"Liu Jie, I have already bought 20,000 sand coinstones!" "You go to the Star Tower and sell these

sand coins to Chen Nan!" Back in Liufu

, Liu Sifang gave the storage bag containing the sand coins to his nephew with excitement, his face was full of red light: "I have been doing business for hundreds of years, and I have always accumulated a small amount

!" "Never before has I been able to earn 140,000 high-grade fairy stones at one time like today!"

Today is the 8th of July, right?"

"It's really a good

day!" "This day must be remembered

!" "Uncle, just see!" Liu Jie said excitedly: "I'll go to the Star Tower and Chen Nan to complete the final deal!"

I can't wait to abolish his cultivation immediately and make him your maid!"

"This guy still has the value of use

!" "Don't worry, after squeezing all his value!" "

I will definitely find an opportunity to lure him out of Zhongzhou City

!" "

Send someone to abolish his cultivation and make him your maid

!" Liu -----Jie

walked into a private room excitedly and said to Chen Nan: "Brother Chen Nan, good news, good news, I have already obtained those 20,000 sand coins!" Chen

Nan was overjoyed: "Brother Liu really has outstanding ability, and he really won that batch of

sand coinstones!" Liu Jie took out the storage bag: "Come, take a look, there are 20,000 sand coinstones inside

!" "If there is no problem, we can complete this transaction!" Chen

Nan took out some sand stone and played with it in his hand: "Brother Liu, do you know what the real use of sand coin stones is?"

Didn't you say to

arrange the Dharma Array?" Chen Nan snorted: "At first, I also thought that the Sand Currency Stone could arrange the Dharma Array!"

"I later heard that this statement is a rumor!" "Brother Chen Nan, what do you mean by this?" Inexplicably, Liu Jie was a little panicked

! There was a sense of foreboding in his heart!

Chen Nan smiled and said: "Brother Liu, don't worry, my words are not finished!" "

The matter of the sand stone arranging the magic array is indeed a rumor

!" "But there are other uses!" "

I heard

that fishermen on the South China Sea often use sand money stones to curse people!"

"For example, give the other party a sand coin stone

!" "It means that the other party is stupid!" Liu

Jie swallowed wildly: "Let's not bother with these things first, you quickly give me the money

!" "According to our previous agreement!" "

You want to pay me 440,000 Shangpin Immortal Stones!" Chen Nan no longer pretended, and a disdainful smile appeared on his face: "Spend 440,000 Shangpin Immortal Stones to buy 20,000 Sand

Coin Stones?"

It made Liu Jie's

scalp numb and creepy: "What do you mean? You want to backtrack

?" "Lie in the groove!"

"Chen Nan, you can't do this!" "

Do you still have a bit of contract spirit

?" "Then you have a contract spirit?" Chen Nan sneered: "Oh yes, should I call you Liu Jie, or Liu Ming?"

Do you know my identity?" Liu Jie's scalp exploded

! Chen Nan knew his identity, which he did not expect

! That is to say

! They thought they regarded Chen Nan as a clown

! But in fact they were the real clowns

! Everything they did was under each other's control

! At this moment!

I never expected that this handsome and handsome man in front of me would be so insidious!"

Don't treat everyone as fools!" Chen Nan took the wine glass and took a sip of wine: "Actually, I knew your identity when you just appeared

!" "Because apart from the Liu family, it is impossible for anyone to come up with 200,000 high-quality jade!"

You are doing this just to blackmail

me!" "It's the so-called long line to catch big fish

!" "What if you are pitted?" "

After all, you also gave me 200,000 high-quality jade

!" "These jades really solve my urgent needs!"

"As for the use..."

"You will find out soon

!" "Of course

!" "I also planned this matter of the sand coinstone

!" "Only in this way can I bite you back!" Liu

Jie was furious: "You colluded with Jiu Ye? Impossible, absolutely impossible!" "

How can a big man like him be willing to listen to your dispatch?!" "

I won't believe your nonsense!"

Ao Jiu pushed the door in, he glanced at Liu Jie indifferently, and bowed to

Chen Nan

: "I have seen the master!" "Boom!" "

Four simple words

! Let Liu Jie feel like he has been struck by lightning

! Damn!

What is going on with this special horse

? How could the high-ranking Ninth Master call Chen Nan the master?


Nan said lightly: "No need to be polite

!" Ao Jiu got up, and a storage bag appeared in his hand that Liu Jie felt very familiar: "Master, there are 300,000 top-grade fairy stones inside!"

A little use of stratagem has earned the wealth of an enemy country, and the master is really unmatched in wisdom!" "

Liu Jie almost didn't spew out a mouthful of blood

! This is the wealth that the Liu family has put together after many industries!

Now all of them have become Chen Nan...



Nan and seize 300,000 top-grade immortal stones

! and the more than 3,000 elixirs in his storage bag

! But he finally gave up this unrealistic idea

! Because he couldn't beat Chen Nan at all

! Not to mention that Jiu Ye was still an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse!

Chen Nan smoothly put away the storage bag containing 300,000 top-grade fairy stones, and said lightly: "By the way, tell Liu Sifang that the account between us is not over

!" "Let him prepare for the demise

of the Liu family!" Liu Jie's face was full of anger: "The surname is Chen, let's walk and see


"No one can provoke the dignity of my Liu family!"

He flew out directly in the window

! Such a big thing happened

! He had to inform his uncle as soon

as possible! ------


! Liu Sifang was sitting on the recliner with a drunken face, and there were maids next to him to help him massage and squeeze his legs!

and someone was singing a ditty!

As the richest man in Wu Country, Liu Sifang knows how to enjoy it!

"Uncle, something happened!" With

an anxious shout,

Liu Jie fell in front of him with a face full of horror: "We were tricked by Chen Nan

!" "That guy didn't fulfill his previous promise!" "

All the sand coins and stones we bought at a high price were smashed in our hands!"

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