Luo Yuan: "I said so much, mainly to tell

you the means of the human emperor!" "I don't deny that he is an extremely terrifying existence

!" "But not absolutely invincible

!" "Do you know what the real name of this immortal mansion is?" Chen

Nan shook his head!

Luo Yuan: "This thing is called the Tower of Babel

!" "If you can open the ninth layer, it is equivalent to being above the sky!"

Even if the human emperor uses heaven and earth as chess games and sentient beings as pawns, you can understand his conspiracy

!" "And give a fatal blow

!" "You are a smart person!"

"It should be known that only Mangfu can solve the problem with his fist!" Chen

Nan asked: "Senior, how can I open the Immortal Mansion behind?" Luo Yuan: "I

only know the way to open the sixth layer of the Tower of Babel!"


Chen Nan once thought that he had hallucinations: "To refine

the top-grade immortal weapon?" Luo Yuan sighed: "Back then, I refined the top-grade immortal weapon, I thought I could open the sixth layer of the Tower of Babel!"

"My Daoist stabbed me fiercely!" "

After the

Human Emperor arrived, I learned that she had always been a pawn arranged by the Human Emperor to my side!" Chen

Nan couldn't imagine the pain of being betrayed by the beloved woman!

He knew the meaning of Luo Yuan's words

, worried that there were

pawns placed by the emperor beside him! "However, the female emperor and King Wu, Cao Rufeng, and the great demon of the demon world don't worry

!" "With the strength of the human emperor, it is not enough to control their pawns of this level!" The

corner of Chen Nan's mouth flashed a wry smile

! There are many confidantes around him!

But it has come to this point...

This is really a great irony!!

taking a deep breath, Chen Nan said: "Senior, that is to say, even if you have refined the top-grade immortal weapon, it is not enough to open the sixth layer of the Tower of Babel now, right?"

Although I don't know why the Tower of Babel sets such rules, it must be beneficial to you and harmless!" "

Chen Nan also knows that refining tools can make people cultivate their minds

, and even make friends with countless strong people

! To some extent

, the status of the alchemist and the alchemist are equal in formation!

After all, what cultivator doesn't dream of having a powerful immortal weapon?"


can go to the Yan Kingdom!" "There is a Sword Casting Academy Palace there!" "It is one of the three university palaces of the Yan Kingdom

!" "Looking at the entire immortal world, some alchemists with heads and faces are from the Sword Forging Palace

!" "Going there can improve your refining ability!" Speaking

of this, a jade Jane appeared in his hand: "If you go to the Sword Casting Palace, you can take this jade Jane to find a guy named Cai Jian!"

"Yes!" Chen

Nan originally planned to teleport directly

to the Middle Continent after leaving the Wu Kingdom! But now it seems that

he must change his previous plan

! If he rushes to the Middle Continent, there will definitely be a catastrophe

!" "I need to rest for a while, I hope to see you on the top floor!" Luo Yuan's figure gradually disappeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes! Then Chen Nan's

soul also withdrew from the Immortal Mansion!

This trip to the Immortal Mansion not only yielded a top-grade immortal weapon

, a defensive battle armor

, but more about the understanding of the human emperor

! Knowing oneself and knowing the other party can fight a hundred battles!

"That little guy is right, the Sword Forging Academy Palace is indeed extraordinary

!" "You can go there to learn the art of refining!"

This will not only allow you to open the sixth-layer Tower of Babel, but even help you rebuild the Heavenly Palace

in the future!" The voice of the green dragon echoed in Chen Nan's head! Chen Nan's

eyes flashed with determination!

"Let's go, go and help you find the magic medicine

!" "You guy still has a conscience!" The green dragon's tone revealed a hint of relief: "However, no need, I absorbed a lot of divine power in the creation pool before!"

Just by thoroughly refining them, they can restore some cultivation

!" "At this time, even if I take more magic medicine, it will not help me in any

way!" "So

!" "I need to close my door

!" "Remember a little

!" "Don't use the merit pillar lightly

!" "Oh, yes!" "

You can try to take the magic medicine now!"

The curse of the Desolate Ancient Holy Body has been broken

! Chen Nan not only stepped into the Earth Immortal Realm

! Even his physical body has an even more terrifying ascension! A

small amount of magic medicine is beneficial and harmless to him

! Then the green dragon told Chen Nan the location of several magic medicines

! Chen Nan finally found six magic medicines according to what the green dragon said!

In fact, they are all some elixirs that have lived for more than a million

years, because the growth years are too long, absorbing too much heaven and earth aura, as well as the essence of the sun and moon

! So the medicinal effect is comparable to the divine medicine,

but it is only comparable!

"There are less than five months to leave here

!" "I really hope this day will come soon!"


by leaving here can he temporarily forget the shame brought to him by

the female emperor! And at this time they are in the same world

! He can't forget it at all

! Fortunately, the female emperor has already used him!

He can also find a quiet place to cultivate

!" "You swallowed the Yang Fish before, you can try to master the Yang Law!"


Nan suddenly opened her eyes and saw that the female emperor appeared in front of the bonfire that was about to burn out

! A red wide-sleeved flowing fairy dress, a beautiful face, and a dusty temperament!

Like a goddess walking from the depths of the nine heavens

, especially the red mark of the crescent moon on her forehead, which gave her a touch of unreachable taste!

"How do I cultivate, I don't need you to dictate!" Chen Nan's face was gloomy, thinking of the picture of being pushed back by the female emperor before, a monstrous anger rose in his heart!

The female emperor's indifferent eyes flashed with an intriguing smile: "Didn't you say that you were not interested in this emperor before, but in this case, we will come naturally

?" "If women can be forced to do that kind of thing, men shouldn't?"

Chen Nan laughed at himself: "Did you come to me to humiliate me? If so, you won!" The

female emperor slowly stood up: "Follow me back to the wooden house!" Chen

Nan: "You have found an opportunity, is there still a need for us to get along?"

The corners of the female emperor's mouth rose, and a charming arc appeared: "I felt quite comfortable before, so, before leaving, let you help me pass the boring time!" Chen

Nan subconsciously swallowed his saliva: "Can I refuse?" "


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