In fact!

Even if Ao Xiaoyu doesn't say it!

Chen Nan and the others also felt a terrifying divine power emanating above that drop of dragon blood!

They all felt a strong sense of oppression!

Mo said Chen Nan!

Even Kuiba and the others felt breathless!

Even if they all have the cultivation of a ninth-level demon emperor, they are invincible in the world!

But it's just dominating in the immortal world!

It is simply impossible to withstand the horror of dragon's blood!

Yan Guang instantly disappeared in place!

He wants to stop Ao Lie from taking dragon blood!


Ao Lie's speed is faster!

Swallow that drop of divine dragon blood in one gulp!


In a flash!

There seemed to be a dragon groan in the depths of the nine heavens!

This dragon chant seemed to have traveled through the endless river of time and space, coming from the other side of the starry sky!

It seems to sound in the deepest part of everyone's heart!


Everyone had a feeling of distraction and blood qi flowing backwards!

Took dragon blood!

Ao Lie's momentum skyrocketed in vain!

He was furious and exuded unparalleled power!

He waved it casually!

Yan Guangkou, who was hiding in the void, spat out blood and was fanned away!

Even if the vision has the strength of a ninth-level demon emperor!

But in the face of Ao Lie, who swallowed the blood of the divine dragon, he was vulnerable!

"Together, we must kill him today!" Kuiba roared and rushed over!

The two tigers and the black-tailed monkey also killed Ao Lie at the same time!

They are very strong!

But Ao Lie's eyes were full of disdain!


As soon as these words come out!

The figure of the three-headed peerless demon suddenly stopped!

Then he punched out!

The Void of Annihilation instantly devoured the three Great Demons!

This punch!


It is not something that a ninth-level demon emperor can resist at all!

"Not good!"

Yan Guang exclaimed!

Directly cast the Great Peng Technique, entered the void of annihilation, and rescued the three Great Demons!

You must know that once swallowed by the Void Rift, even a ninth-level demon emperor will be trapped alive in it!

Although the three great demons were rescued!

But he was seriously injured!

"This is so terrifying that it can't be beaten at all!" Kuiba was covered in blood, and his eyes were extremely solemn!

No matter how strong their strength is, they have only reached the ninth level of the Demon Emperor!

But now!

Ao Lie's strength surpassed that of a ninth-level demon emperor!

Mo said that they, even if all the powerhouses in the immortal world went together, they could not be his opponents!

"Brother Ao, hurry up and kill these ants!" The spider emperor's eyes lit up, he thought that he would definitely die, but he didn't expect that Ao Lie would have this kind of means!

If it weren't for the fear of him, the spider emperor would have already broken his mouth and cursed!

Your mother!

There are obviously means, but why not use them?

If you had come out earlier, would we have been so badly injured?

Ao Lie looked at the spider emperor and blasted out a palm!

The spider emperor's face was sallow and he dodged desperately, but he was still hit by the palm wind, and he spat out blood in his mouth: "Ao Lie, have you forgotten that we are allies?" Why are you killing me?

Chen Nan's eyes were solemn: "Haven't you seen that Ao Lie wants to kill you and become the lord of the demon world?" "

Ao Lie took the Divine Dragon Blood beyond his expectation!

But it also makes sense!

After all, the Dragon Clan is the strongest race in heaven and earth!

Can there be no means and background of some terror?

Right now!

The only thing he could do was to let these ninth-level demon emperors join forces against Ao Lie!

If not...

Everyone has to die!

The Qilin Demon Emperor's eyes were hideous: "Ao Lie, I really didn't expect you to be so despicable!"

"Join forces together, and kill Ao Lie today no matter what!" The White Tiger Demon Emperor stood up weakly, but the anger in his eyes was incomparable!

They originally thought of joining forces with Ao Lie to kill Yan Guang, and then divide the territory of the poultry clan!

But I never expected it!

At the critical moment, Ao Lie would actually attack them!

This made them feel a strong remorse in their hearts!

You shouldn't have joined forces with Ao Lie at all!

Even if Yan Guang violated the rules set by the five forces, he went to the Dragon Clan to save people single-handedly!

In fact, they don't have to mix this kind of thing!

But because of the greed in their hearts, they encountered the crisis in front of them!

Now that I think about it, I really regret it!

"The blood of the divine dragon can only last for a quarter of an hour, as long as you can delay Ao Lie for a quarter of an hour, he will lose the power of the divine dragon!" Ao Xiaoyu spoke!

She has lived in the dragon clan since she was a child and knows the horror of the blood of the divine dragon!

I also know that the blood of the Divine Dragon can only last for a quarter of an hour!


The spider emperor transformed into a body and spewed terrifying spider silk towards Ao Lie!

The spider silk transformed into a large web covering the sky in the air, shrouded towards Ao Lie!

Mo Qilin spat out black light!

The White Tiger Demon Emperor let out a deafening roar!

Kuiba even lifted a mountain and smashed it towards Ao Lie!


The eight ninth-level demon emperors including Xiaohong, as well as Liu Qing, all shot at the same time!

"Even if it's only a quarter of an hour? How can you ants alone harm this king? Ao Lie was full of spirit, and he was quietly suspended in the air!

No matter how violent the opponent's attack was, they were all resisted by the divine light on his body!

It's hard to hurt him at all!

This is the difference between immortals and gods!

Even the weakest god will not be killed by the immortals!

This moment!

Everyone felt despair like never before!

Even if there are many of them, they can't help Ao Lie!

"Next, isn't it time for me to strike?"

Ao Lie was like an emperor who dominated the sky, he looked down on everyone and waved his hand!

The attacks launched by those strong people on him disappeared in an instant!

Then a terrifying divine power came from the Nine Heavens, like a sacred mountain falling on everyone's shoulders!



Everyone could not withstand this divine power, and those big demons were all lying on the ground, and their mouths were emitting a mournful cry!

Chen Nan and the others also knelt down on one knee!

This divine power is too terrifying!

It's not at all something they can eat!

"My body is about to split!" The Lightning Leopard is the weakest cultivator among the people, and the most ordinary bloodline, and Dao cracks have appeared on its body, and blood is flowing like a pour!

Ao Xiaoyu is also not good!

Chen Nan is relatively better, but his body can't move!


An unprecedented despair filled his heart!

It is clear that Ao Lie can only maintain a blaze of incense for a long time!

But they couldn't hold out for that long!

Ao Lie stepped on the void!

Every step is like stepping on a space node!

It's like stepping on everyone's heart!

Every time his footsteps fell, everyone spewed out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably!

Too strong!

The blood of the divine dragon contains terrifying divine power!

This moment!

Ao Lie is the only master of heaven and earth!

He appeared in the sky above Chen Nan, his eyes were indifferent: "I didn't expect that you had so many chances, not only can Yan Guang be born and die for you!"

"You can even make the fifth season obey your orders!"

"Even if these beasts of Nirvana Mountain are fighting for you!"

"It's a pity that they are still too weak!"

"Aren't they trying to save you?"

"In that case, then I will behead you first in front of them!"

He turned his palm into a knife and slashed towards Chen Nan!

This move destroys the decay!

Exudes earth-destroying energy!

Everyone was sallow and felt cardiac arrest!

The despair in their hearts made them extremely remorseful and angry!

But they can't do anything!

I could only watch that sword qi slash towards Chen Nan!

It's just the right time!

A golden light met that sword qi in Chen Nan's storage magic weapon!

Who is this thing, not the dragon egg?

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