Not only Han Wonsan!

Guan Hanliu felt his head buzzing: "Husband, did I have auditory hallucinations?" Did the other party really take out a hundred top-grade fairy stones and twenty elixirs of 100,000 years? "

One hundred top-grade fairy stones!

Twenty elixirs that are more than 100,000 years old!

This is much more wealth than the Yu family's most glorious period!

It's like a golden pie smashed on the couple's heads, making them extremely excited!

There is even a feeling of dreaming!

Of course, even if it is a dream, they do not want to wake up!

Don't think about it!

The couple ran to the door as soon as possible!

I saw Yu Weiwei, who was full of pride and indifference!

See her!

Yu Mingzhi gasped!

He recognized Yu Weiwei as a nine-pin puppet at a glance!


To be precise, he recognized Yu Weiwei!

Because this is the puppet of his dreams!

It's like the most popular love of men on earth!

He dreamed of getting Yu Weiwei's realism!

Charming puppets waiting for food and living!

Of course!

He knew that Yu Weiwei's price was very expensive!

The price of twenty top-grade fairy stones is not destined to be something that ordinary people can have!

And that's not the most important thing!

Most importantly, if you want to buy a nine-pin puppet, you need to verify the capital!

You have to have five hundred top-grade fairy stones to be eligible to buy a nine-grade puppet!

To put it bluntly, if you can buy the existence of the nine-pin puppet, you can't find too much in the entire Zhongzhou!

"This is the dowry of my young master!" Yu Weiwei was wearing a cyan long dress, and her eyes were indifferent: "One hundred top-grade fairy stones, twenty elixirs of more than 100,000 years!"

"Dare to ask what kind of divine is your young master?" Yu Mingzhi asked respectfully, not underestimating the other party because he was a puppet!

Yu Weiwei: "My young master is very busy now, if you accept this affair, he will definitely come to the door when he is busy during this time!"

"Now, you just have to tell me if you accept this marriage!"

"Accept, accept!" Guan Hanliu's face was full of red light!

With this wealth, the Yu family will be able to tide over the current difficulties!

Although I haven't met my future son-in-law yet!

But to be able to take out so many dowries, it is conceivable that it is not an ordinary person!

This time!

The Yu family is a real flying!

Yu Weiwei said indifferently: "Since you have accepted this affair, then I hope you will be kind to the young grandmother and don't make the young grandmother angry!"

"Don't do anything restraining to her!"

"This is as it should be, this is as it should be!" Yu Mingzhi grinned, and then put those dowry gifts into the storage bag, for fear that the other party would regret taking them away!

"Transfer this token to Young Grandma!" Yu Weiwei waved her right hand, and a transmission jade card flew towards Yu Mingzhi!

Then turn around and leave!

Watch Yu Weiwei leave!

Yu Mingzhi and his wife hugged each other excitedly!

It seems that he realized that there was something indecent under the public, so he separated!

Yu Mingzhi said with a smile: "I just said that our daughter is in demand, right?" Thanks to the fact that she did not agree to her dating Chen Nan, if the two of them were together, how could the concubine be favored by the big man?

"Husband, who do you say took a fancy to the concubine?" Guan Hanliu asked curiously!

Yu Mingzhi shook his head: "I can't say who it is, but one thing is obvious, the other party must be someone from a large wealthy family in the city!"

Guan Hanliu's eyes widened: "Nonsense, isn't it possible for a large wealthy person to get a hundred top-grade immortal stones and twenty elixirs of 100,000 years?"

Yu Mingzhi smiled: "Anyway, not marrying my daughter to Chen Nan is the most correct decision I made!"

"Except for Big Brother Chen, I won't marry anyone!" Yu Fei's eyes were red and swollen, and she felt that she had really become a clearly priced goods on the shelf!

Yu Mingzhigang wanted to get angry, but thinking of Yu Weiwei's words before leaving, he forcibly hid his anger in his heart, and said with a smile: "Girl, it's not us forcing you, we really think about you!"

Guan Hanliu also said bitterly: "Yes, you said that you suffered so much in Xuanyu Gate before, and now that you have reached the age of leaving the cabinet, we, as your parents, must not consider your life's events?"

"You're a piece of flesh that fell from me, can I hurt you?"

Hear this!

The corner of Yu Fei's mouth uncontrollably flashed a sneer: "Mother, are you really not going to harm me?" If you are for my own good, how can you stop me from being with Big Brother Chen?

"Don't make your hypocrisy and snobbery so high-sounding, it will affect your divine image in my mind!"

Guan Hanliu was embarrassed!

Would love to get angry!

But thought of Yu Weiwei's warning!

You can only hide your anger in your heart!

Yu Mingzhi said: "Girl, I know that you have an opinion about us, and we can't explain this matter, and when you have a child in the future, you will definitely understand our good intentions!"

"Mum, this is the message jade card given to you by that big man, you guys take the opportunity to communicate your feelings first!"

Concubine Yu took the summons jade card!

Just wanted to break it on the spot!

A familiar voice came from her head: "It's me, I'll let Yu Weiwei stabilize your parents first, and when the time is ripe, I'll go to your house to raise a kiss!" "


Concubine Yu was stunned!

Immediately, a bright smile appeared on his angry face: "I agree to this affair!" "



Now it was Yu Mingzhi's turn and his wife to be stunned!

Before he said that he would rather die than marry!

Why do you change your face now?

This is also too fast to change faces, right?

Could it be that she knows who the other party is?

Concubine Yu spread her right hand: "Give me some fairy stones, I want to go shopping!" "

Shangpin Senshi!"

"I don't want the rest!"

Yu Mingzhi was very reluctant, but he still took out a piece of top-grade fairy stone and gave it to his daughter!

No way!

This is an ancestor!

Can't afford to offend!

Who expected Concubine Yu to confiscate: "You all got a hundred top-grade immortal stones, it's not too much to divide half of the meeting, right?"

"Don't worry, when my husband comes to marry, I will definitely say some good things about you!"

Yu Mingzhi felt that his heart was dripping blood!

But he didn't dare to disobey his daughter's words, so he reluctantly took out fifty top-grade fairy stones: "You have to save some flowers!"

"There is a rich son-in-law, what are you afraid of?" Concubine Yu put away the fairy stone and walked happily into the distance!

"Husband, what's wrong with this girl? How did you become so happy? Guan Hanliu was confused, and now I don't know what's going on!

Yu Mingzhi also frowned!

I feel that my daughter is very abnormal!

Guan Hanliu snorted, and couldn't help but say, "You said, will the person who gave the dowry be Chen Nan?"

Apart from this possibility, she really couldn't think of why her daughter was so abnormal!

Yu Mingzhi was stunned for a moment!

Immediately, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth!

"It's just a Mahayana monk!"

"Can he take out a hundred top-grade fairy stones?"

"Can you take out twenty hundred thousand year elixirs?"

"If the person who gave the dowry is really Chen Nan, I will kowtow to him and call him dad!"

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