Mass grave in the east of the city!

Concubine Yu was tied up and still on the ground!

By her side!

Willow Yingying and Liu Jie stand side by side!

In addition to them!

There are also two first-class immortal emperors that she invited at a high price!

As the so-called skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

When he and Liu Jie left, they took all the money from the account of the Sifang Chamber of Commerce with them!

That's definitely not a small amount!

Liu Jie said in a low voice: "Yingying, Chen Nan's strength is not bad, but he killed two powerhouses of the Immortal Emperor realm of our Chamber of Commerce!"

"Are you sure we can kill him this time?"

He was a little uneasy!

Liu Yingying's eyes were cold: "Last time was a special situation, we didn't control Concubine Yu at the beginning, but now with Concubine Yu in our hands, even if Chen Nan's strength is transcendent, we have to obediently obey!"

"Unless he doesn't care about Concubine Yu's life or death!"

"Since you escaped, you shouldn't have come back!"

Chen Nan was furious, and he appeared in the mass grave with the Great Peng Technique!

The two first-class immortal emperors showed surprised eyes!

Chen Nan's speed is fast!

Even compared with them, it will not be much different!

"You're coming pretty fast!" Liu Yingying's sword pointed at Concubine Yu's neck and said coldly: "Chen Nan, the reason why my Liu family has fallen to this point is all thanks to you!"

"If I don't unload you, do you think I'll be willing?"

"Brother Chen, go quickly!"

Concubine Yu's face was full of anxiety!

She knew Chen Nan's means!

Also know Chen Nan's weakness!

Without himself, he might be able to fight two first-class immortal emperors!

But now!

He himself became a hostage of the other party!

How could Chen Nan defeat the two first-class Immortal Emperors?

"Two seniors, as long as you abolish this person, I will fulfill my previous promise and give each of you a thousand top-grade immortal stones!" The willow warbler ordered directly!

"It's easy to kill him, but it's a little difficult to destroy his cultivation!" A hunchbacked old man instantly killed Chen Nan, and the crutch in his hand exuded a terrifying murderous aura!

Chen Nangang was about to fight back!

Willow Yingying stabbed a sword into Yu Fei's left shoulder!

Splattered with blood!

Liu Yingying's eyes were fierce: "If you dare to fight back, I will let Concubine Yu die in front of your eyes now!" Chen

Nan had a brief loss of concentration!

But just this moment!

The crutch in the hand of the hunchbacked old man slammed fiercely in front of him!


Chen Nan was smashed out for thousands of meters!

Pale golden blood flowed down the corners of his mouth!

Thanks to him, he stepped into the Earth Wonderland!

The strength has been significantly improved!

If he had done it before, this blow would definitely make him worse than dead!

Just before he could stabilize his figure, another old man appeared behind him and smashed a punch into his back!


Chen Nan's figure rolled on the ground and appeared in front of Liu Yingying!

Willow Yingying stepped on his chest and looked down on him condescendingly, with an intriguing smile on his face: "Don't you have many means? "


"Heaven-swallowing bowl!"

"And that long stick with terrifying attack!"

"But why didn't you show it today?"

"Brother Chen, you shouldn't have come!" Concubine Yu burst into tears, and after leaving the house, she went to the Star Picking Tower with great anticipation!

But on the way to the Star Tower, I met the willow warbler person!

And then...

Forced her here!

And the moment she saw the willow warbler, she knew!

Today you either die or I live!

"Chen Nan, you are too soft-hearted, if you killed me last time, there would be nothing today!" Willow Yingying's face was full of indifference, but there was a shocking killing intent in her eyes!

"However, if it falls into my hands today, I will definitely send you this pair of bitter mandarin ducks to the Yellow Spring!"

Chen Nan grinned, his white teeth were stained red with blood, and he looked particularly mad: "Didn't you just ask me why I didn't use those methods?"

Liu Yingying sneered: "You don't dare to use it, because you know that once you use those means, I will cut off Concubine Yu's head in an instant!"

"You're right, but it's not all right!" Chen Nan: "Because I can kill you, even if you point your sword at Concubine Yu, I can kill you!"

"But, I need to be close to you!"

Willow Yingying's face was full of disdain: "I don't think you can kill me at this time!"

"Little sister, don't talk so much nonsense with him, kill him quickly!" Liu Jie's face was full of anxiety, and for some reason, a strong uneasiness rose in his heart!

"Then I'll kill Liu Jie first!" Chen Nan's heart moved, and the Zhiyang Law silently wrapped around Liu Jie's neck!


"Damn it!"

"What's going on?"

Liu Jie's face was full of horror, and a strangulation mark and blood line appeared on his neck: "Why do you feel that something is tightening me..." Poof! "

It's not over yet!

His head broke away from his neck and rolled down to the feet of the willow warbler!

The sudden scene made the willow warbler's scalp numb!

She didn't even know what was going on!

And one thing is certain!

Chen Nan didn't move at all!

Just before she could react!

A sharp pain came from her wrist!

Keep your eyes peeled!

Her right hand holding the sword fell at her feet!

Blood is gushing!

This moment!

The willow warbler was completely panicked!

With fear in his eyes, he ordered to the two first-level immortal emperors: "Kill him, kill him!"

"You shouldn't have said so much nonsense before!" The hunchbacked old man was expressionless!

Just the moment he wanted to strike!

A golden sword light flew from the west!

The sword light tears the night!

Exudes a destructive momentum!

"King Wu Jian!"

"This is King Wu's sword!"

The faces of the two first-class immortal emperors were sallow!

I didn't expect King Wu Jian to appear!


The sword light flashed away!

Instantly pierced the eyebrows of the two first-class immortal emperors!

Let its soul fly!

The willow warbler was stunned in place like a lightning strike!

Wu Wang Jian would actually help Chen Nan kill the Immortal Emperor he invited?

How could he get King Wu's attention?

Next moment!

King Wu, dressed in a golden dragon robe, appeared out of thin air, and the willow Yingying oppressed by the terrifying imperial qi was almost unconscious!

King Wu's eyes were complicated, and he said softly: "I heard your master say just now that you captured the protective formation of Zhongzhou City, and I knew that something had changed!"

"Fortunately, it's not late!"

Chen Nan covered his chest and stood up, grinning: "It's not a big problem, even if Ninth Uncle you don't make a move, I can fight with the two of them!" "

Willow Warbler mentality exploded!

Chen Nan was actually able to seize the City Protection Formation of Zhongzhou City?

And also call King Wu Ninth Uncle?

Could it be that his master is the former national master Cao Rufeng?

Think of this!

A strong remorse rose in her heart!

If he hadn't been an enemy of Chen Nan, then how could the Liu family be destroyed?

"Willow Yingying, I have to thank you, thank you for letting me learn what it means to be ruthless!"

The residual sun appeared in Chen Nan's hands!

He held the sword in both hands and directly cut off the head of the willow warbler!

Even if the two have been husband and wife!

But in the face of such a ruthless woman!

He doesn't show mercy under his men!

"Even if you learn to be ruthless, you are destined to pay a terrible price!" A sinister smile appeared on the willow warbler's pale waxy face!

Even if she died, her eyes were staring at Chen Nan!

Chen Nan frowned!

Right now!

Concubine Yu's face was full of pain and she spat out a mouthful of black blood!

King Wu exclaimed: "It's not good, Miss Yu has won the Soul Breaking Pill!" "

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