One hundred and forty-three days before leaving the land of creation,

Chen Nan officially changed his name

! Tool man Xiao Chen officially went online

! In front of the powerful female emperor

! He was indeed a tool man! There was

no chance to resist at all!


He was

bound by a fairy rope and thrown into bed by the female emperor!


There is no time when he can't use

it! Because his identity as a tool man is forced to go on the clock every day

! What is a

tool man? A tool man is that the other party doesn't consider your feelings at all!

After being a tool man so many times, Chen Nan not only did not feel very comfortable

, but even very painful

! Moreover, he did not want to be

a tool man for the female emperor! Every time he became a tool man, he would tell himself that the other party had lived for tens of thousands of years

! He was an old woman

! However,

his body was very honest!


said that he was in love for a long time!

Chen Nan never dreamed that the female emperor would be so ruthless

! She didn't help Chen Nan think about it at all

! Chen Nan only hated that his cultivation was too weak to defeat the

female emperor! If not,

he would definitely treat his body with his human ways

! This night!

The female emperor suddenly appeared a trace of sadness: "I will leave tomorrow!"

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched, but his heart was happy

! He really longed for freedom! The

female emperor saw what Chen Nan was thinking, and there was no expression on her cold face

: "Do you really want me to leave

?" Chen Nan was amused: "Otherwise

?" "Could it be that you think, I want you to stay and continue to abuse me?"

The female emperor said softly: "I seem to like you!" "Three times a day, don't you just like me?" Chen Nan turned into a laugher! The

female emperor's eyes were complicated: "I said that I like you, not that you understand it..."

"I seem to like you emotionally!" She

has countless suitors

, the men in the entire immortal world are fascinated by

her! She is high, and the most annoying thing is those licking dogs

! But until she met Chen Nan

! She found that she was not as good as she thought

! Because this man didn't put her in his eyes at all! and

even ignored her male chopping technique!

Although a lot of unpleasant things happened between the two people

, no matter whether those things were good or bad, they made waves in her heart

! Especially during this time of getting along, she liked the feeling of being with Chen Nan!

Chen Nan laughed angrily: "What do you like me?

The word like is cheap to say

in your mouth!"""You can only express it with your mouth

!""I don't know what liking means

!"Liking someone should be for the sake of the other person!

""Let two people who go in both directions feel comfortable and happy!" "

But... "

You're comfortable, have you considered my feelings?"

"No!" "You didn't!" "You didn't consider my feelings

at all!" "

So, you don't deserve to say you like it at all!" The

female emperor hesitated, her eyes firm: "Come into the house, I will prove with actual actions that I really like you!"


Originally, Chen Nan only served as

a tool man for more than twenty minutes! After all, the female emperor did not consider his feelings at all

! But this

time! He was a tool man for more than an hour

! Although the female emperor was a little overwhelmed

! but still let

Chen Nan complete Chen Nan! "This time, can you believe my words?" The female emperor lay quietly beside Chen Nan, her eyes were confused, and she felt that her body was sore and weak!

Maybe you like me, but I don't like you!" Chen Nan: "Forget me, the two of us won't have any results together

!" He likes love in both directions

! And now

! He doesn't have the slightest good impression

of the female emperor! The female emperor is not angry because of Chen Nan's words, and said softly: "If you come to the Snow Land, I can pass the imperial throne to you and make you the emperor of the Snow Country!"

"It can make you grow to the point where it is comparable to a ninth-level immortal emperor in ten thousand years

!" Chen Nan: "I'm not interested

!" "Let's sleep!" The female emperor slowly closed her eyes, and a line of crystal water droplets crossed the corner of her eyes! Licking

a dog really has no good end

! She is the best example

! Chen Nan doesn't want to sleep with the female emperor

! But being tied by the binding immortal rope, he has no choice at all!


next day

, when Chen Nan woke up, the female emperor had already got up

! Unexpectedly

, the binding immortal rope on her body was untied

! Walk out the door!

I saw the female emperor picking some creation fruits: "You invite me to eat crabs, I invite you to eat creation fruits, and we don't owe each other!"

Chen Nan scratched his head: "You suddenly treat me like this, I really feel very awkward

!" The female emperor: "If you like the previous mode of getting along, I can satisfy

you!" Chen Nan: "You don't have to!" "

Will you come to the Snow Land?" The female emperor was depressed, because she arrived here three days earlier than Chen Nan!

"That... Do you think of me by chance?" The female emperor's face showed a hint of nervousness, she couldn't remember how long she hadn't been so nervous!

Chen Nan shook his head: "Probably not!" The

female emperor's eyes lit up: "Should? That means that you may think of me?"

Chen Nan snorted angrily: "In the year of the creation land, everyone should be regarded as a dream, and then everyone will not fight each other..."

Before the words were finished

, the female emperor leaned over and kissed

her! This was the first time she had done this

kind of behavior! Although the two had been married many times before

, but it was only limited to that kind of thing

!"Are you a dog?"

Chen Nan angrily pushed her away, with a hint of pale golden blood hanging from the corner of her mouth!

The female emperor was pushed out by him for tens of meters, and her body broke several large trees, but she did not smile angrily: "There is no other meaning, I just want to leave you some memories


"In this way, when you kiss other women, you will think of me!" The


token in her sleeve robe bloomed with a cyan light!

"If you come to

the Snow Land, you will become the emperor of the Snow Land!" "I can be your empress

!" "I will give you all my things

!" "And I, all I want is you!" The

female emperor's face was full of reluctance

! The figure turned into a ray of blue light and disappeared between heaven and earth

! She thought that she had pinched Chen Nan

! Only now did she suddenly realize that it

was herself who lost!

Watching the female emperor leave, Chen Nan completely relaxed, and a loud laugh came out of his mouth: "Xiao Ye can't go to the snowy land in this life, and he won't go to death!"

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