"Ninth Uncle, where

is that place

that Wu Sheng was talking about?" Chen Nan was puzzled! King Wu said: "The land of creation!" "The land

of creation?" Chen

Nan gasped

! He had seen the records about the place of creation

! It is said that this is the most sacred place in the entire immortal world!

These three realms were all

born in the land of creation! According to legend, there was a great creation there

! It is only controlled by the eight supreme beings of the Terran race! It is precisely because the key to opening the land of creation is controlled by the eight supreme beings of the Terran race that the Terran race will be above the demon race and the demon race!

King Wu said: "The eight supremes of the human race once formulated a rule, each force can only send one person in every 50,000 years, and it is for one year!"

So, before you go in

!" "I have something to tell

you!" "There are many great creations bred in the land

of creation!" "There is a creation forest there

!" "There will be a creation fruit in the creation forest!" "

If you meet, you must pick it as much as possible!" Chen

Nan nodded solemnly!

Even ordinary people will become immortals in one step

! After stepping into the Earth Immortal Realm in an instant!

After hesitating, he said: "Ninth Uncle, this opportunity is too precious, junior..."

King Wu interrupted him and said, "If everyone can enter the Land of Creation, do you think there is still a quota?" "

You don't need to have any psychological burden to go there, and I am just an adult beauty!" King

Wu did not lie!

After a pause, King

Wu continued: "In addition to the Creation Fruit, the biggest opportunity is the Creation Pool!" "The spring water in it is far more heaven-defying than

the Creation Fruit!" "It's a pity!" "

Not everyone can meet the Creation Pool!" "Chen Nan, the Desolate Ancient Holy Body is indeed equivalent to a curse

!" "But if you can find the Creation Fruit, and the Creation


You will definitely become the only Desolate Ancient Saint Body to break the curse

!" "By then, your strength will inevitably increase by leaps and bounds

!" "One more point!" "

If you meet other people in the Creation Land, don't offend!" Chen

Nan's face was full of surprise: "There are other people in the Creation Land?"

Although the rules say that you can only enter the land of creation once every 50,000 years, it does not say that you cannot enter two people at the same time!"

Chen Nan

: "Unless what?" King Wu smiled: "Unless you can kill him!"

Chen Nan also laughed awkwardly

! However, he didn't think that he could meet other people in the land of creation

! Even

if the rules didn't say that you couldn't enter at the same time

, but the 50,000-year timeline was too long!

"Also!" King Wu said: "You can't use storage magic weapons in the land of creation, so don't think about bringing out the creation fruit and the creation water!" "It's

time to eat and drink!" Chen Nan nodded solemnly!

King Wu took out a bronze token and gave it to Chen Nan, and then squeezed it with both hands, and a space-time vortex appeared in the void: "Go in, there is the place of creation!"

"Good!" Chen

Nan nodded solemnly, and the figure rose up and entered the land of creation

! He needed this opportunity

! It would be good if he could step into the Earth Immortal Realm

! Even if he couldn't, he could improve his strength

! ------

entering the whirlpool of time and space, Chen Nan felt that the scene in front of him was distorted!

The earth appeared in the sky!

The sky appeared on the ground

! The whole world seemed to be turned upside down

! But the next moment

! A sense of weightlessness suddenly struck

! The figure fell in the air

! Poof! His body was like an extraterrestrial meteorite, falling in the mountains and forests below and breaking a lot of branches

! "It really hurts!" Chen

Nanqiang sat up with a sense of weakness!

Even if he had the Desolate Ancient Holy Body

, but the bones on his body were also broken

, after all, the rules of the Heavenly Dao here were different from those in the outside world

! If he changed to an ordinary cultivator, he would be dispersed after coming in!

Looking up at the dense jungle around him, Chen Nan murmured: "This should be the Creation Forest, right?

Before he finished speaking, Chen Nan was shocked by the sight

in the distance! There is a valley full

of flowers! The singing of birds and flowers

in the valley! The refreshing aroma of medicine wafts there

! Chen Nan thinks that he has also seen the world

, especially in terms of medicinal materials

! There are more than 3,000 plants in the storage bag



The medicinal herbs in the valley made him feel unreal

! They grew densely together like weeds

! And the age is amazing, 100,000 years all over the place! Even 200,000 and 500,000 years are as many as cattle hair

! "Just eat a buffet!" Chen

Nan's eyes lit up, and then he endured the pain and walked to the valley!

He walked over, washed the white jade ginseng and gnawed it directly

! "Click!" "Click!" "Click

!" Chen

Nan has taken a lot of elixirs

! 500,000 years have also taken

it! But the taste is not so when the white jade ginseng is not the same! In the final analysis, it is because the white jade ginseng has just been pulled out, fresh!

The crisp taste and rich medicinal aroma made him scalding

! Chen Nan was amazed one after another: "The medicinal effect of this 500,000-year-old white jade ginseng is better than the two 500,000-year-old elixirs from the outside world!" An

hour later

! Chen Nan's injuries were completely healed!

We have to make good use of this year's time to strive to break through the shackles and step into the Earth Immortal Realm!" "

The most urgent thing is to find out the area of the creation land!" Chen

Nan got up and climbed the mountain on the left, originally thinking of climbing high and looking far away

! But after climbing to the top of the mountain, he found that

there were too many mountains around

! Moreover,

there were countless immortal qi wafting in the air! His

vision was affected!

"Go east

!" Suddenly

, a weak voice of the green dragon came from Chen Nan's head

! "Good fellow, you can be considered awake!" Chen Nan was overjoyed, and when he opened the clothes on his neckline, he saw that the tattoo on his chest seemed to come to life

! I think it forcibly broke the shell and injured the vitality

! It has always been attached to his body!

I feel that there is a miracle medicine in the East that is more than a million years old, and I need that thing!" Chen

Nan swallowed his saliva wildly

! The miracle medicine is

really rare

! Without much thought, he followed Qinglong's words and headed towards the east

! But just when he was walking almost ten kilometers

! Chen Nan stopped abruptly

! The picture in front of him made his pupils tremble

! A sense of foreboding arose!

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