The female emperor picked up the water in front of her, felt the touch of the water flowing gently on her body, and made a soft voice in her mouth: "I heard that kneeling licking is a word that you men often say

!" "As long as you kneel and lick this emperor, I can combine with your yin and yang

!" "Although you are not worthy of this emperor

!" "But I am willing to become an adult beauty and help you break the curse of the ancient holy body!"

You should be able to find

that woman called Wan'er, right?" Chen Nan

endured the anger in his heart, and his tone was cold: "I Chen Nan has never relied on any woman in my life, not before, and never in the future!" The

female emperor looked at him with interest: "But can you be worthy of that woman named Wan'er?" Chen Nan: "

If Wan'er knows that the reason why I broke through is because I kneel and lick you!"

Speaking of this

, he smiled: "I'm sorry for her compared to me

!" "I don't want her to be disappointed in me

!" Chen

Nan grabbed the Yang Fish and let it jump alive in his hands, but his eyes showed a cold gaze: "So, I can only kill it!"

The female emperor sat up suddenly

! Her eyes were full of consternation

! She didn't expect Chen Nan to kill this yang fish

! After returning to her senses,

she burst into a monstrous anger! Chen

Nan flew into her palm!

"Why?" "Why is

this?" "

Do you know how many men in the world want to kneel and lick this emperor?"

"Why can't you seize the opportunity

?" "Is dignity really that important to

you?" Chen Nan had already expected that the other party would be angry, and a shallow smile appeared on his purple-black face: "Without dignity, what is the meaning of living

?" "Let me kneel and lick you?"

"Hehe!" "I'll paralyze you

!" "Hetui!"

The female emperor's face was full of anger, and her right hand increased a little stronger, as if she would pinch Chen Nan's neck at any time!

"If you don't want

to kneel and lick me, you can tell me!" "Even if I kneel and lick

you!" "It's no big deal for you to lose the yang fish

!" "But for me, losing them is losing my life!"


Do you understand the

joke?" At this point, she roared hysterically

! Clear tears flowed down her eyes! Chen

Nan endured a strong sense of suffocation: "I don't think your joke is funny

!" "And!" "

Our relationship is not to the point where we can joke!"

Qinglong cleared his throat, and his voice revealed an intriguing taste: "Your relationship is about to break through

!" "You will know her depth immediately

!" "Yes!" "Yin and Yang fish can be swallowed directly!" "You can also be directly pinched to

death!" "After pinching death, it will turn into Yin and Yang Qi and enter each other's bodies


Even if his physical

body is strong, and even has the blessing of the power of merit

, but there is also a feeling that the physical body is about to crack!

The pores spew light

! and even a subtle crack in the Dao appeared! The

green dragon looked at the female emperor: "Little lady skin, now the choice is in your hands

!" "You two live and die coexist

!" The female emperor's face is gloomy: "Dry!" The

green dragon is displeased: "Why are you cursing this little lady

?" "Verb!"

The female emperor grabbed the yin fish and crushed it! The next moment

! A terrifying yin qi entered her body

! ------

uproar! The pool water beat against the stones on the shore and did not feel pleasant

! After a long time

! The female emperor put on her clothes a little weakly!

It was like a long rainbow disappearing into the forest

! She had just left on her front foot

! The water in the creation pool also slowly disappeared

! Only Chen Nan sat on a stone with dull eyes

! This sitting was for hours

! It was like petrified!

He was not clean...


never dreamed that one day he would be pushed backwards by a woman!


Qinglong sighed softly: "I'm sorry, it's not that I don't want to help you

!" "The current me, really not the opponent of this little lady

!" "It's no big deal

!" "Cultivate well and strive to surpass the female emperor as soon as possible

!" "Push her to the ground and return today's shame to her!"

Don't mention it again in the future, okay?" Chen Nan sighed lightly, although it was the female emperor who was high in the immortal world who reversed him!

The shame in his heart was very strong!

Qinglong diverted the topic: "There is one thing you overlooked, when the two of you combined yin and yang, the curse of the Desolate Ancient Holy Body was broken!"

This sentence successfully swept away the depression and shame in Chen Nan's heart

! Sure enough,

he had already stepped into the Earth Immortal Realm! From the

previous cultivator to the immortal cultivator!

The strength is only comparable to the Spirit Immortal Realm, but

he can open the Immortal Mansion! The mind moves

! The Immortal Mansion is suspended in his palm! Slowly rotates, blooming with cyan light

!" "Old friend, long time no see!"

Chen Nan grinned! The

next moment,

his soul power entered the Immortal Mansion!

"Meet the lord of the mansion!"

The moment he just appeared, the golden boy and the jade girl appeared in front of him

! Chen Nan nodded slightly, and said, "I have stepped into the Earth Immortal Realm now, and I have the strength comparable to the Spirit Immortal Realm, I should be able to open several layers

of Immortal Mansion, right?" When he was on Earth, he opened the four-layer Immortal Mansion!

The golden boy replied respectfully


Chen Nan frowned!

"Can only the fifth layer be opened?" "

It shouldn't

be!" The golden boy said: "It is not the strength and realm that opens the upper four layers of the Immortal Mansion

!" "Each layer has a corresponding

key!" "This key may be a sword

!" "It may also be a book!"

Only by finding them can we open the next

layer of Immortal Mansion!" "As for the key to opening the sixth layer of Immortal Mansion, the clue is in the fifth layer space!" Chen Nan

shook his head helplessly: "It's too complicated!" Golden

Boy: "This is the rule set by the previous mansion master, and we are powerless to change it!" Chen

Nan didn't say anything more, and his mind moved to the entrance of the fifth layer of the Immortal Mansion!

The heavy jade door was slowly pushed open

! There was a desolate and ancient atmosphere

! There were many bricks and tiles stored in the fifth layer space

! Broken swords! Although those swords were broken

, they gave Chen Nan a strong murderous aura

! In addition,

there was a blood-colored long sword called [Residual Yang]!

This is a superb immortal weapon!

Very rare

!" "The remnant sun is an immortal weapon forged by the previous lord himself

!" "As soon as this sword comes out, if it can hit the enemy, even if it cuts the skin, it can paralyze the opponent's divine soul for up to a second!" Chen Nan's

breathing quickened

! Although it is only a second, it can turn things around when life and death are in crisis!

Thinking of this, Chen Nan's eyes lit up: " Can I take the opportunity to paralyze the soul of the female emperor, and then knock her unconscious to avenge today?"

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