Golden dragon eggs soar into the sky!

This light even covered up Ao Lie's attack!

This moment!

Everyone's breath froze!

I didn't expect that Chen Nan still had the means!

When it is clear that it is an egg!

Everyone showed disappointed expressions again!

It's just an egg!

How could he resist the fatal blow of Ao Lie, who had taken the blood of the Divine Dragon?


Ao Lie's attack collided with the dragon egg, and a dull sound erupted!



"This egg actually blocked Ao Lie's attack?"

Everyone's scalp is numb!

This surprised everyone!

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe it!



Just before people could react!

The dragon egg made a crisp cracking sound!

Fine cracks shrouded the entire dragon egg!

"What is it?"

Ao Lie's eyes revealed inexplicable unease!

For some reason!

He felt a sense of foreboding!

This hunch is ridiculous!

But it's also very real!

Even if he had taken the blood of the Divine Dragon, his soul was trembling now!


Without warning!

A dragon roar resounded above the nine heavens!

"Look at the sky!"

Someone exclaimed!

Everyone looked at Nine Heavens in unison!

I saw the phantom of a five-clawed green dragon with a body length appear in the depths of the nine heavens!

It twists its huge figure and exudes a dragon power that makes people tremble!

"Green dragon, five-clawed green dragon!"

"Is this the existence of one of the four divine beasts?"

"My soul is trembling!"

"Oh my God, how so!"

Those big demons on the ground are all sallow faces!

The strongest of the dragon clan is the five-clawed golden dragon!

But there is also an existence above the five-clawed golden dragon!

That was the Blue Dragon Divine Beast, one of the legendary Four Divine Beasts!

This is a terrifying existence that overrides the entire dragon clan!

And according to legend, there is only one green dragon divine beast in the world!

It is an immortal existence!


This moment!

Dragon egg shattered!

A green dragon with a body length of more than one meter appeared in the sky!

Although it is only a little over a meter long!

But its whole body emits a cyan glow!

Longwei is full of heaven and earth!

Ao Lie's mentality collapsed!

He didn't expect to meet the Blue Dragon Divine Beast in this life!

He felt the suppression of his bloodline!

Even though he had taken the blood of the Divine Dragon, his body was trembling at this time!

"Just you, you also want to hurt Chen Nan?" The green dragon spat out words, and the light in those small eyes made Ao Lie's heart like death!

He knelt in the air and shivered: "The junior is at fault, and ask the ancestor's subordinates to show mercy and spare the younger generation's life!" "

Even if this green dragon in front of you is still a cub!

But according to the generation, Ao Lie also has to call the ancestor!

Everyone else gasped!

What's going on?

Doesn't it mean that there is only one green dragon divine beast in the world?

But why did a cub of the Green Dragon Divine Beast appear in front of him?

Chen Nan's eyes widened as well!

He didn't expect this guy to be a green dragon!

"Let me let you live!" The green dragon cub flew in the air: "A thousand elixirs that are more than 100,000 years old, and a million top-grade fairy stones!" "

That's it!

The Dragon King almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood!

A thousand elixirs that are more than 100,000 years old are rare in themselves!

Not to mention that there are a million top-grade fairy stones!

Chen Nan was overjoyed!

If he had enough elixirs, he wouldn't have to worry about the elixirs!

A thousand elixirs should be able to give you the strength of the Immortal Realm!

"Not willing, huh? Okay, I'll send you to die!" Seeing that the Dragon King hesitated, the green dragon cub let out a roar!

"Willing willing, willing!"

The Dragon King immediately confessed!

Although taking out so many treasures will set the dragon family's economy back tens of thousands of years, there is nothing else to worry about in order to survive!

The green dragon cub said, "I have one more condition!" Your clan needs to be loyal to Chen Nan and take the lead with his orders!"

"Ancestor, can you change it..." Good, good, everything is at your disposal! Ao Lie originally wanted to discuss with the green dragon cub, but after seeing the other party's eyes, he quickly lowered his head!

Although he didn't want to recognize Lord Chen Nan!

But taking a step back and thinking about it, recognizing Chen Nan as the master, isn't it equivalent to climbing the relationship of the ancestor?

"Mo Qilin, White Tiger, Eight-Eyed Demon Spider, you also besieged Chen Nan before, right?" The green dragon cub looked at the other three big demons: "Little Master is not a bully, let alone embarrassing you!"

"The three of you each took out a thousand elixirs that are more than 100,000 years old, and 500,000 top-grade immortal stones!"

"And recognize Chen Nan as the master!"

"In this way, Xiaoye let you leave!"

"Otherwise, let's die, okay?"

Mo Qilin, White Tiger and Eight-Eyed Demon Spider were all dumbfounded!

They are not as rich as the dragons!

If they took out so many cultivation resources, they would definitely be ruined!

"Come on little darling, lift your Heavenly Spirit Cover and let me taste your brain pulp!" The black-tailed monkey monster smiled and appeared next to the spider emperor: "Your demon spider family has a big head, there should be a lot of brain pulp, I only take a third, right?" Er

Hu also appeared next to the Tiger Emperor: "Come, chop the whip, let me taste your tiger whip is delicious or not!"

Kuiba appeared next to Mo Qilin: "I just want to taste your claws!" "

Their strength is strong in itself!

Not to mention that there are green dragon cubs to rely on at this time!

Even more unscrupulous!

"Senior, we are willing to agree to your conditions!" The spider emperor was the first to show his attitude, he didn't want to be killed!

Mo Qilin: "I am also willing!" The

White Tiger Demon Emperor: "It's the same!"

"Swear, then go back and get the elixir and senshi!" The green dragon cub's eyes were indifferent!

The four great demons did not dare to hesitate!

Make an oath now!

This effective is loyal to Chen Nan!

If you violate this oath, the sky will strike thunder!

Spirits are gone!

"Get out!" The green dragon cub groaned, frightening the four big demons and fleeing!

They had no doubt that if they didn't listen to the green dragon cubs, the other party would twitch them!

Peeled their skins!

The green dragon cub landed on Chen Nan's shoulder, looked at Yan Guang, and revealed a pleased gaze: "Although your Golden-winged Dapeng's ancestor is a traitor, you are not bad!" Yan

Guang had many questions, but he didn't dare to ask more!

The green dragon cub looked at Kuiba and the others again: "Although you have cultivated the Heavenly Demon Transformation, you are from Nirvana Mountain after all, go back, it is more suitable for you!" "


Kuiba also knew that they couldn't leave for too long!

Once they leave Nirvana Mountain for too long, their souls will be damaged!

"Brother Chen Nan, haven't eaten my bear paw for a long time?" Kuiba grinned and broke two bear paws with two clicks: "You keep this thing and eat it!"

"If you want to eat it in the future, let someone pass on a message, and I will ask Xiaohong to send it to you!"

Erhu is eating roasted tiger whips!

Hearing this, without saying a word, he picked up a knife and cut off his basket balls: "Take the road to fill your hunger!"

Seeing this, the black-tailed monkey silently lifted his heavenly spirit cover, took out a spoonful of brain pulp with a spoon, and his eyes were confused: "I estimate that I will have to sleep for ten days and ten nights after I go back!"

Chen Nan hugged his fist towards them: "Today's grace is not rewarded, if there is a need in the future, within my ability, I can order it at any time!"


Kuiba, Erhu, Black-tailed Monkey jumped!

Little Red flew over, caught them, and turned into a golden light and flew towards the distant Nirvana Mountain!

At this time, the lightning leopard suddenly let out an excited cry: "Master, do you say that we now rule the entire demon world and become the lord of the demon world?" "

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