The man in black was also so frightened that his body trembled

! Wu Guo and the demon world are not far apart

! so they know the inheritance treasures of all the forces in the demon world very well

! For example, this bronze bowl in front of them

! It is the dragon clan's inheritance treasure Devouring Heaven Bowl! It's

just that they can't imagine it! The

dragon clan's inheritance treasure will be in Chen Nan's hands!

Who is he?

Why is the talent so terrifying

, the attainments in the formation are ancient and shining, and

even have the inheritance treasure of the dragon clan?

Too many puzzles exist in the hearts

of the three people! Just before they could react

! The Heaven-Swallowing Bowl burst out with an emerald green glow

! The power of Devouring shrouded the three people from above the Nine Heavens! The

immortal qi in their bodies was being devoured by the Heaven-Swallowing Bowl!"

That's it!" Chen

Nan cast the Dapeng Technique and disappeared in place

! He appeared behind the man

in black with a long black stick! True Qi in his body was instilled on the

long stick! Phew

! The long stick burst out

! Carrying the power of destroying the decay, destroying the sky and the earth

! Poof,

the man in black was directly blasted into a blood mist! Even

if it was an Immortal Emperor level powerhouse!

It was also difficult

to resist Chen Nan's all-out blow! Qu Lao hit a spirit! He didn't expect Chen Nan to kill an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse

! "Next, it's you!" Chen

Nan let out a roar! The

black long stick in his hand tore through the void

! Like a meteorite hitting the earth, it smashed Qu

Lao! Qu Lao

wanted to use the immortal qi in his body to resist!

But before the immortal qi enveloped

his body, the power contained in the long stick burst into his body

! Poof! Qu

Lao's soul flew away

! It turned into a blood mist and disappeared into heaven and earth with the wind! Liu

Yingying looked at Chen

Nan like a god killer in amazement! her face was stained red with blood mist

! She never dreamed

that Chen Nan's strength was so strong that he could kill the Immortal Emperor in seconds! !

The ensuing feeling of vertigo made her mentality explode, and she was covered in hair, as if crazy: "Impossible, impossible, how can you kill an Immortal Emperor level powerhouse with an ant?!" Chen

Nan put away the Heaven Swallowing Bowl! The Heaven Swallowing

Bowl was very strong

! But in his hands, he could only exert the power of the Spirit

Immortal Realm! He couldn't expect it to kill two Immortal Emperors at all

! But!

After seeing the Heaven Swallowing Bowl, the other party will be shocked

! Lost his mind

! And this moment is enough for him

! With his speed

! The terrifying power of the black long stick! It

is not a problem to kill the Immortal Emperor level powerhouse

!" "Chen Nan, quickly kneel down and repent, if not, my Sifang Chamber of Commerce will definitely not let you go!" Liu Yingying drank angrily, her eyes were proud, as if she was still the eldest lady of the Sifang Chamber of Commerce.

Immediately, her face was full of horror, like a frightened bird

: "Don't kill me, don't kill me!" "I'm your woman, you can't kill me

!" "Brother Chen, she seems to be crazy!" Chen Nan

: "Kill it!" Liu

Yingying's crime is unforgivable

! But! He never kills women!

"I can't get my hands on it. Concubine Yu sighed lightly: "Anyway, she is already crazy, just let her have a life!" Although

Liu Yingying wanted to kill her,

but Concubine Yu was a woman who missed the old and had a kind heart!

The memory of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave is also gray for Concubine Yu

! It's just that when I met him for the second time

! When the two had a relationship

! All the bad things before became foreshadowing

! "Let's go!"

Chen Nan didn't say much,

even if he hated Willow Yingying!



Brother Chen, your master is eating melons on the mountain!" Concubine Yu looked in the direction of Yandang Mountain!

Not too surprising either.

He should have noticed himself when he performed the Dapeng Technique to save Concubine Yu last night.

He took Concubine Yu to the top of the mountain and bowed to Cao Rufeng: "Meet Master!" Wu

Laojiu squatted on the ground and ate melons: "Your master is angry because you killed the two Immortal Emperors and failed to stand up and turn the tide when you needed him!"

The reason why Cao Rufeng came here must be to protect himself

! Cao Rufeng really kicked Wu Laojiu this time! "You engage in a sneak attack, you can't afford to play!" Wu Laojiu flew back sullenly, rubbing his butt very unpleasantly!



ignored him and looked at Chen Nan seriously: "After this battle, do you have any gains and insights?"

"Although the apprentice can arrange the formation!" "But!" "

With the formation that the apprentice

is now arranging, it is difficult to threaten the Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse!" Cao Rufeng: "You are talking about the traditional law

formation!" "With your strength, it is indeed difficult to arrange a magic formation to kill the Immortal Emperor powerhouse!"

Cao Rufeng asked rhetorically: "But, this is not your strong point, why are you obsessed with the traditional law

array?" Chen Nan snorted: "You mean, let me study the qi luck law array?" Cao Rufeng nodded slightly: "Qi luck is related to all things in heaven and earth, and it can kill people invisibly, you know this better than me

!" "If you can arrange a large qi luck law array, it can completely kill the Immortal Emperor level powerhouse!"

Although there are great restrictions on arranging the Qi Luck Law Array

!" "But you can accumulate it in

life!" "Qi luck exists in heaven and earth

! The quantity is scarce

! There is no other way to get more in a short time except to accumulate over time in life

!" "You shouldn't let that woman go!" Cao Rufeng said, "If I'm not mistaken, she should be pretending to be crazy!" "


Chen Nan's face changed drastically!

If Liu Yingying is really pretending to be

crazy, she will definitely not give up

!"Your master himself is a madman, whether that woman is really crazy or fake crazy, he still has a lot of right to speak!" Wu Laojiu spoke, rarely did not refute Cao Rufeng's words!

Now Liu Yingying has already fled

! Even if he wanted to kill her, it was too late!

Cao Rufeng diverted the topic: "Your Transmission Law Array, how is your research, do you need to give you some reference for the master?"

Chen Nan respectfully said: "Back to Master, the apprentice has already studied the Transmission Law Array." Cao

Rufeng smiled gratifyingly: "If you are really my Cao Rufeng's apprentice, you are really excellent!" Chen

Nan said modestly: "Thanks to the master leading the apprentice to step on the way of formation!" Cao

Rufeng kicked Chen Nan's butt and cursed: "Fuck you immortal plate!"

Why doesn't Lao

Tzu have a chance to help you?" "Is it okay to give me a chance to prove Lao Tzu's existence

?" "Do you know that you look redundant to me like this?" Chen

Nan said seriously: "If you don't give you the opportunity to prove yourself, won't it seem that your apprentice's vision is outstanding?" Cao

Rufeng showed a proud gaze, and then he frowned: "Although you are praising me, why, I feel that you are praising yourself?"

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