"Sand Currency Stone?" Liu Jie looked suspicious: "Why haven't I heard of this kind of stone, does this stone really exist?" Chen

Nan shrugged undeniably: "You can go back and investigate, there is indeed such a stone as sand currency stone in the world!"

"I believe in the ability behind you, there is nothing wrong with spending five mid-grade fairy stones to buy jade cards

!" Liu Jie: "Even so, brother Chen Nan will wait for good news!" He

really has never heard of sand

currency stones! But if what Chen Nan said is true, there are indeed sand currency stones in the world!

"Uncle, I met Chen Nan!" After returning to Liu's house, Liu Jie was extremely excited: " I offered five middle-grade fairy stones and one jade card, and the other party agreed, but there was one condition!"

""What do you say? Five middle-grade

fairy stones?" At this moment

, Rao is Liu Sifang is not calm

! Although he is the richest man in the Wu country and has the financial strength of a rich rival country,

his annual net income is only 500 top-grade fairy stones

! But if the business with Chen Nan can be successful!

Taking a deep breath, Liu Sifang said: "What are his conditions?"

Liu Jie: "Let's look for sand stones!"

Liu Sifang said: "I'll go find Jiu Ye, they are seafood merchants, they should have sand currency stone------s!"

"Which gust of wind blew President Liu here?" Ao

Jiu smiled and invited Liu Sifang to take a seat! Liu Sifang

sat down and said: "Jiu Ye, I came to the door this time mainly because I wanted your help!" "

Chairman Liu is serious, you are the richest man in Wu Country, how can I help you?" Ao Jiu said with a smile, and then let people prepare tea.

Liu Sifang opened the door and said, "Jiu Ye should know about the sand currency stone, right?" "

Is this what Chairman Liu said?" A stone that was the size of a copper plate and an earthy yellow stone appeared in Ao Jiu's hand.


Sifang was overjoyed in his heart: "Yes, yes, our Liu family needs some sand coinstones, I don't know if Jiu Ye can cut love?" Ao Jiu said:

"I have a few sand stone stones in my hand, since President Liu needs it, it doesn't hurt to give it to you!" Saying that, with a wave of his right hand, five sand coin stones flew in front of Liu

Sifang! Liu Sifang smiled: "I am a businessman, that is, a businessman, then I must abide by the rules of a businessman." Jiu Ye better make a price!" In

his opinion, the sand stone is not worth much at all

! He doesn't want to waste Ao Jiu's sand coin stone, which will make him owe unnecessary favors!


Jiu: "Since President Liu said so, then you will give me fifty top-grade fairy stones!"

"How much?" Liu Sifang's eyes almost didn't fly out.

He thought that the sand coin stone was worth a few middle-grade immortal stones at best! But he never expected that each sand coin stone was worth ten top-grade immortal stones!

Ao Jiu seemed to see through the shock in Liu Sifang's heart, and said with a smile: "Does Chairman Liu know the purpose of this sand coin stone?" Liu Sifang: "I don't know!" Ao Jiu said: "

Sand coin

stones are produced in the South China Sea, and at first people just thought that this stone was interesting, so they used it as an ornament to paste on the wall."

"But with the passage of time

!" "The people of the South China Sea realized the magic

of sand stones!" "Living in a room full of sand stones can make people smart!" "

President Liu traveled around the world, and he must have heard of things that can make people smarter, or invincible, right?" Liu

Sifang nodded slightly

! He did know a lot of strange things!

In the early years, he made his fortune by knowing those strange things and by typing information! Ao

Jiu continued: "However, the use of sand money stones is not just for decoration

!" "No!" "To be precise, there are other uses in the hands of immortal cultivators

!" "I believe President Liu must know this

!" "If not, you wouldn't have come to me to look for sand coinstones!"

The corner of Liu Sifang's mouth twitched

, Ao Jiu silently slapped him in the face! After

all, the Sifang Chamber of Commerce has always claimed

to know everything! Omnipotent

! But he really doesn't know the use of sand stone !, he was a little unwilling, and knocked on the side: "I heard that sand stone can be used to arrange magic arrays?" Ao

Jiu smiled and said: "Look, I know that Chairman Liu must know the use of sand stone


"It's really as I expected!" Liu Sifang was overjoyed in his heart, and then said: "Jiu Ye, you are the largest seafood merchant in Wu Country, you should be able to get a lot of sand coins here, right

?" Ao Jiu showed an intriguing smile: "Is it possible that Chairman Liu wants to invest in sand coinstones?" Liu

Sifang: "Actually, we can cooperate!" Ao

Jiu said lightly: "I do have some sand coins in my hand, although the amount is not much, but there are 20,000!"

Liu Sifang was secretly shocked

! 20,000 sand coin stones, equivalent to 200,000 top-grade immortal stones

! If true, Ao Jiu's financial resources are really strong! Ao Jiu

continued: "However, I don't plan to sell this batch of sand coin stones!"

When more people know the use of sand coinstone, the price will definitely rise a wave!" Liu

Sifang nodded slightly: "The potential of sand stone is still very large, maybe the price will double in a few years."

"But everything has two sides

!" "It is also possible that the market in the next few years will not be as good as it is now

!" Ao Jiu smiled and said, "However, things are scarce and expensive

!" "As long as you hype it, you will definitely make the price of sand currency

stones rise!" "Ten thousand steps back, even if you can't double

it!" "At least it can stabilize the price of fifteen top-grade fairy stones!"

If this is the case, Jiu Ye can be regarded as the new

richest man in Wu Country!" "President Liu is serious, even if I can make a wave of dollars by relying on sand currency stones, but it is not comparable to your Sifang Chamber of Commerce, you Chairman Liu is the real richest man in Wu Country!" Ao Jiu smiled and began to lick each other commercially! Liu Sifang

got up and said solemnly: "Jiu Ye, I am very interested in the batch of sand stone in your hand, and I hope you can carefully consider this matter!"

Less than fifteen top-grade immortal stones, I won't consider

it!" Then Liu Sifang returned home and said to Liu Jie: "I have already obtained the sand stone stone, you should go to see Chen Nan now to see if he needs the sand stone and find out his

financial resources!" "If he has strong financial resources, we can completely eat the batch of sand stone in Ao Jiu's hand and sell it to him at a high price!"

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