
the other party is the supreme

female emperor of the Terran race, has a beautiful face

, and has a devil's body

! But that kind of thing is not what Chen Nan wants

! He is a passive party

! Therefore, he wants to find an opportunity to take revenge on the female emperor!

"I now have the strength of the Spirit Immortal Realm,

behind the Spirit Immortal is the True Immortal, and behind the True Immortal is the Immortal Emperor!"

"The female emperor has the strength of the peak of the ninth-level immortal emperor!" "Can I knock her unconscious in a second?" Thinking

of the terrifying level of the ninth-level immortal emperor,

Chen Nan had to let go of the idea of beating the female emperor unconscious to take revenge!

He is not absolutely sure that he can knock the female emperor unconscious

! Therefore, before he is absolutely sure

, he should be rational

, otherwise he will only bring shame on himself

! ------

Chen Nan put away his messy thoughts! Biting

his fingertips

! A drop of blood fell on the remnant yang! The next second, the remnant yang

entered his body and was instantly refined!

"Although I have a pillar of merit, that treasure belongs to a holy weapon

!" "That thing, don't use it as much as possible

!" "Otherwise, there will be a scourge of killing

!" "And this [Residual Yang] can be regarded as the current weapon!" The

golden boy said: "In addition to the residual sun, the old mansion master also left you an immortal armor!"

This immortal armor is a very rare defensive immortal armor, which can withstand the three-move fatal attack of the ninth-level

immortal emperor!" Chen Nan's eyes bloomed with dazzling essence

! Although his physical body was terrifying

, but with his current strength, it was not enough to fight with the ninth-level

immortal emperor! If this immortal armor was really as strong as the golden boy said

! It was equivalent to three lives!

Chen Nan instantly refined that

immortal armor! It can transform into an ordinary robe

, it can also transform into the appearance of armor

!"Golden boy, who is the previous

mansion master?" "I just opened the fifth layer of the immortal mansion and got the top-grade immortal weapon and armor!"

"What treasures are hidden in the back layers?"

Chen Nan was full of strong curiosity about the four layers of the immortal mansion behind!

The golden boy said: "The previous lord said that if you can come here, your mentality will definitely be a little inflated, so

the information of the sixth layer is hidden in the ruins!" "You need to look for the information of the sixth layer in these ruins to

hone your mind!" "As for who he really is, when you find it, he will tell you!" Chen

Nan smiled bitterly: "Not if you swell, but since he wants me to hone my mind, then let him do what he wants!"

Chen Nan thinks that

his heart is quite firm! After all, he is the lord of the demon world

! He has a pillar of merit! There

is still the dragon soul of the sacred beast Green Dragon

in his body! He has not swelled so many hole cards, you can imagine how powerful his heart is

!" "Don't underestimate these ruins, they come from the Heavenly Court, they are fragments of the Heavenly Court!" The

voice of the green dragon echoed in Chen Nan's mind

! Chen Nan solemnly hummed!

Then enter the ruins to find clues about opening the sixth layer of the Immortal Mansion

! Here is a thousand years, the outside world is only a year

! He has a lot of time to look for clues

! And don't worry about being detected by the female emperor

! A month later

! Chen Nan found a palm-sized cyan jade tablet in the ruins! The

next moment

! A familiar figure appeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes!

It was the blue-shirted

middle-aged man he saw before he obtained the Immortal Mansion!" "The younger Chen Nan met the

senior!" Although it was just a phantom,

Chen Nan still bowed! The

middle-aged man showed a pleased look: "I really didn't expect that you have so many opportunities in


"It is my creation that can make you the master of the Immortal Mansion!"


Okay, tell me

about me!" "My real name is Luo Yuan

!" "I was once a level eight Immortal Emperor who wandered the world

!" "But because I got this Immortal Mansion, I was retaliated by the human emperor

!" "Then, unfortunately, I died tragically!" "

Only a remnant soul was left to survive!"


Nan couldn't help but say, "Senior, junior has something to understand!"

"Since this Immortal Mansion is so powerful, why don't you fight the emperor?" Luo

Yuan sighed lightly: "I worked hard to refine the remnant yang, and before I could recover my strength, I was attacked by the human emperor..."


Nan organized the language: "I can't say that I have a feud with the Emperor of Ren, to be precise, his daughter stole my wife's body, and I need to go to the Middle Continent to retrieve my wife's body!" Luo

Yuan nodded slightly: " Your talent is indeed terrifying, and your growth rate is also very fast, looking at the eternity, you are a rare existence

!" "But I advise you not to go to the Middle Continent easily!" "

Maybe you think that the strength of the ninth-level immortal emperor is very strong

!" "But the strength of the human emperor is not what you can imagine

!" "What he really terrifies is not only the strength of the ancient and modern!"

Control the sentient beings of heaven and earth, and use the sentient beings of heaven and earth as chess

!" "Because you don't know at all if your friends, relatives, and lovers are deliberately arranged by your side!"

As soon as these words came out

, Chen Nan suddenly felt his scalp numb

! He only knew that the strength of the human emperor was unparalleled in ancient times, above the seven Terran supremes

! But he never expected that it would be terrifying to this extent!

Luo Yuan muttered, "If I'm not mistaken, your trip to the Middle Continent is also his

bureau!" "Because there is a reason

why you have to go!" "But!" "I still can't understand the reason why he set up this bureau!" "

Because, you are not even an ant in his eyes!" "

You are not enough for him to go to great lengths to set up such a big game!"


, your trip to the Immortal Realm to find your wife's body is a foregone conclusion!" "The only thing I can do is to control the Immortal Mansion to deviate from the teleportation array and send you to the Demon Realm

!" "This can improve your cultivation

!" "With good luck, you can also get a great opportunity

!" He looked at Chen Nan and showed a pleased smile: "It turns out that you didn't let me down!"

As long as you give an order, all the great demons in the demon world will come to you for the first time

!" "Of course, you have also obtained a merit pillar in the demon world!"


"I don't know, I sent you to the demon realm to be the Bureau of the Human

Emperor!" At this moment

, Chen Nan felt an unprecedented sense of oppression!

If all this was expected by the Human Emperor

, then what did it mean?


Nangong Wan told him in a dream not to go to the Middle Continent...

Did she spy on the secret of the Renhuang leading him to the Middle Continent, and

what kind of role she played in the game of the Renhuang?

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