King Wu showed a gratifying gaze: "I didn't expect you to have this kind of understanding at a young age

!" "You're right

!" "If the price of sanctification is to sacrifice the family affection, friendship, and love we care about

!" "Then this saint is not appropriate

!" "Even if you become a saint, you can have an eternal life!" "It's

just a long life and loneliness!"

Is this luck or misfortune?" King

Wu's words reached Chen Nan's heart!

"Chen Nan, your talent is obvious to all!"

"You have a flaw

!" "You are too soft-hearted!" "Maybe you have a last resort, principle

!" "But soft-hearted is soft-hearted!" "One day you will find that your soft-hearted will hurt you!" Speaking

of this, he patted Chen Nan's shoulder and said seriously: "There is no love for no reason in this world, and there is no hate for no reason!"


Wu said, "I'm good to you because you saved Xiao Nineteen's life!" "It's

because you're a madman's apprentice

!" "I also want you to help Wu Guo arrange a luck array

!" "And the madman is kind to you because you verified that his conjecture about the formation is correct!"

"But, what about the others?" He smiled and said nothing, obviously knowing something!

Chen Nan felt that King Wu had something to say

! "Okay, let's

not talk about this, let's reach the beach before anyone!" When the words fell, a golden light appeared under his feet, carrying him towards the southern sea!

Chen Nan didn't think much about it, and used the Dapeng Technique to arrive first when King Wu was about to arrive at the beach

! At this time,

Wu Sheng was sitting on the shore with Cao Rufeng fishing!

"Brother Chen, do you want to fish, I find fishing thieves interesting!" Wu Sheng said: "In front of fishing, there is a real equality of all beings, whether you are an immortal emperor or an ordinary person, there is no difference

!" "The fish in the sea will not bite your hook just because you are an immortal emperor

!" Chen Nan picked up the earthworms on the ground, and then took out a bowl in the storage magic weapon: "You can't do this, you have to prepare a bowl, so that you don't have to worry about earthworms crawling around!"

His whole person seemed to have been struck by lightning, and

he was instantly stunned there!

"Brother Chen, what are you doing stupidly? Before Wu Sheng's words were finished, King Wu kicked him out dozens of meters and fell into the sea

with a pop! "Wu Laojiu, are you crazy?" Wu came to the shore angrily

! Cao Rufeng whispered: "Don't make a sound, this guy has an epiphany again!" ???

Wu Sheng's face was full of incredulity!

"I know

!" Chen Nan came back to his senses

, his face was full of excitement, he spread out his hand, and a very faint yellow light appeared in his palm! This

is the

auspicious qi he stole

!"Master, we have studied it for so long before, in fact, the direction is not wrong

!" "It's just that not all formations don't need a formation base!"

The reason why

it is a bowl of water is mainly because it is carried by a bowl!" "The Qi Luck Array is like water in a bowl

!" "The auspicious Qi itself takes heaven and earth

as the carrier!" "If we want it to stay in a fixed place!",

"Then we must find a new carrier

!" "It can also be understood as the formation base!" Cao

Rufeng's eyes bloomed with dazzling light: "Then do you know how to arrange the formation base?"

"I have a method, maybe it works

!" Chen Nan tried to calm his mood

! I saw a yellow light burst out from the palm of my right hand! This yellow light

is a little richer than that auspicious aura

!" "This is the power of merit?" Cao Rufeng gasped!

King Wu was also shocked: "I really didn't expect that you could have the power of merit at a young age!"

He knew that Chen Nan possessed the Desolate

Ancient Holy Body, this kind of person was equivalent to stepping into the Holy Domain with half a foot

! However, it was really too difficult for the Desolate Ancient Holy Body to grow

, especially in the later stage

! There would be countless calamities

! But,

Chen Nan mastered the power of merit at a young age!


was something he did not expect!

The power of merit bloomed in Chen Nan's hands and transformed into a translucent bowl

! carrying those auspicious qi

! In an instant,

the sea breeze became cooler

! Flocks of fish came to the shore

! Countless wildflowers grew on the ground in the distance in the form visible to the naked eye

! "It's done, it's done!" Cao

Rufeng was excited like a child!

However, countless wildflowers have bloomed now

! This is already the role of

the Qi Luck Array! King Wu is also full of excitement! The effect of the Qi Luck Array is too strong

! With it, Wu Guo will definitely be able to prosper for a long time

!" "Ninth Uncle, this Qi Luck Array will be handed over to you! As for where to put it,

it depends on your personal preference!" Chen Nan controlled the Qi Luck Array to float towards

King Wu!


Wu's eyes were hot, and he reached out to take

the Qi Luck Array! Then he looked at Wu Sheng: "Nineteen, you are the future emperor of the Wu Kingdom, where do you want to put the Qi Luck Array?" "

East Wilderness City!" Wu

Sheng looked in the direction of East Wilderness City!

The city with the greatest potential

is the Eastern Wilderness City, which borders the demon world and is rich in materials! If you can coexist peacefully with the clansmen of

the demon world, whether it is for the demon clan

or the human race

, it is a good thing that is not worth the loss!

King Wu laughed: "Our grandfather really coincides, then store the Qi Luck Array in the Eastern Wilderness City!"

Cao Rufeng said with a smile: "The Eastern Wilderness City is the eastern gate of the Wu Kingdom, once this gate can be opened, it will be a good thing of immeasurable merit for the people of the Wu Kingdom and even the entire human race!" Chen

Nan echoed: "What Master said is that 100,000-year elixirs are very common in the demon world, but in the human world, 100,000-year elixirs are expensive!"

Chen Nan snorted

! A pale yellow power of merit descended from the sky and enveloped it! The

intensity of this power of merit was far more than what he had obtained before

! "I'm sour!" King Wu swallowed his saliva dumbfounded! Cao

Rufeng also muttered: "I'm also sour!" Wu

Sheng: "It's the same!"

They didn't expect that Chen Nan would have so much meritorious power at one

time! After a moment

, Chen Nan's face returned to rosy! He

felt that his whole body was full of strength

! Yuan Ying also regained his radiance!

"According to the previous agreement, if you can help me Wu Guo arrange the Qi Luck Array, I will give you a chance!" King Wu said: "Now is also the time for King Ben to fulfill his promise!"

As if he had thought of something, Wu Sheng exclaimed, "Old man, are you going to send Big Brother Chen to that place?"

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