"What? Soul Breaking Pill? "Chen Nanmian is bloodless!

He knew that the Soul Breaking Pill was a poison that specifically targeted the divine soul!

Once you take this poison, there is no possibility of survival at all!

As long as the toxicity attacks, it will be lost in an instant!

"Ninth Uncle, is there an antidote for the Soul Breaking Pill?" Chen Nan's face was full of anxiety!

This moment!

He knew what the heavy price in the mouth of the willow warbler was!

King Wu shook his head with a solemn expression: "The Soul Breaking Pill is the most poisonous poison in the world, Mo said that Miss Yu only has the strength of the Golden Immortal Realm, even if she is a ninth-level Immortal Emperor, she can't withstand the toxicity of the Soul Breaking Pill!"

Concubine Yu's face was haggard, and her lips were purple: "Brother Chen, I'm a little cold, can you hold me tight?" "

Big Brother Chen hugs you!"

Chen Nan hugged Concubine Yu tightly!

The taste of the heart like a knife rushed to the heart again!

It almost suffocates him!

Because on Earth, Nangong Wan also died in his arms!

"I'm sorry... I can't follow you to the end of the world! Concubine Yu leaned into Chen Nan's arms, and hot tears flowed down the corners of her eyes: "My parents gave birth to a younger brother for me, and that little guy is quite ... Pretty cute!


"I didn't hold him!"

"It's not that I don't like children..."

"I just want to hold our baby!"

"I was thinking about having a child between us..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Chen Nan was overwhelmed with grief: "Blame me, if I hadn't let Willow Yingying die in the first place, there would definitely not be this thing today!" "

This moment!

Chen Nan finally understood what Cao Rufeng's saying that only with an iron heart can one inviolate all laws mean!

If he hadn't been merciful and let the willow warbler leave!

How could Concubine Yu be brutally murdered?

He paid a terrible price for his soft-heartedness!

Concubine Yu's face was full of happiness, trembling and stretching out her hand, wanting to touch Chen Nan's face, but because of the poisonous attack, it seemed that a small action was difficult to do!

Just when her hand was about to fall, Chen Nan grabbed her hand and put it on his face!

Her hands are cold!

Gradually losing temperature!

"My master once told me that everyone's life is a journey!"

"Since there is a beginning, there is a destined end!"

"I'm sorry I didn't get to the end with you!"

"But I'm thankful to leave a mark on your life!"

"Don't talk yet!" Chen Nan was overwhelmed with grief and controlled the power of merit to enter Yu Fei's body!

In his eyes!

The power of merit is omnipotent!


Concubine Yu's body couldn't store those meritorious powers at all!

"Brother Chen, I still have one last sentence!" Concubine Yu's body twitched suddenly, and the severe pain made her almost cry out!

But she didn't!

Even if there is no painful expression on the face!

Because she knew that her trip with Chen Nan was coming to an end!

Even if she hurts!

I also want to show the best side to Chen Nan!

She said weakly: "In the future, learn to have a heart of stone, okay?" "Good




"I promise you!" The tears in Chen Nan's eyes instantly burst!

Concubine Yu slowly closed her eyes in Chen Nan's eyes!

Chen Nan was overwhelmed with grief!

He thought of the picture of seeing Concubine Yu for the first time in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

Scenes of the past appeared in Chen Nan's heart!

How wonderful the memories are!

How painful he is at this moment!

King Wu patted Chen Nan's shoulder and said softly, "Miss Yu is right, our life is a journey!"

"No one can accompany us to the end of life!"

"The only thing we can do is learn to be strong in the midst of loss!"

"Learn to grow!"

"It's just that the price of your growth this time is very painful!"

"But Ninth Uncle believes that the departure of Miss Yu will definitely become the greatest creation in your life!"

Chen Nan wiped the tears from his face, his eyes full of puzzlement: "She is my woman, how can her departure be called the greatest creation in my life?" "


Chen Nan thought of what the previous owner of the Tower of Babel, Luo Yuan, had said!

The human emperor uses all living beings of heaven and earth as pawns!

Could it be that Concubine Yu is a pawn he planted beside him?

But Chen Nan instantly negated this speculation of his own!

Luo Yuan controlled the Immortal Mansion to appear in the demon world, and this matter had already broken the plan of the human emperor!

And he and Concubine Yu met again in the demon world!

King Wu looked at the distant western firmament: "There are some things that I haven't seen through yet!"

"But I can tell you very responsibly!"

"You have to be hard-hearted!"

"Only in this way can we live up to Miss Yu's death!"

Chen Nan looked at the woman in his arms who seemed to fall into a deep sleep: "She is not dead, she just fell into a deep sleep, one day, I will let her wake up in her sleep!"

King Wu hesitated and said, "Chen Nan, Ninth Uncle doesn't want to dampen your enthusiasm!"

"But something has to be said!"

"Becoming a saint can indeed bring the dead back to life!"


"The souls of those people have not disappeared!"

"And Miss Yu has lost her soul!"

"Her soul has turned into an invisible force of rules!"

"Become a part of this heaven and earth!"

"Even if you become a saint, it will be difficult to bring it back to life!"

He had to tell Chen Nan the truth!

If not, wait until he is sanctified to find out about it!

It will be an extremely cruel thing for him!

Chen Nan didn't make a sound, his mind moved, and the merit pillar appeared in his hand!

He holds the pillar of merit in his left hand!

The index finger of the right hand is a pen!

Use the power of merit!

The name of Concubine Yu was engraved on it!

"What is it? Why do I feel a terrifying divine force? King Wu was moved by it, and he could feel the horror of the merit pillar!

In front of this stick!

Terran Supreme on top!

It actually produced the illusion of being as humble as an ant!

Chen Nan put away the merit pillar with satisfaction!

Qinglong said!

Just engrave someone else's name on the merit pillar!

The other party will become a god!

Although Concubine Yu is dead, she can't become a god!

But the pillar of merit can protect her soul!


This body could not carry her soul!

"Concubine, you sleep first!"

"When I finish going to the Middle Continent and solving the Human Emperor, I will find a way to bring you back to life!" A flash of determination flashed in Chen Nan's eyes!

Immediately, Concubine Yu's flesh floated in the air!


With a terrifying energy passing by!

Concubine Yu's physical body disappeared into heaven and earth!

Although he wants to bury Concubine Yu!

But Nangong Wan's previous experience made him have to do this!

He was really afraid that the Human Emperor would also steal Concubine Yu's flesh!

"It seems that you have really grown!" King Wu showed a relieved look!

Chen Nan forced a smile: "I can't live up to the concubine's expectations of me, and as for your question just now, what is the origin of this stick, actually..."

King Wu sternly admonished: "Don't tell me its origin, let alone use it in front of others, otherwise I may kill you!" "

Chen Nan put away the merit pillar!

Then took a deep breath: "Ninth Uncle, open the teleportation array and send me to the Yan Country!" "

He's going to learn the art of alchemy!

Thus opening the Tower of Babel!

Only climb the ninth floor of Babel!

Only then can he spy on his role in the game of the human emperor!

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