Just when Chen Nan forgot to eat and sleep, and injected small formations into the jade card night and day

! Yu Weiwei knocked on the door!

"Enter!" Yu

Weiwei pushed the door and entered, "Master, just now someone found me and said that there was a big business willing to cooperate with us!"

Although Yu Weiwei is very realistic, for many people, she can also detect that she is a puppet

! "It's time for dinner, go downstairs to meet each other!" Chen Nan got up and came downstairs

! Xingxing Lou is a restaurant that integrates accommodation and catering

! And the taste of the dishes is very good

! There are also independent private rooms

! When Chen Nan finished ordering, Liu Jie walked in!

"You want to do business with me?" Chen Nan glanced at the other party casually, and with the blessing of the Qiqi Technique, he could see that Liu Jie and Liu Yingying had the same bloodline

! If nothing else, they should be of the same race

! and the relationship is very close

!" "My name is Liu Ming, I don't know what to call the little brother?" Liu Jie seemed to have a social cow, and sat opposite Chen Nan very familiarly! "Chen Nan

!" Liu

Jie nodded and asked cheerfully: " I heard that Brother Chen urgently needs a batch of high-quality jade cards, right? I just have some here, I don't know if you are interested

?" Chen Nan said casually: "How many can you have?" Liu

Jie stretched out two fingers

! Chen Nan: "Two hundred

?" Liu Jie smiled and shook

his head! Chen Nan frowned: "Two

thousand?" Liu Jie continued to shake his head!

"Shouldn't it be twenty thousand?" This time, a flash of essence flashed

in Chen Nan's eyes! Liu Jie smiled: "Two hundred thousand!" "Two hundred thousand?" Chen Nan pretended to be calm: "Impossible, the high-quality jade cards on the market have long been acquired by mysterious big people, you can't have so

many jade cards!" Liu Jie directly took out a storage ring: "You can feel how many jade cards are here!" Chen

Nan's soul power poured into it, and his face changed sharply after seeing it, and he looked at the other party in shock: "

Brother Liu, how can you have so many jade cards in your hand?" Seeing


Nan's face full of shock, and calling himself Brother Liu

, Liu Jie didn't mention how proud he was

! In his opinion

, Chen Nan has already taken the bait!

"Brother Chen, do you know who took those jade cards on the market?" asked Liu Jie with a smile.

Chen Nan shook his head

, Liu Jie said mysteriously: "Sifang Chamber of Commerce!" He

knew that if he wanted Chen Nan to take the bait, he completely trusted himself!

"Damn!" Chen Nan clenched his fists fiercely: "If it's really them!"

"If I'm not mistaken, you and the Liu family should have a conflict, right?" Liu Jie casually picked up the wine glass and poured a glass of wine: " This is normal, after all, Liu Jie has bullied the market for many years, and I don't know how many enemies he has provoked

!" "The so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend

!" "Although I don't know why Brother Chen needs so much

jade!" "But I am willing to sell you these 200,000 jade stones for adult beauty

!" Chen Nan snorted: "It seems that Brother Liu and the Liu family also have a grudge!"

Do you say that the kind of guy who bullies and dominates the market and does everything evil in the Sifang Chamber of Commerce deserves to go to hell?" "Do

you all have to die well?" The

corners of Liu Jie's mouth twitched uncontrollably

! If it weren't for his amazing determination, he would have already shot and killed Chen Nan at

this moment!

But at this moment, he could only force a smile: "You are right, those people in the Liu family will definitely not be able to end well!"

It seems that Brother Liu can't say dirty words!" Chen Nan smiled bitterly, and then said: "However, I am good at swearing, I can teach you!"

Chen Nan looked at him incredulously: "Didn't

you say that the Liu family offended you?" "Even so, is there anything wrong with scolding them?" "

If you hate someone, you have to say it out loud

!" "You are like this, I have no doubt that you were sent by the Liu family!" Speaking of this, he showed a playful smile

! At this moment,

Liu Jie found Chen Nan a little difficult!


Nan smiled and said: "You can learn from me, I guarantee that your heart is very comfortable after scolding, and you have a happy feeling

!" "The Liu family bullied the market, lost their conscience, and did all kinds of evil

!" "One day there will be retribution!" "

At that time, the man will be castrated and turned into a eunuch and sent to the palace!"

Women are breaking into the green building and becoming prostitutes for generations!"

"Well, the Liu family is a group of things that have a life, no one raises, someone raises, no one teaches, someone teaches, no one has a heart, no heart, no human nature."


, that's all for the time being

!" "After all, I have more or less ink in my stomach, and I am also a cultural person, so I can't scold too ugly!" Liu

Jie almost didn't lift the table!

Are you misunderstanding about cultural people?

Chen Nan said refreshedly: "Come, Brother Liu, scold!"

Liu Jie forcibly endured the anger in his heart and repeated what

Chen Nan had scolded! After scolding, he also showed a very comfortable appearance, which made him very angry

! Then he diverted the topic: "Brother Chen, I don't know if you are interested in this batch of jade in my hand?"

Chen Nan secretly scolded him as a fool

! You are a bully and ancestor destroyer!

You have followed me to scold the Liu family, but you still have to ask me if I am not interested in jade sense?

Chen Nan said: "Jade is naturally interested, but I don't know what

price?" Liu Jie said with a smile: "Five medium-grade fairy stones!" "Five middle-grade fairy stones?" Chen Nan laughed angrily: "Brother Liu, I treat you as a brother, you can't treat me as a wrongdoer!" "

The price of high-quality jade is only one hundred lower-grade fairy

stones!" "Now you want me five middle-grade fairy stones?"


you think I look like a fool?" Liu Jie was not angry either: "Brother Chen should not be angry, the so-called harmony generates wealth

!" "I know that the price of five medium-grade fairy stones is not low, but we are taking a big risk to cooperate with you!"

"If Liu Jie knows that we sell you a lot of jade, do you think they will give up?"

Chen Nan lost his patience and snorted heavily: "Even if the sky is falling like what you say, I won't buy the jade in your hand

!" Liu Jie said: "If we can achieve this business, we are willing to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with

you!" "In the future, if you have any needs

, you can contact me!" "I promise, as long as you can name the item, I can help you get it!"

Chen Nan was silent for a moment: " If you want me to believe in you, you can do it, but you have to prove yourself with

your ability!" The corners of Liu Jie's mouth rose: "For example?" Chen

Nan leaned on the stool and grinned: "As long as you can find a sand stone stone, I believe in your ability!"

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