Sure enough.

When the guy who was smonitoring Chen Nan saw that they were blasted out.

I was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, he disappeared into the alley.

"Young Master, those two were driven out by Cao Guoshi!" the middle-aged man excitedly informed Hou Yuan of what happened here.

"I don't know exactly what happened.

"But Cao Guoshi is angry!"

Hou Yuan's brows furrowed, this matter was unexpected.

He thought that Chen Nan came from the Immortal Palace above his head.

Otherwise, he would not have visited Cao Rufeng.

But if he really came from the Immortal Palace.

So did the Cao Ru Summit get angry and

even blast them out of the house?


I know

!" "I know!" "

That guy isn't from the Immortal Palace at all

!" "He's just pretentious!" "

The reason why he hurt me on the street is to give me the illusion that he has a shocking origin."

"But he knew I would investigate him."

That's why I went to Cao Rufeng.

"He wanted to take advantage of the situation and make me afraid to attack him."

"However, he didn't expect Cao Rufeng to blast him out

!" His eyes were scarlet, and his eyes were full of killing intent: "An ant, he actually wasted my arms, and even humiliated me, not to cut you by a thousand cuts, it is difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart!"

Hou Yuan had no fear of him.

Only endless killing intent.


"Madman, you're not crazy, why did you kick that guy out

?" "Do you know what this means to him?"

Cao Rufeng's face was full of shame: "He worshipped me as a teacher before

!" "Worship me as a teacher!" "

You saw this, right?"

"What qualifications do I have to become his master?" "

What can I teach him?" "What can I teach


Cao Rufeng was in a very irritable mood.

He knew that Chen Nan had an epiphany.

He also knew that he could arrange the Dharma Formation in a short period of time.


He didn't expect that the other party would arrange a bad luck array in only a few days.


Laojiu sighed lightly: "I know that you feel uncomfortable in your heart, after all, when you meet such a demon, everyone has the feeling of being in the world!"

"However, it is very unwise for you to throw him out!" Cao

Rufeng snorted coldly: "If he really comes from the demon world, what is this little thing in front of him to him?"

If he can't even overcome this small difficulty, then what qualifications does he have to be a disciple of Cao Rufeng?" Wu

Laojiu smiled bitterly on his face: "What you said seems to make sense."

"Actually, I have to thank him. Cao Rufeng seemed to change his face, and smiled joyfully: "He used the sickness in my body to arrange a magic array before.

"That magic array consumed a lot of sickness in my body.

"Now Lao Tzu is much more comfortable, it feels like he has returned to his youth!" ------

"Brother Chen, what should we do now?"

Chen Nan smiled: "It's not a big problem!" He

looked at the bloody aura on Concubine Yu's head again.

Still rich.


This matter is most likely related to Houyuan.

But he is not afraid.

If it really didn't work, he took the protective law array of Zhongzhou City again and killed the other party.


Hou Yuan will not necessarily take revenge on himself.

The Bad Luck Array had been injected into his body.

Once the bad luck array runs.

It will automatically absorb the mold between heaven and earth.

If you absorb too much musty gas, you can bring endless disasters to the other party,

and even kill people invisibly.

As for how Hou Yuan is...

He didn't care.

What he had to do now was to continue to understand the formation and arrange the formation of the summons.

As long as he can arrange a transmission array, his plan can be carried out

! ------


! Hou Fu

, who had just taken the Creation Pill, spewed out a mouthful of black bruises uncontrollably!

His face was sallow and his eyes were painful.

"Young Master, what's wrong with you?" the next person Hou San's face was nervous.

Creation Pill is a high-grade elixir.

Even a dying person will come alive in an instant after taking it.

That's why.

Hou Yuan made people spend a lot of money to get a Creation Pill.

Don't look at his arms being scrapped by Chen Nan

, but if he takes the Creation Pill, it won't take long to grow brand new arms!

But who would have thought that he would vomit black blood.

Hou Yuan was extremely angry, and the power of his soul wrapped the jade bottle containing the Creation Pill.

Control the jade card to fly in front of you.

After seeing the production years above, he gritted his teeth and said, "This Creation Pill has expired for a hundred years

!" Hou San gasped: "Those people in the Lingdan Pavilion are really crazy, they dare to sell expired pills to the young master!" "

Young master, don't be angry, I will go to the Lingdan Pavilion now and ask them for an explanation."

"According to the law of the Wu Kingdom, if you buy expired elixirs, you can ask them ten times the compensation.


Tzu is dying, but you are so excited?"

"The villain is guilty, the villain is guilty!" Hou San pretended to slap his face.

Before changing to it, Hou Yuan will definitely teach this guy a lesson.

But now, he was weak and did not want to see him in general, and said weakly: "I will go with you." "

It's a three-point poison.

Even if it is an elixir like the Creation Pill.


Immortal cultivators can withstand the poison of those three points!

But if the pill is overdue...

That's like poison.

Hou Yuan is the best example.

"I'll help you!" Hou

San helped Hou Yuan and called the carriage again.

Hou Yuan was about to get into the carriage, but because the soles of his feet slipped, he let out a scream and fell to the ground.

The people at the gate of the palace were stunned!

This luck...

Is this a moldy god possession?"

"Hurry up and help Xiao Ye up!" Hou Yuan's face was gloomy, and he let out an angry low roar.

He himself lost both arms.

Plus the expired pill taken before.

A fall may seem painless, but it feels like an insult for him.

Hou San hurriedly helped Hou Yuan up to the carriage.

Then he ordered the horseman to go to the Lingdan Pavilion.

The horseman whipped the whip gently.

I don't know why.

The horse was frightened.

A high-pitched hiss sounded.

As if crazy, he rushed out with the carriage.

Hou San's face turned green, and he shouted at the horseman: "Hurry up, let this beast stop..."

Before he finished speaking, the connecting rope broke.

The horse runs in front.

The carriage chased behind.

With a dull loud noise, the carriage crashed into the wall in front of it.

Falling apart in an instant.

Both Mafu and Hou San were seriously injured.

Of course.

The worst thing is Hou Yuan.

This impact.

Broke several of his bones.

His mouth even spat out shattered internal organs!

"Young Master, you rest in place first, I'll go and call the doctor!" Hou San panicked, turned and ran towards the distance.

But right now.

There was a loud noise behind him!

He turned his head to look.

The wall behind him collapsed, smashing Hou Yuan into meat mud...

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