Black Wind Ridge!

"Big brother, second brother, something happened!"

"The third brother was killed by a cultivator of the Mahayana realm!"

When Li Ye and Shi Tong were drinking and celebrating the time when they had just made a big ticket!

More than a dozen people broke in outside!

"What do you say? The third elder was killed by a Mahayana cultivator? Li Ye's face was full of hideousness, and he angrily dropped the head in his hand, and his eyes were full of cruelty!

"Yes, the third brother was killed by a Mahayana stage cultivator, and directly blasted into scum!" The middle-aged man's face is full of nervousness!


Li Ye raised his hand and shot out a blazing flame, burning the middle-aged man into ashes: "Although the third elder's strength is not strong, he has also reached the early stage of the Golden Immortal, how can a cultivator kill him and blast him into slag?"

"Do you think I'm going to believe your nonsense?"

More than a dozen other people knelt on the ground with a snort in fear!

What they say is clearly true!

But I can't say it!

Who says who dies!

Right now!

An indifferent voice sounded: "You should believe them!" Those

dozen middle-aged people turned their heads in unison!

After seeing Chen Nan, everyone showed incredible eyes!

It seems that I didn't expect him to chase after me!

After returning to his senses, a middle-aged man pointed at Chen Nan and said, "Big brother, it's him, it's him who killed the third brother!"

Li Ye looked at Chen Nan!

He didn't believe that a Mahayana cultivator could kill a strong person in the Golden Immortal Realm!


He felt a familiar breath on the other party's long stick!

"Young man, if you kill my brother and come to the door, you don't think you put my Black Wind Ridge in your eyes, right?" The second leader Shitong slowly spoke, his eyes were indifferent, like a femme fatale!

"If I put your Black Wind Ridge in my eyes, how could I come here?" Chen Nan's gaze locked on the table, where there were two foods similar to human arms!

On the wall at the back of the hall are dozens or hundreds of human skulls!

It's obvious!

They really eat people!

Li Ye stared at the long stick on Chen Nan's shoulder, and a flash of heat flashed in his eyes: "You just used this stick to kill the third man?"

"Why, you want me baby?" Chen Nan said and took off the long stick behind him: "Since you want it, then give it to you!" "

Say and throw it forward!

Li Ye reached out and grabbed the long stick!

But at the moment of grabbing the long stick, unparalleled power swept over, slipping to the ground in his hand, emitting a deafening roar!

Li Ye's face is sallow!

Heart palpitations!

Thanks to your quick reaction!

The arm will most likely be scrapped!


"Run away!"

"Don't eat me!"

There was a scream of the mountain bandits outside!

"No need to look, your opponent is me!" Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent, and after coming to the mountain, he parted ways with the lightning leopard!

At this time, the lightning leopard is killing the mountain bandits in the mountains!

Don't give them a glimmer of life!

"Who the hell are you?" Li Ye's eyes were gloomy, although Chen Nan only had the peak cultivation of the Mahayana period, he did not dare to underestimate it in the slightest!

Because the weight of that long black stick is really terrifying!

"For the people of the Skywalker!"

Chen Nan grabbed the black long stick and killed Li Ye and Shi Tong!

Both of them have the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm!

Although afraid of Chen Nan!

But also all go all out!

However, in terms of hand-to-hand combat, Chen Nan has not been afraid of others!

He himself is fierce in the flesh!

Not to mention the long black sticks!

With the whistling of black sticks!

The two bandit leaders of the Golden Immortal Realm were killed instantly!

It was not Chen Nan's opponent at all!

Mo said that the two were golden immortals, and even the supreme immortals were not Chen Nan's opponents!

When Chen Nan walked outside, the lightning leopard also walked over: "These people are very weak, and slaughtering them does not experience the slightest sense of accomplishment!"

Chen Nan looked in the direction of the back mountain: "There are detained people there, rescue them and let's continue on the road!" "Good


One person and one leopard go to the back mountain!

The dungeon has been opened!

In the dungeon, dozens of people who were captured by the bandits were held, most of them were young and middle-aged!

When they were saved, they were all grateful to Chen Nan, and even kowtowed!

Then Chen Nan asked them for two identity plates, as long as they had it, they had the legal identity of Wu Guo and could ride the teleportation array!

As for those two, they can go to the official office to make up for it!

Not a big problem!

"Benefactor, please stay!"

Just when Chen Nan and the Lightning Leopard were about to continue on their way!

A young man in his twenties, wearing a black brocade robe, suddenly spoke: "May I ask where the two benefactors are going?" Is it a trip to Zhongzhou? Can you give me a ride along the way? "

This is an Immortal Cultivator of the Heavenly Immortal Realm!

Handsome and handsome, Qiyu Xuanang!

Just looking at the dress and momentum is not an ordinary person!

Chen Nan: "Are you from Zhongzhou?" The

young man said respectfully: "Yes, my name is Wu Sheng, and I am from Zhongzhou!"

"Because there was an accident riding the teleportation array, I was teleported here and captured by the mountain bandits of Black Wind Ridge!"

"Then you follow us!" The purpose of Chen Nan's trip is to go to Zhongzhou!

It's just that he doesn't know much about the situation over there in Zhongzhou!

Having a Zhongzhou person can save a lot of work!

Lightning leopard wants to scold the mother!

There is an essential difference between carrying one person and two people!

You promised simply!

But have you ever considered the feelings of the leopard master?

But Chen Nandu spoke, and it can't change anything!

The two of them and a leopard greeted the sunset and continued to the west!

Chen Nan asked curiously: "Wu Sheng, you are from Zhongzhou, do you know what happened to Xuanyu Gate?"

Wu Sheng didn't know why Chen Nan inquired about this, but he still said, "I heard that Xuan Yumen practiced demonic skills, and then was suppressed by the imperial court!"

"Now that the Xuan Yu Gate has long disappeared into the Immortal Realm, thousands of disciples, only a few have escaped!"

The immortal world is divided into three realms: people, demons, and demons!

Among them, the power of the demon world is the smallest!

But the demon world is not satisfied with this status quo.

For so many years, it has been infiltrating the human world in various ways.

Think of being able to combine inside and outside, and then capture the territory of the Terrans!

And spreading magic skills is the most insidious and effective way!

Because the eight immortal emperors of the Terran race had made rules that no one was allowed to practice demonic skills, otherwise they would be regarded as traitors!

The traitors are no joke!

Once regarded as a traitor, not only everyone in the entire sect will be killed!

Even those disciples would even curse Nine Plants!

Hearing that the cultivation of the Demon Race Exercises was going to curse Nine Plants, Chen Nan's heart trembled!

Shouldn't Concubine Yu be dead anymore?

After hesitating, Chen Nan asked again: "How long has it been since the Xuan Yu Gate was destroyed?"

Wu Sheng said, "It's been more than four years!" Chen

Nan was overjoyed!

It was three years ago that he and Concubine Yu separated in the poultry clan!

Other words!

Four years ago, the Xuan Yu Gate was destroyed, and it did not affect her!

Thinking about it like this, Chen Nan felt a lot more relaxed!

Even if the Xuan Yu Gate is destroyed!

He can also go to Concubine Yu's house in Zhongzhou to find her!

Tell her!

The poison in his body has been solved!

Can give her the pleasure she deserves as a woman!

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