Chen Nan saw Liu Jie again in the Star Picking Tower!

"Brother Chen Nan, look, is this the sand coin stone you want?" Liu Jie directly took out the five sand coin stones.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but sigh: "Brother Liu is really powerful, he can find

the sand stone in such a short time!" "If I'm not mistaken, the price of these five sand stone stones is not cheap, right?" Liu

Jie smiled and said: "It's okay!" Chen

Nan didn't ask more, and took out a storage bag prepared: "There are a thousand top-grade fairy stones in here, which are used to buy the 200,000 jade medals in your hand!"

Brother Liu can count the numbers

!" "I believe Brother

Chen Nan!" Liu Jie also took out the storage ring! One hand to pay the money

! The other hand to deliver

! Both of them were happy

! Although Chen Nan spent a thousand top-grade fairy stones,

he was not panicked at

all! He could make the Liu family spit out all the profits!

Liu Jie asked coldly: " Brother Chen Nan, do you know the current market situation of sand coinstones

?" Chen Nan shook his head: "Nowadays, the market price of a sand coin stone is twenty top-grade fairy stones, right?"

"Of course!" "

This rare treasure has no market!"

Liu Jie's heart moved

! The price in Chen Nan's heart is twenty top-grade fairy stones!

That is to say!

If they can get those

2,000 Shangpin Stones in Jiu Ye's hands, each of them will net the difference between five Shangpin Immortal Stones! 20,000 times five, this is the net income of 100,000 Shangpin Immortal Stones!

Liu Jie couldn't help but ask: "Brother Chen Nan, do you urgently need Sand Currency Stones?"

However, sand coin stones are too difficult to find!" "

Do you have any channels

over there?" Liu Jie said, "Since you have talked to this point, then I will also give you the bottom line! Our Liu family has a good relationship with the seafood merchant Jiu Ye's side!"

"As far as I know, there is a batch of sand currency stones over there!"

"Two top-grade fairy stones more expensive than you said

!" "If you want, I can help you eat them

!" Chen Nan was overjoyed: "Are you serious?" Seeing

Chen Nan take the bait, the smile on Liu Jie's face was even better, like a blooming chrysanthemum: "Of course this kind of thing is true

!" "And there are quite a few of them, enough to have

20,000!" "If there are 20,000 sand coin stones, my plan can succeed!" Chen Nan raised his eyebrows with joy: "Thanks to Brother Liu's information, if I can

take this batch of sand stone stones, I will definitely thank you for this kindness!" Liu Jie said happily: "Brother Chen Nan, Jiu Ye is the existence of the divine dragon, I am afraid that you will not see him, let alone take this batch of sand stone stones in his hands

!" "This is why I dare to tell you the news that Jiu Ye has sand stone stones!"

Chen Nan took a deep breath and said with an embarrassed smile: "Brother Liu don't want to laugh, mainly because he is too excited to hear this news!" Chen Nan's

performance was within Liu Jie's expectations

! After all, anyone who learns of the items they urgently need will be very excited

! and even make some gaffes!

Liu Jie continued: " Brother Chen Nan, I like to make friends with cheerful people, especially like

you!" "I'll get straight to the point!" "I

can help you get those 20,000 sand coin stones for the price of twenty-two Shangpin Immortal Stones!" "But after the fact, you have to pay me an additional 2,000 Shangpin Immortal Stones!" Chen

Nan frowned: "Your price is too expensive, right?"

Two thousand fairy stones is not a small amount for any big family, but if the Chen Nan brothers can really buy those

twenty thousand sand stone stones, what is the amount of two thousand top-grade fairy stones?" Chen Nan thought for a moment: "Brother Liu, or else

!" "I won't give you extra grade immortal

stones!" "You guys will help me go to Jiu Ye's side to buy sand coinstones!" "Didn't

he say twenty-two top-grade fairy stones?"

I feel that there should be room for bargaining

!" "After all, this business is not a joke, it must be discounted

!" "Whether you talk about twenty pieces, it has nothing to do with me!" Liu

Jie scolded his mother in his heart, it

is so difficult to earn you two thousand more top-grade fairy stones!

Brother Liu, you are a businessman, you should know that the benefits you get in this way are far more than two thousand

top-grade fairy stones!" Liu Jie thought for a while and said, "Okay, then do as

Brother Chen Nan said!" "But

!" "Before that, I need to determine your assets first

!" "Don't be angry with Brother Chen Nan!" "

It's not that I can't trust you

!" "The main thing is that this business involves hundreds of thousands of top-grade fairy stones!"

"Let's say something ugly, in case I eat that batch of sand coin stones and you don't have enough assets in your hands, then how can we get rid of it

?" "Doesn't this pit us?"

"What you said is reasonable!" Chen Nan showed a shallow smile on his face: "However, I really don't have that many top-grade fairy

stones!" Liu Jie frowned

! He wanted to scold his mother!

There are not so many fairy stones, you and Xiao Ye talk so much?

Chen Nan said, "I only have nine thousand top-grade immortal stones on me, but besides that, I have other things!" Speaking of this, he took out a storage bag

! "What is this?" Liu Jie's face

was full of curiosity! But when his soul power was injected into it

, his face changed instantly

! He suddenly stood up, his pupils full of horror and shock!

It's like seeing an incredible scene!


"All of these are more than 100,000-year elixirs?" Liu Jie's scalp was numb

! He thought that he had seen many worlds with Liu Sifang

! He had also seen boxes and boxes of 100,000-year elixirs!

Liu Jie swallowed his saliva wildly,

as long as it is not all a hundred thousand year elixir!

That's too scary

! Although he doesn't know how many

there are, but looking at it, there are at least thousands of them

! This amount is not to say that the Sifang Chamber of Commerce!

Even King Wu can't take it, right?

At this time, Chen Nan's voice slowly sounded: "In addition to the 100,000-year elixir, there are also some 200,000-year elixirs!"


Liujie's mentality collapsed!

"Of course!" "

It's not just 100,000 years and 200,000 years of elixirs!" "In addition to these two years, there are also some 300,000 years!" "And 400,000 years, and a few 500,000-year elixirs

!" "Well

!" "The number of these medicinal herbs is not very much, and it adds up to more than 3,000 plants!" Liu

Jie almost didn't scold Niang!

Not a lot?

That's just over 3,000 plants?

You don't fucking pretend to die?

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