"Young man, you really don't know anything about our methods!" The man in black had a playful smile in his

eyes! "Kill Concubine Yu, I will bring this man back

!" "I want him to be my maid!" Liu Yingying's eyes radiated a vicious light

! Chen Nan brought her too much shame!


Nan was stunned!

The wind array she arranged was easily cracked by the other party?

What they cracked did not have the ease they arranged

! "Array!" Chen

Nan squeezed his hands

! In an instant

, eighteen tornadoes appeared in all directions

! In terms of power

! Originally, it was much more terrifying

! It directly enveloped Liu Yingying, Qu Lao, and the man in black!

"You go to the mountain first and wait for me!" Chen Nan said to Concubine Yu.

"Good!" Concubine

Yu knew that staying here could only become a burden for Chen Nan, and the flying sword appeared at her feet, turning into a long rainbow and landing on the top of Yandang Mountain

! As soon as she landed on the top

of the mountain, she was so frightened that she snorted

! There were two extremely lewd old men squatting in front of her

! They were eating watermelons!

Looking at the scene under the mountain

, Concubine Yu was a little confused: "Senior Cao, why are you here?"

"When the melon-eating masses. Wu Laojiu grinned: "Come on, eat melons

!" Cao

Rufeng's eyes flashed with a cold light: "I really didn't expect that the Immortal Emperor who was high above would join hands to bully my disciple of Cao Rufeng!"

With Cao Rufeng here, even those

two Immortal Emperor-level powerhouses can't hurt Chen Nan! Even if Cao Rufeng's cultivation is a big fall

!, but the skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

Even if he is not these two Immortal Emperor-level powerhouses, a large number of masters will be killed by casually sending out a message

!" "You should have a formation plate on you, right? I'm sorry, this magic weapon in my hand can shield any formation plate!" A fist-sized night pearl appeared in Liu Yingying's hand, she squeezed it with both hands, and the night pearl flew into the air

! In an instant

, dazzling light burst out in the night pearl

! But

! Eighteen tornadoes still swallowed towards the three people!

"Miss, this formation was not released by the formation plate!" Qu Lao's eyes became solemn, and he sensed Chen Nan's terribleness.

After all

, this terrifying formation can be arranged at the snap

of a finger! The other party's talent is really shining

! Liu Yingying's expression is also a lot gloomy! I didn't

expect things to develop to this point!

Chen Nan gritted his teeth and said: "That is to say, in fact, you have always had the magic weapon of shielding the magic formation."

"Although, this magic weapon has no effect

!" "But in that case, why didn't you take it out before?" "

Why do you want to watch those twelve powerhouses of the Supreme Immortal Realm being bombarded and killed by me?" Liu Yingying said indifferently: "I need to see how strong your strength is!"

Chen Nan was shaky: "Just because of this, you are going to kill twelve powerhouses of the Immortal Realm?"

"You have refreshed my understanding of evil!" Chen Nan squeezed his hands and pressed in the air, and eighteen tornadoes appeared in front of the three of Liu Yingying in an instant


He didn't feel like a good person

! But now,

he was angry at the twelve masters who died tragically under his club!

Eighteen tornadoes disappeared into invisibility

! This time

! Chen Nan's soul power was traumatized! The

corners of his mouth overflowed with blood

! After all, he was manipulating the magic array just now

! and the other party did not release the talisman paper!

It can be said that he was bitten back by the other party without preparation

!" "Chen Nan, the Immortal Emperor can understand the rules of the Heavenly Dao!"

"But it's unfortunate

!" "What the old immortal understands is the rules of space!" "Your wind array is no threat to the old immortal!" Qu

Lao had a playful smile in his eyes!

"For the sake of eating your bear's paw just now, I advise you not to resist!" "

No matter how you struggle

!" "How strong is the talent!"

You can't even beat the Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse!" ------

"Madman, aren't you going to make a move yet?" On the top of the mountain, Wu Laojiu casually asked

! Cao Rufeng slowly stood up! His messy long hair fluttered in the wind

! It actually gave people the smell of Immortal Wind Dao bones

! Yu Fei's eyes were full of excitement

! After all

! Not everyone was lucky enough to see Cao Rufeng

make a move!

At this moment

, Chen Nan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes became crazy: "In that case

!" "Then I'll change another formation!"

He squeezed his hands

together!"It's useless, I can't let you arrange a second formation!" Qu Lao came in an instant, and punched through Chen Nan's figure

! but found that

it was an afterimage left by the other party

! "Old thing, your speed is fast, but it is not as good as Dapeng Technique!" Chen Nan gritted his teeth and used the earth qi to arrange an earth spirit array!

"Squat down, you don't have a chance to appear!" Wu Laojiu said with a smile: "This apprentice of yours is good enough, and he won't even give you a chance for this master to perform!" "

Do you believe that I will kick you out now?" The corners of Cao Rufeng's mouth twitched fiercely

! Wu Laojiu decisively shut up!

With this simple formation, I'm afraid I can't defeat an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse

!" "However, this little guy should have other means

!" "Quick, hold your breath!"


terrifying thing is that he actually felt the dust invading his internal organs

! Willow Yingying and the man in black decisively held their breath

! Then the man in black squeezed his hands

and performed the Ganlin Technique

! Boom! Heavy rain fell from the sky

! It soon washed away the dust in the air

! Water is the biggest nemesis of the Earth Spirit Array!

Even if it was the First Formation Grandmaster of the Immortal Realm who controlled the Earth Spirit Array, it would be impossible to use the Earth Spirit Array to resist the pouring rain!

After all, the five elements were compatible!"

"Is there any other means?" Qu Lao grinned, revealing a malicious smile.

Chen Nan stood quietly in the distance and said softly: "Actually

, I can still arrange a water system law array, but I don't feel necessary!" The corners of Qu Lao's mouth rose: "Reason?"

"The traditional law array can't hurt the Immortal Emperor level powerhouse at all!" Chen Nan: "Even if I can arrange the water system law array, you can break it in an instant." "

Although Chen Nan is confident,

he is not the kind of arrogant maniac who has no one in sight

, especially after seeing the Immortal Emperor-level means! He

knows that the traditional magic array cannot hurt the other party!

Liu Yingying had a sinister smile on her face: "So, are you going to surrender?"

"No!" Chen Nan: "I plan to use my king to explode!"

Exuding a cyan halo

!"Heaven-swallowing bowl

?" "Damn it!" "

How do you have the Dragon Clan's inheritance treasure?" Qu Lao let out a hysterical scream!

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