"Spider Emperor!"

"It's the Spider Emperor of the Heavenly Demon Cave!"

The dragon clan powerhouses all showed their eyes in surprise!

The appearance of the spider emperor was unexpected to them!


They couldn't understand why the Spider Emperor wanted to kill Chen Nan!

Chen Nan also felt a strong sense of oppression!

Immediately, an old man wearing a black robe with a sallow face flew into the air!

This person is the emperor of the Heavenly Demon Cave!

The spider emperor, one of the five combat power ceilings in the demon world today!

The spider emperor levitated in the air, and looked at Chen Nan with indifferent eyes: "Is that you, playing with my sons in the palm of your hand?" "

The Spider Emperor has been in retreat before!

Until I received a summons from the Dragon King, I didn't get out of the customs!

However, the Heavenly Demon Cave has long been a thing!

Only one of the eight sons remained!

After questioning, I learned that their brothers had killed each other, and the other seven had died tragically!

And all this is because of Chen Nan!


Yan Guang is going to die today!

Chen Nan must also die!

Chen Nan looked at the spider emperor and sneered: "It's not that they are too stupid?

"Spider Emperor, quickly break the Heaven-Swallowing Bowl!" Ao Lie's voice came in the air!

"How did the inheritance of your dragon clan fall into the hands of this ant?" The spider emperor's face showed a mocking look!

The five forces seem to be living in peace!

But secretly no one looks down on each other!

Now that you can mock the dragon clan, why not?

That being said!

But he still pinched it with one hand, and a black light blasted towards the Heaven-Swallowing Bowl!


When the Heaven Swallowing Bowl was attacked!

Chen Nan spewed out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably!

After all, the Heaven Swallowing Bowl was controlled by him with spiritual power!

Now that the Heaven Swallowing Bowl has been attacked, he will also endure the backlash!

"Pale golden blood?"

"This son has the resources for sanctification!"

Those strong people of the Dragon Clan all gasped!

Even Ao Lie, who fought with Yan Guang, and the spider emperor were surprised!

Obviously, I didn't expect Chen Nan to have such an opportunity!

This was unexpected to all!

Yan Guang landed on the ground and made sure that Chen Nan was not mortally injured, only then did he breathe a sigh of relief and whispered: "Ao Lie, Spider Emperor, you have also seen the situation of my brother!"

"He himself has the Desolate Ancient Saint Body, and now the blood in his body has also turned pale gold!"

"To put it bluntly, he will be holy in the future!"

Ao Lie and the Spider Emperor did not refute!

The Desolate Ancient Body itself is terrifying!

Not to mention, the blood in Chen Nan's body has changed!

Yan Guang said, "If you stop today!"

"We can act as if nothing happened!"

"If not!"

"Even if I fight to the death, I will send him out!"

"Wait for him to grow up!"

"Whether it's the Dragon Clan or the Demon Spider Clan!"

"It's going to cost you a lot!"

In fact, Yan Guang can now break through the void and send Chen Nan and Ao Xiaoyu out!


This is very risky!

You have to wait for the Qilin Demon Emperor and the White Tiger Demon Emperor to appear!

Because the enemy on the bright side is not terrible!

It's scary for those who hide in the shadows!

After all, crossing the void is very risky, and the slightest mistake will wipe it out!

Ao Lie sneered: "Your bird clan has always been dead set on it, and you want to get more territory!"

"If, Chen Nan really became a saint one day..."

"Will your poultry clan expand its territory outward?"

"At that time, the demon world is afraid that your poultry clan is the only one, right?"

"Instead of that, it is better to strangle him in the cradle in advance!"

The spider emperor looked at Chen Nan and did not hide the heat in his heart: "I have stepped into the peak of the ninth-level demon emperor, and there is no hope of breaking through in this life!"

"If I could eat him..." Gee, I should be able to ascend into the God Realm, right? "

Chen Nan is like a fragrant glutton!

After all, there was pale golden blood flowing in his body!

This is a great opportunity for others!

"In that case, let's fight to the death!" Yan Guang said and killed Ao Lie again!


The Spider Emperor also launched an attack towards the Heaven Swallowing Bowl!


The Heaven-Swallowing Bowl was attacked, and Chen Nan spewed out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably!

"Give me, give me, spit on me!" The lightning leopard looked fanatical and caught the blood that Chen Nan vomited out with his mouth!

It didn't know that Chen Nan had the Desolate Ancient Holy Body before!

Now that I know, then my blood must not be wasted!


Many strong people of the dragon clan let out a dry gag!

I never expected that the lightning leopard that transformed into a body turned out to be so disgusting!

Every time I think about all the things that happened between them and Mei Niang, it feels like eating a piece of!

Chen Nan's state is very bad!

The spider emperor's attack caused his spiritual power to be damaged!

The heaven-swallowing bowl is crumbling!

The light cyan light also became weaker!

At the moment when the Heaven-Swallowing Bowl was about to fall!

Yan Guang waved his arm, wrapped Chen Nan, Ao Xiaoyu, and the lightning leopard flew towards the east quickly!

He was extremely fast, flying out tens of thousands of miles in an instant!

Under the firmament!

A black light flashed!

An ink unicorn stepped on Xiangyun and looked at Yan Guang indifferently: "Yan Guang, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Damn it!" Yan Guang was furious!

Although he guessed that the Qilin Demon Emperor might block him, he really bumped into the other party, and his heart was still very heavy!

The White Tiger Demon Emperor appeared in the south: "Yan Guang, you violated the rules set by the five forces at the same time and stepped into the territory of the dragon clan without authorization!"

"Today, you can't go anywhere except the Yin Cao Di Mansion!"


Ao Lie and the Spider Emperor also rushed over!

One of them blocked the West, the other blocked the North!

Now, the blockade on all sides has forced Yan Guang, Chen Nan, Ao Xiaoyu and Lightning Leopard into a corner!

Yan Guang tore through the void with his bare hands, intending to send Chen Nan and the others away!


Apart from this, he couldn't protect Chen Nan and the others at all!

Even if he is a Golden-winged Dapeng, he cannot face the siege of four Demon Realm supremes at the same time!


The four demon realm ceilings did not give him a chance!

The four of them cast spells at the same time, sealing the void!

It is obvious that they have already figured out Yan Guang's means and have long been prepared!

Ao Lie smiled viciously: "Since ancient times, there has been no undefeated race in the demon race, but your Golden-winged Dapeng has not fallen!"

"But today, you must die!"

The spider emperor also grinned: "If you can kill a golden-winged roc in this life, it can be regarded as a wasted life!" "

Kill me? Let's see what you can do! Yan Guang snorted coldly, and then waved his wings: "Void crack!" "


Invisible wind spreads!


The void is like an ice crack, directly revealing Dao cracks!

The rift centered on him instantly spread in all directions!

Where time passes!

As if eternal!

But the four demon races' combat power ceilings shot at the same time, but they imprisoned this void!

Even if Yan Guang wanted to take the opportunity to escape, there was no chance!

Ao Lie's voice was like thunder: "Yan Guang, today you are destined to die!" Heavenly King Laozi can't save you when he comes! A

sense of despair rose in Yan Guang's heart!

He knew that it was tricky to face the four demon realm supremes, but he didn't expect that in the face of the four people, he didn't even have the power to fight back!


The weak Chen Nan let out a sinister laugh that was almost crazy: "Who lives and who dies, it seems that it is not certain!" The

spider emperor snorted coldly: "You are an ant, can it be that you want to shake the sky?" "

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