Chen Nan spoke: "Now, can Brother Liu trust my financial strength?" Liu

Jie's mentality exploded

! He didn't expect it! In Chen Nan's

storage bag, the worst quality elixirs were 100,000 years old! In addition, there were even 200,000 years, 300,000 years

, and 4.5 million years of elixirs!

To put it bluntly,

he is the real rich and rival country!

Even the wealth of the Liu family is not as valuable as those elixirs in his storage bag!

Liu Jie returned to his senses in shock, and said sincerely: "Brother Chen Nan is really rich, and these medicinal materials in your hands alone are already rich and invincible

!" "I completely believe in your financial strength!" Chen

Nan said: "Then trouble Brother Liu to help me buy the sand currency stone in the hands of Jiu Ye, then we will still have the old rules!"

Liu Jie said: "Yes, but does

Brother Chen Nan have to pay a deposit?" Chen Nan frowned: "Brother Liu can't

trust me, why do I have to pay a deposit?" "I'm a businessman, I don't have the habit of paying a deposit

!" "Since Brother Liu can't trust me

!" "Then forget about this business!" "

I'm too lazy to bother so much, go directly to Jiu Ye!"

It's a big deal to give him two elixirs, I don't believe that there are people in this world who have nothing to do with elixirs

!" "He showed some impatience, got up and was about to leave

!" "Brother Chen Nan stayed!" Liu Jie hurriedly said: "It's not that I don't trust you, I just say it casually, why should I be so atmospheric? I can't trust others, can I trust

you?" Chen Nan snorted lukewarmly: "This is almost the same!" "

How long will it take for you to complete the acquisition?"

Liu Jie said seriously: "You give me three days, I will definitely complete the task in three days

!" "Okay, then I will wait for Brother Liu's good news

!" "Good

!" Liu Jie was overjoyed, and returned to Liufu as soon as possible

! At this time, Liu Sifang and Liu Yingying were sitting in the living room talking!

Liu Jie's face was full of excitement: "Uncle, then Chen Nan is really not an ordinary person!"

"Moreover, all of them are more than 100,000

years old!" "No!" "

The lowest quality ones are 100,000 years old

!" "There are even 500,000 years of elixirs

!" "I have lived for so many years, and I have never seen so many elixirs!" Liu

Sifang was also shocked

! But he was always a person who had seen the world!

He looked at his daughter: " Yingying

, you said before that there was a poultry disorder in the poultry tribe, right?" "Do you say that there will be such a possibility, Chen Nan helped the poultry tribe solve the poultry chaos, and then the bird tribe gave him these elixirs?"

Liu Yingying nodded undeniably: "It should be like this, otherwise, Chen Nan would not have had so many spiritual medicines!" Liu

Jie said excitedly: "Uncle, I told Chen Nan that the price of those sand currency stones is twenty-two top-grade immortal stones."

"As long as we can win those sand stone stones in Jiu Ye's hands!" "Change hands to earn the difference of seven Shangpin Immortal Stones!" Liu Yingying also became excited: "So, we can earn 140,000 Shangpin Immortal Stones?"

Liu Sifang smiled and patted his nephew's shoulder, and then said: "However, it is still quite difficult to eat the batch of sand currency stones in Jiu Ye's



the Sifang Chamber of Commerce is the first chamber of commerce in Wu Country! But! 20,000 sand coin stones! If you want to eat it in one bite

! You have to prepare 300,000 top-grade fairy stones

! Even if Liu Sifang claims to be the richest man in Wu Country, it is rich enough to rival the country!

Liu Jie said: "Uncle, this matter is not difficult!"

"As long as we open our mouths and find a few family patriarchs to borrow some, we can always cope with the current difficulties

!" Liu Sifang said: "I, Liu Sifang, have never borrowed money from others in my life, even if we can pay it back, it is difficult to pay

back the debt!" Liu Yingying suggested: "Father, we can mortgage some of the properties of the Chamber of Commerce to Yinhao and borrow some money in their hands for emergencies!"

We can redeem those 20,000 sand coin stones as long as we sell them to Chen Nan!" Liu

Sifang hesitated

, although he is the founder of the Sifang Chamber of Commerce,

but there is a big man behind him!

They only temporarily mortgaged a part of the property to Yinhao

! After buying those 20,000 sand coin stones, they could make a net profit of 140,000 immortal stones

! Thinking of this, Liu Sifang's eyes became firm: "I'll go out!" ------

It took two days

! Liu Sifang raised 100,000 Shangpin Immortal Stones!

With 300,000 Shangpin Immortal Stones in his arms, Liu Sifang found Ao Jiu: "Jiu Ye, let's get straight to the point, I have prepared 300,000 Shangpin Immortal Stones to buy the 20,000 Sand Currency Stones in your hand!" "What you said, fifteen Immortal Stones

can be sold!"


!" "That's it

!" "Since you have shown such great sincerity

!" "Then I will sell you these 20,000 sand coin

stones!" "But let's say one thing

!" "Buy and leave

!" "No matter whether the market of sand coin stones is high or low after that, it has nothing to do with me!" Liu

Sifang laughed: " I, Liu Sifang, am also the richest man in Wu Country, and I still know this truth!" "

Come to Jiu Ye, you count the fairy stones in this!" Ao Jiu

took the storage bag handed by the other party, and after determining the 300,000 fairy stones, he also handed him a storage bag containing 20,000 sand coin stones!

After all, many people can't earn a top-grade fairy stone in their lifetime

!" "But today I found that the most valuable thing is this sand stone ah!" "

That is, this sand coin stone gives people a very cheap feeling when listening to its

name!" "It's as if you are calling people stupid

!" Ao Jiu laughed and said: "The name of the sand coin stone is indeed not good, but this thing is really valuable!" Liu

Sifang nodded undeniably.

Who can believe that this unassuming stone can be worth fifteen top-grade immortal stones?

Of course

, it won't be long before the price of these sand coins will rise

!" "Thank you Jiu Ye for cutting love, the old man will not disturb, leave!" Liu Sifang got up and left immediately! After Liu Sifang


Ao Jiu took out the transmission jade card, summoned Chen Nan, and said respectfully: "Master, you really expect things like a god!"

"Liu Sifang spent 300,000 Shangpin Immortal Stones to buy those 20,000 Sand Coins Stones in my hands

!" "If nothing else, his people will soon go to see

you!" He asked cautiously, "Are you going to terminate your cooperation with them next?"

Chen Nan showed a creepy smile: "The fire pit has already been prepared, just waiting for the Liu family to jump in!"

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