What happened to Han Yuanshan in the hands of Meiniang, Chen Nan does not know!

But one thing is obvious!

Once Meiniang and Han Yuanshan hook up, they will definitely go to the Yu family to withdraw from marriage!

After all, that product really understands men!

And Chen Nan taught her a lot of difficult postures!

How hard is it to get a Han Wonsan?

This does not!

Noon the next day!

Han Wonshan let people go to Yufu!

Why... What else is there besides divorce?

Yu Mingzhi and Guan Hanliu were directly stunned after hearing this!

I didn't expect that Han Wonshan would really come to withdraw from the marriage!

"Why did it become like this?"

"Didn't Young Master Han always want to marry a concubine?"

"Seeing that he is about to get married, how can he repent of marriage?"

Yu Mingzhi couldn't accept this!

"It's all to blame Chen Nan's crow mouth, this matter is his responsibility!" Guan Hanliu said indignantly!

Concubine Yu's face was full of surprise: "Mother, how does this have anything to do with Big Brother Chen?" Do you still make sense?

"Shut up!"

Yu Mingzhi snorted angrily, and then looked at the people in the mansion: "You go and inquire, why did the young master of the Han family withdraw from marriage with us!" "

The Yu family is engaged in the medicinal herbs business!

Before Xuan Yumen was destroyed, their business was pretty good!

After all, her daughter Concubine Yu is one of the Tianjiao in Xuanyu Gate, and many people have to give face to some extent!

Even most of the medicinal herbs used by Xuan Yumen were purchased from the Yu family!

But with the collapse of the Xuan Yu Gate, the Yu family's business plummeted!

Therefore, they must find a strong foreign aid to help the Yu family tide over the difficulties!

And the Han family is the best choice!

The next person soon returned to Yufu!

"Sir, found out!" The next person gasped and said, "A beautiful and unparalleled flower kui came to the heavens and earth yesterday!"

"Young Master Han spent the night with her yesterday, and now he has returned to the Han family and asked for silver taels to redeem that Hua Kui!"

Yu Fei's eyes were full of disgust: "It's really a dog that can't change eating!" "

Yu Mingzhi's face is sallow!

Obviously, he didn't expect that Han Yuanshan was actually about to retire from his affair with the Yu family because he took a fancy to a dusty woman!

His own daughter is the former Tianjiao of Xuan Yumen!

How can it not be compared to a dusty woman?

The anger in his heart!

Yu Mingzhi said angrily: "Even so, the Han family doesn't want this family matter!" "

Concubine Yu is overjoyed in her heart!

Guan Hanliu seemed to see through the thoughts in her daughter's heart, and said strangely: "Even if you can't marry into the Han family, we will never allow you to interact with Chen Nan!"

Yu Mingzhi's face was gloomy: "Yes, you are also one of the seven Tianjiao of Xuan Yumen, why not Han Yuanshan who wants to marry you?"

"Are you marrying your daughter, or are you selling it?" Concubine Yu's heart was like a knife, and she never dreamed that her parents, who had cared for her so much, would become like strangers!

This change made her feel almost suffocated!

Of course!

She also knew that the root of all this was because Xuan Yumen had fallen!

If not, they would not dare to treat themselves like this!

"Send the young lady back to the room, and don't allow her to go out without my permission!" Yu Mingzhi directly issued a ban, forbidding his daughter to go out and prevent eloping with Chen Nan!

"Daan, can you go to the Star Tower and give this letter to Chen Nan?" Concubine Yu wrote a letter and handed it to the subordinates of Yu Mansion!


Da'an is the one who opened the door for Chen Nan yesterday!

Thinking of Chen Nan's generosity, he immediately took the letter written by Concubine Yu and stuffed it into his arms!

Then go to the Star Picking Tower!

Inquired into Chen Nan's room and gave the letter to Chen Nan!

"Thank you Brother Da An for taking a special trip, please smile!" Chen Nan took out some fairy stones and gave them to the other party, after all, it is not convenient to contact here, and having someone running errands in the middle can save a lot of things!

Daan was overjoyed, and then left!

Chen Nan spread out the letter!

Knowing what Yu Mingzhi and his wife did, Chen Nan was a little surprised!

I never expected that Yu Mingzhi and his wife would be so snobbish!

This was beyond his expectation!

This moment!

His brain is racing!

Think of countermeasures!

"Ordinary people can't ride the transnational teleportation array!"

"Not even if you have more money!"

"Unless you become a businessman!"

"And he is also a businessman with a head and a face in Zhongzhou City!"

There are no restrictions on riding the teleportation array in Wu Country, as long as you have money, you can go anywhere!

But riding the Transnational Teleportation Array is very limited!

Unless well-known businessmen!

"Also, the transnational teleportation array is teleported every hundred years!"

"There are still five years to go until the next opening!"

"I can use this time to make a career!"

"In this way, I can change the impression that Yu Mingzhi and his wife have of me!"

"You can even leave with Concubine Yu!"

His union with Concubine Yu was not voluntary!

It was really forced in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

But what happened in the poultry tribe made the two feel good about each other!

That's why!

Chen Nan will come here to meet her!

It can also be regarded as an explanation for this fate!

No matter what choice Concubine Yu makes, he will not force it!

And now it seems!

I have to take her myself!

Because she won't be happy staying here!

Chen Nan has money!

If you have money, you can invest!


He is very new to this world, even if he invests, he is confused!

Because he didn't know what to do!

In fact, he is not afraid of losing money!

He has a lot of wealth anyway!

But to be a businessman with a head and a face!

It's hard to qualify for riding the Multinational Teleportation Array!


Before that, you have to stabilize Yu Mingzhi and Guan Hanliu!

Think of this!

He left the Star Picking Tower and went to buy a puppet!

The puppet art of the human world is far more exquisite than that of the dragon clan!

It's also more realistic!

The price is not cheap!

It took twenty pieces of top-grade fairy stones!

Chen Nan bought a nine-pin female puppet!

Her name is Yu Weiwei!

It is the best quality puppet, no different from normal humans!

Have the consciousness of independent thinking!

It's just not aggressive!

"You go to Yu Mansion, give this storage bag to Yu Mingzhi, and say that I want to marry Concubine Yu, but I still have a lot of things now, and it is inconvenient to show up for the time being!"

"In addition, give her this transmission jade card as well!"

Chen Nan was not used to people passing on messages or messages, it was far better to use the message jade card!

Although the Summons Jade Plate was expensive and the distance was limited to Zhongzhou City, it was enough for him and Concubine Yu at present!

And Chen Nan also found a feature!

You want to show your identity and status here!

The best way to show off your wealth is to see who has the most messenger jade cards on their waist!

It also gives him an opportunity to make a fortune!

And you can make a fortune!

It can even make him a famous businessman!



Han Wonshan and his wife were writing the names of some young talents in Zhongju City on the table!

These people's family lineage is above the Yu family!

And the gap is not very big!

Because the real famous families can't look at their family lineage at all!

"Sir, madam, a girl came outside, saying that she came to give a dowry!" Daan walked in solemnly!

Han Wonshan and his wife were stunned!

Apparently I didn't expect someone to come and give a dowry!

After returning to his senses, Han Yuanshan couldn't wait to ask, "Which family is it?" Daan

: "The other party didn't say which household, but the dowry was very rich!" There are one hundred top-grade fairy stones, and twenty elixirs that are more than 100,000 years old!

Han Yuanshan gasped: "Is my daughter so valuable?" "

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