Chen Nan chuckled: "Be confident, remove the feeling!" "

Brother Chen,

do you know who is secretly ghosting?" Yu Fei looked at Chen Nan suspiciously

! Chen Nan: "I feel that this matter is being manipulated by the Liu family!" At

present, the only people who know about the transmission formation are Cao Rufeng and Wu Laojiu!

Just from the fact that he knew that he was in trouble, he went to Yandang Mountain to be a melon-eating mass, you can see that he wants to protect himself


Moreover, he is a former national teacher of the Wu

Kingdom! He knows very well what the Summons Law Array means to the entire Wu Kingdom

! He wishes he could arrange the Summons Law Array as soon as possible

! How could he leak this matter?


But if it were him

, he would also kill himself with the principle that he would rather kill by mistake than let go

! "Without the jade card, your plan can't be carried out, what should we do next?" Yu Fei looked anxious, she knew the influence of the Liu family in the Wu Kingdom

! Once they ordered not to sell the jade to Chen Nan!

How much is a jade brand?" Yu

Weiwei said: "There are many kinds of jade cards, the kind I bought before belongs to high-quality

jade cards, one hundred lower grade fairy stones!" Chen Nan thought for a while, and said: "In this way, you go to a few people and buy jade cards as amateurs!" "

The price can be high, even one middle grade fairy stone can be!"

Yu Weiwei


"Good!" Yu Fei said: "Brother Chen, isn't this too cost-effective?" "

Don't worry, I have a way to make the Liu family's vitality hurt!" The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose, and an intriguing arc appeared! Although

he is young, he

has lived on the earth for so many years!

He contacted Ao Jiu as soon as possible

! This is a treacherous agent arranged by the Dragon Clan in the Wu Kingdom! Before

coming to the human world, the dragon king Ao Lie had already given him Ao Jiu's transmission jade card

! He also told him that there was something that could not be solved to summon him! It

is said that Ao Jiu is in charge of the seafood business!

After all, the southern part of Wu Kingdom is the vast ocean

, although his business is not as good as that of the Sifang Chamber of Commerce, but he also has a certain influence in Zhongzhou City

! "Meet the master!" After

receiving Chen Nan's summons, Ao Jiu came to the Star Picking Tower for the first time

! Although he was an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse, he

felt a great sense of oppression in front of Chen Nan!



, the root of all this comes from the tattoo of the green dragon on Chen Nan's body!

"I want you to come here this time, I want you to do something!" Chen Nan said: "I heard that there is a stone on the seashore, called sand currency stone, right?" Ao

Jiu said respectfully: "But there is this kind of stone!" Chen

Nan nodded slightly: "Let your people collect sand stone stones, the more the better!"

Ao Jiu didn't know Chen Nan's intentions

, but the Dragon King told him! No

matter what Chen Nan asks

, he must do it well as soon as possible! Even

if he sacrifices his life!

After Ao Jiu left, Chen Nan walked to the window and looked up at the Immortal Palace in the air: "Liu Sifang, the fire pit is ready, now wait for you to jump inside



When the original 100 pieces of lower grade immortal stone jade were sold to one middle grade immortal stone

! Even if many people were afraid of the Liu family, they would take the risk and trade with Yu

Weiwei! In just three days

! Yu Weiwei bought 3,000 high-quality jade medals here

! Liu Sifang was extremely angry when he learned about this!

"Liu Jie, pass on the order to buy all the jade cards on the market, and strictly prohibit those high-quality jade cards from flowing into Chen Nan's hands!" Liu Sifang directly ordered to completely solve this matter at the root!

Liu Jie asked: "Uncle, Chen Nan, their purchase price is a piece of medium-grade fairy stone, how much do we give those jade merchants?"

Liu Sifang said lightly: "We can't let them lose money, after all, it's not easy to do business, just buy according to their purchase price!"


!" Liu Sifang continued: "Also, let people inquire about the purpose of Chen Nan's acquisition of these

jade!" "Knowing oneself and knowing the other party can fight a hundred

battles!" "Good!" ------

The influence of the Sifang Chamber of Commerce is beyond doubt

! When they acquire high-quality jade brands,

it is difficult for Chen Nan to buy even two medium-grade fairy stones at an asking price!

It's not that those jade merchants don't want to sell

it, but the jade in their hands has been purchased by

the Sifang Chamber of Commerce at cost price! This move has caused countless people to be dissatisfied with the Sifang Chamber of Commerce

! Although it was sold at

the cost price, but how much is the cost price?

Twenty or thirty lower grade

fairy stones! and Chen Nan offered two middle-grade fairy stones!

In the first confrontation between Chen Nan and the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce won a crushing victory

! but lost its reputation

, which made countless jade merchants angry!

"Uncle, all the high-quality jade brands on the market are now in our hands!" Liu Jie said: "I have an idea, let's sell these jade cards to Chen Nan!" Liu

Sifang's eyes widened: "Do you know the use of him buying these jade cards?" You don't even know this, wouldn't it be cheaper to sell him?" Liu

Jie said with a smile: "I did hear some news, it is said that Chen Nan is proficient in formations and wants to use these jade to arrange formations

!" "But uncle, how can there be a formation that only uses jade?" "

If nothing else, he definitely needs other ores!"

"As long as we can detect the other types of ores he needs

!" "Then restrain him at the source, so that we can rest easy?" "

Father, what my cousin said is reasonable!" Liu Yingying came over wearing a white long dress: "Our Liu family also spent some money to buy those jade!"

But you have taught us, businessmen, since childhood, that you can't trade at a loss

!" "Now that Chen Nan is willing to spend two medium-grade fairy stones to buy jade cards, we can completely sell

them!" "Even found out in his mouth the other ores he needed!" "

Liu Yingying wants revenge

! Let Chen Nan become her maid

! But

this method is also a bad thing right now!."

Liu Sifang thought for a while and looked at Liu Jie: "This matter will be left to you, be sure to do it beautifully!" Liu Jie

was overjoyed: "Yes, nephew will go to see Chen Nan

!" Speaking of this, he grinned: "This time, I have to pit him hard!"

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