What a bunch of little trash that doesn't look good!"

Lightning Leopard's idea is simple, if you can't beat it, it will disgust you to death!


This should be regarded as a dimensionality reduction blow, right?

"Mei Niang, you ruined all my fantasies about women, and today I will kill you!" An old man's eyes widened angrily, and he burst out with monstrous demon qi!

And at this moment, a terrifying aura came from the south like Mount Tai: "Where is Chen Nan Xiaoer, quickly get out and die!" "

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