Chen Nan: "Apart from us, there seems to be no one else, right?"

Mei Niang asked anxiously, "Then what to do?" "

Nonsense! Of course escape! Chen

Nan immediately cast the Dapeng Technique and fled towards the west!

Meiniang also manifested her body and followed Chen Nan closely!

Those soldiers guarding the Eastern Wilderness City never expected their speed to be so fast!

They didn't even know which direction Chen Nan and Meiniang fled to!

"Boss, what's going on, why are they arresting us?" The lightning leopard looked aggrieved, thinking that he could live a comfortable life in the human world with Chen Nan!

He Chengxiang was wanted just after coming!

In an instant!

Chen Nan and the Lightning Leopard had already escaped from the Eastern Wilderness City, and his expression was solemn: "If I'm not mistaken, something should have happened to Xuan Yumen, otherwise they wouldn't call us Xuan Yumen remnants!"

"So what do we do?" Lightning Leopard asked listlessly!

Chen Nan looked to the west: "Go to Xiping County first and see if you can get the identity of a Wu countryman, so that you can ride the teleportation array!" "

He must go to Zhongzhou to find out the whereabouts of Concubine Yu!

Because that's what he promised!

After leaving the demon world, I will visit her as soon as possible!

"This place is 80,000 miles away from Xiping County, and with your speed, you can arrive in five more days!" Chen Nan said and rode on the back of the lightning leopard!

Lightning Leopard almost didn't scold the girl!

And let the leopard master be a coolie!

Chen Nandao: "The most important thing is that we have to get the legal identity cards of the people of Wu Country, otherwise it will be difficult to move an inch!" Lightning

Leopard said depressedly: "Don't talk to Leopard Master about this kind of brainy thing, Leopard Master doesn't want to hear it!"

Chen Nan couldn't help but say, "You say, will someone send us two ID cards?"

Lightning Leopard rolled his eyes: "Do you think this is possible?"

"Not necessarily!" Chen Nan: "Previously in the demon world, when I went to the dragon clan, I used to fantasize about meeting an extremely fast mount to send me over, hey, guess what?"

Lightning Leopard: "What's the matter?"

Chen Nan smiled and said, "You will appear in the next second!" Lightning

Leopard's tone was unpleasant: "The leopard master smelled the elixir before he appeared in front of you..." Who would have thought you were a freak! "

Right now!

A sword light tore through the sky and slashed in front!

Lightning Leopard and Chen Nan both shone with their eyes!

One man and one leopard stopped on a hill that was not high!

Looking ahead, a group of big men appeared in the air on a flying bird, and there were more than thirty people in the eyes!

Everyone is full of anger, and at a glance you can tell that it is not a good class!

As for strength, only the Xuan Immortal Realm!

Only the one-eyed dragon led by him has reached the realm of golden fairy!

The one-eyed dragon carried a long black knife on his shoulder, and his eyes were fierce: "This road is opened by me, this tree is planted by me, if you want to live here, leave the road to buy money!"

The lightning leopard looked at Chen Nan in surprise: "Can you follow your words?" Why did someone really send it to the door?

Chen Nan coughed lightly: "The main thing is that we are too lucky!"

"It's really your luck to meet us!" The one-eyed dragon sneered: "If you encounter other mountain bandits and they don't say a word, they will kill you!" The

one-eyed dragon said impatiently: "Hurry, leave 10,000 immortal stones for one person, if not, I will send you to the Western Heavens!"

"This kind of little garbage leopard master disdains to make a move, you can see for yourself!" Lightning leopard lacks interest, not at all interested!

Chen Nan: "I don't want to bully the small with the big either!" "

With the Supreme Immortal Realm, he really doesn't want to bully a group of weak people!

Chen Nan looked at the one-eyed dragon: "What, give us two identity plates, and I'll let you guys live!"

"Third brother, I feel that this guy's head is sick!"

"Yes, he is obviously a cultivator of the Mahayana realm, but now he is ashamed!"

The eyes of those mountain bandits looking at Chen Nan and the Lightning Leopard were full of disdain!

Although their cultivation is not very strong, it is easy to crush a cultivator in the Mahayana period!

"Even if we have a disease in the head, it cannot be a reason to despise us!" The one-eyed dragon waved his big hand: "Go kill them and seize the storage bags on them!" "


More than a dozen figures flashed in the air, killing Chen Nan and the Lightning Leopard!

"This human with fine skin and tender flesh, one blow is fatal!"

"Don't hurt him too badly, I'll keep his flesh and go back to drink!"

The one-eyed dragon's eyes bloom with essence!

Hearing this, Chen Nan moved with killing intent in his heart!

It's just a home robbery!

It hurts people's lives, but they have to be brought back to drink!

How can such a person's sins be forgiven?

He removed the black long stick behind him, cast the Great Peng Technique, and disappeared on the hill!

Chen Nan's sudden disappearance shocked everyone!

Including the one-eyed dragon's eyes, there is an incredible gaze!

A Mahayana ant!

How could it be so fast?

Just before he could react!

A dazzling blood mist suddenly bloomed in the air!

Like a red rose blooming in the snow!


The one-eyed dragon gasped!

He could see that those blood mist were exactly the ones that erupted after the death of his men!

"Third brother, this guy's strength is a bit strong!"

"He must have hidden his cultivation!"

The eyes of the more than ten middle-aged people behind the one-eyed dragon were uneasy, and they were all shocked by Chen Nan's strength!

"Lao Tzu is a powerhouse in the Golden Immortal Realm, looking at the entire Immortal Cultivation Realm, which is also the mainstay, how can he be afraid of him?" The one-eyed dragon shouted angrily, holding a long knife and slashing at Chen Nan!

The strength of Golden Wonderland is very strong!

With a slash, the void shook!


Chen Nan backhanded a stick and collided with the opponent's long knife!

Burst out like thunder!

"Just because of you, you are also worthy of killing Lao Tzu?" The one-eyed dragon was full of disdain!

But the next moment!

The long knife in his hand shattered directly!

It made his scalp numb and creepy!

His weapon is a medium-grade immortal weapon!

It was destroyed by a black stick that looked bad?

Just before the one-eyed dragon could come back to its senses in shock, the long stick slammed heavily on his chest with a momentum like a broken bamboo!


The one-eyed dragon felt an unparalleled power instantly injected into his body!

Next second!

His figure exploded into a blood mist in the air!

On the verge of death, he never expected that a Mahayana realm cultivator would be so terrifying!

"The three leaders have been killed, run away!"

The remaining more than ten mountain bandits were numb in their scalps, but they didn't expect that the one-eyed dragon would be killed by Chen Nan, an ant!

Immediately order the birds to escape!

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the eyes of Chen Nan and the Lightning Leopard!

Seeing Chen Nan fall on his back, the lightning leopard fox asked suspiciously: "Why did you let them escape?" At your speed, you can kill them!

Chen Nan's face flashed with a hint of cruelty: "If you want to directly attack the yellow dragon, you can't follow them and find their base camp?" "

Go, catch up!"

"Today, Lao Tzu will definitely kill these thieves!"

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