Hou Yuan's death was unexpected to everyone

, after all, it was a strong man in the Golden Immortal Realm.

He was smashed to death by a wall.

Believe it?

This soon spread through the streets of Zhongzhou City.

Countless ordinary people who have been bullied by him all applauded, feeling very happy.

There are even people beating gongs and drums.

You can imagine how bad Houyuan's reputation is.

But some people feel that Houyuan's death is too strange.


He's unlucky, to be exact.

First, he took the expired Creation Pill.

Then got into the carriage and stumbled.

The carriage lost control and hit the wall.

Then the wall collapsed, smashing it into mashed meat.

It's really weird that he died.

As if possessed by a moldy god.

"Hou Yuan is dead?" Chen

Nan was studying the formation.

But he clearly felt that the bad luck array arranged before had disappeared.

There is only one description of this situation.

That is, the other party is dead.

Otherwise, the formation will not disappear for no reason.

"I really didn't expect the Bad Luck Array to be so powerful that it could kill people invisibly!" Chen

Nan liked the Bad Luck Array.

This formation seemed invisible, but it was very powerful!

He looked at Concubine Yu, who was sitting cross-kneeled and cultivating.

The bloody aura above the opponent's head did not disappear with Hou Yuan's death.

"In other words, the calamity that happened to Concubine Yu was not because of Hou Yuan. A

sense of foreboding rose in Chen Nan's heart.

"Could it be because

of Hou Chen?" "Hou Yuan's father is Hou Chen, the prefect of Zhongzhou City.

If only he knew what he had done to Hou Yuan.

Certainly not sparing himself.

Even if Hou Yuan's death seems to have nothing to do with him.

He will also kill himself to avenge Hou Yuan.

When the time comes.

Either by yourself.

Or Concubine Yu.

They all face disaster.

"You also have to arrange a bad luck array, if Hou Chen really retaliates, you can also deal with him!"

Chen Nan said and did it, and used half a day to arrange a bad luck array.

Compared to Houyuan's bad luck array.

The bad luck array arranged this time is obviously a little bigger.

It's about the size of a mung bean.

Of course.

In Chen Nan's eyes, it was the size of a mung bean.

But others can't see it with the naked eye.

It's just that arranging this bad luck array consumed a lot of his mental power.

If people are not far away, they will have near worries.

He had to prepare early to prevent the dust from getting into trouble with him.

Not long after ------

Houyuan's death.

The dust is out of customs.

He stepped from the Golden Immortal to the Supreme Immortal.

Although the level is not high.

But for him, he was able to go further in the imperial court.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the voice is calm.

You must know that only by stepping into the realm of immortals can you enter the immortal palace to serve, and even take your wife and children to live there.

It was the sacred place of dreams of countless Wu officials.

And he also told his master, the prime minister of the dynasty, about the breakthrough.

If nothing else.

It won't take him a few days to receive the appointment and enter the Immortal Palace.

"Sir, you are finally out of customs!" As soon as Hou Chen came to the front hall, Hou Yuan's attendant Hou San ran over crying.

Hou Chen looked displeased: "What kind of system is crying and crying, could it be that your son is dead?"

He was upset.

Hou San's face was full of horror: "Master, it's the young master, the young master..." The young master is dead!" "

What do you say?" Hou Chen was furious, and a terrifying momentum gushed out, making Hou San's face like ashes.

Hou Sanqiang endured the fear and anxiety in his heart: "Young master, the young master is dead..."


Houchen erupted into a monstrous rage, causing the temperature of the mansion to plummet by several degrees.

The power of his soul spread out.

I want to find my son.

But found a familiar corpse that made him unfamiliar.

It was a bloody corpse.

But he felt the breath of his son Houyuan.

The next moment!

He disappeared in place.

The reappearance has come to the Spirit Hall.

Seeing the stall in the coffin shocked him.

The corpse that made him angry.

"Say, what's going on, what the hell is going on?" Hou Chen's eyes cracked, his pupils bloodshot.

He's this one son.

Holding it in the palm of my hand is afraid of falling.

In the mouth is afraid to melt.

It was precisely because he knew that his son wanted to stay in the Immortal Palace that he would strive to cultivate strongly.


He already had the qualifications to stay in the Immortal Palace.

Leaving the customs to see his son die tragically!

The pain of the white-haired man sending the black-haired person made him breed a strong killing intent in his heart.

Hou San immediately chased after him and said what happened to Hou Yuan.

"That is, my son started bad luck after meeting that man?" Hou Chen clenched his fists, his joints crackling.

"Yes. Hou San knelt on the ground and shivered: "After the young master met that man last night, he began to have bad luck, first taking the Creation Pill, but..." The Creation Pill has expired

!" "So much so that the young master's injury was even worse!" "

After that, it was a crash..."

"And the wall collapsed!" "

Sir, although that man deserves to die, the Lingdan Pavilion is also unforgivable.

"If they hadn't sold expired elixirs, the young master wouldn't have suffered this calamity.

Hou Chen's face was full of indifference: "San, how long have you been serving my son?" Hou San

said respectfully: "Back to the master, it has been almost a thousand years."

Hou Chen sighed lightly: "Although a thousand years is not a long time, you have grown up with Yuan'er since childhood, although you are master and servant, but you are more like inseparable partners."

"Yes, I have long regarded the young master as my relative. Hou San's face was full of sadness.

Hou Chen: "Even so, Yuan'er died tragically, do you have to accompany him?"

Hou San suddenly had a feeling of five thunders hitting the top.

He never expected Houchen to kill him.

"Master spare your life, master spare your life!" Hou San kowtowed frantically.

A cold light flashed in Hou Chen's eyes: "I don't want to kill you either

!" "But Yuan'er can't do without

you!" "Don't worry!" "When you die, I will definitely let people take care of your relatives!"

When the words fell, he slammed his palm on Hou San's


Hou Sanqi spurted blood and fell to the ground.

"Yuan'er, father is sorry for you!" "

If I could get out of customs a day earlier."


Chen's eyes were full of pain: "Haven't you always wanted to live in the Immortal Palace?

"But you left me forever!" At

this, two lines of blood and tears welled up in his eyes.

Even if he is a high-ranking prefect.

Control the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

But at the moment.

He was just a poor father who had lost his son!"

You said how nice it would be if you were alive, so that you could share your father's joy."

He lowered his head and sobbed.

Hands gripped the coffin tightly, making a creaking sound.

Immediately, he suddenly raised his head: "But don't worry, your father will definitely avenge you!" When

the words fell, he angrily walked out of the Spirit Hall, angry: "Where is the Blood Floating Tu?"

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