Yan Guo!

Located in the northwest of Wu Country!

Bordering the snowy land!

The territory of the Yan Kingdom is not large!

Strictly the smallest of the eight!

But because it produces all kinds of scarce ores, it is rich!

And these rare ores can be used to refine all kinds of weapons!

That's why!

This side of the Yan Country is rich in weapons!

The alchemist is also the most sacred and supreme being in this country!

And the Sword Forging Academy Palace is the temple of one of the three university palaces of the Yan Kingdom!

and the Alchemy Palace!

The Formation Academy Palace goes hand in hand!


When he came, King Wu gave him a token!

Say that if you are idle, you can go to the Formation Academy Palace to wander around!

Because the dean of the Formation Academy Palace is a named disciple of Cao Rufeng!

If only it was about status!

That named disciple had to call Chen Nan Senior Brother!

He also said that if there is something that cannot be solved, he can also summon the other party!


Chen Nan's purpose in coming to Yan Guo was to learn the art of alchemy!

As for the rest, there is no hurry!


Sword Forging Academy Palace is located in the Sword Forging Divine Mountain in the west of the capital of the Yan Kingdom!

A huge sword is stuck in the dark red mountain!

I can't tell what material it is forged!

But it exuded a powerful sword qi!

Come to the bottom of the Sword Forging God Mountain!

Chen Nan contacted Cai Jian with the token given by Luo Yuan!

A moment later!

A young man wearing a black brocade robe with a face like a crown jade flew to the foot of the mountain and looked at Chen Nan with a hint of pride in his eyes: "You are Chen Nan in Cai Shibo's mouth?"

Chen Nan saluted and said politely: "Yes!"

"Come with me!"

The young man flew up with Chen Nan and came to a secluded courtyard in the Sword Forging God Mountain!

I saw an old man wearing a gray robe, a goatee, and silver hair sitting under a tree and closing his eyes!

After feeling Chen Nan's breath, he slowly opened his eyes!

"Master Cai, bring it to Chen Nan!" The young man said respectfully.

Cai Jian nodded slightly, and then looked at Chen Nan, and a flash of disappointment flashed in the depths of his eyes!

Unexpectedly, he only had the cultivation of the Earth Immortal Realm!

Cai Jian spoke: "What is your relationship with Luo Yuan?"

Chen Nan said respectfully: "The junior is considered to be the descendant of Luo Yuan's predecessor!"

Cai Jian laughed at herself: "I really didn't expect that guy would find a junior in the Earth Immortal Realm as a heir!"

"Forget it, since I owe him a favor!"

"Abide by his agreement!"

"From now on, you will be an outer disciple of the Sword Forging Palace!"

Speaking of this, he looked at the young man beside Chen Nan and said lightly: "Ma Jin, you take Chen Nan to the gang room, with his cultivation, it is most suitable to go there!" Chen

Nan's face changed!

I thought that with Cai Jian's relationship, he could directly become a disciple of the Sword Forging Palace!

But I didn't expect that the other party would arrange for him to go to the gang room!


People under the eaves have to bow their heads!

As long as you can become a disciple of the Sword Forging Palace, that's nothing!

He always believed that gold would shine wherever it went!


Chen Nan was then taken to the back mountain room!

Except for him!

There are also five fat people here!

Their cultivation is not high, and the strongest is not a human fairyland!

But they are all fat and big-eared!

It can be seen that the food in the Sword Forging Academy Palace is still very good!

"Brother Chen Nan, since you have become a member of our gang, you will be our brother from now on!" The middle-aged man at the head is nearly two meters tall and weighs almost five hundred pounds!

His voice is rough and gives people a very wild feeling!

"My name is Gong Jian, you can call me Brother Jian!"

"Our job here is very easy, responsible for the food of the disciples of the entire Sword Forging Palace!"

"Although there are more than 10,000 disciples in our Sword Forging Academy Palace!"

"But you also know that after an immortal cultivator reaches a certain realm, he doesn't need to eat for a long time!"

"So, our work is relatively leisurely!"

"If there are disciples who want to eat, they will be summoned in advance, we just need to send it over after it is ready!"

"If you're lucky, you'll get some rewards!"

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth!

If a person with no ambition comes here, it must be very comfortable!


He came here to learn the art of alchemy!

A fat man named Yue Dong patted Chen Nan's shoulder: "Brother, I know that you joined the Sword Forging Academy Palace to learn the art of refining!"

"But don't be discouraged by this, in fact, you can also learn the art of alchemy in our room!"

"Moreover, the ore we need does not need to be exchanged for contribution value at all!"

"Er... You just joined the Sword Forging Academy Palace, and you don't understand some things! "

Let's put it this way, if a disciple of the Sword Forging Academy Palace wants to obtain ore refining weapons, he needs to go to the Hall of Merit and exchange it with merit points!"

"And there are two ways to get merit points, either by completing various tasks!"

"Either exchange it with money!"

"In the Sword Forging Palace, money is the least valuable!"

"One contribution point here is equivalent to the price of ten top-grade immortal stones!"

"But even the cheapest ore is worth more than ten contribution points!"

Chen Nan gasped: "This is also too expensive, right?" "

That is!

If you want to buy ten contribution points of ore, you have to pay one hundred top-grade fairy stones!

Yue Dong grinned and said, "So, our privilege is reflected!" As long as we need any ore, we can go to the Hall of Merit... Purchase!

"Well, it's not too much to describe it as purchased!"

Chen Nan was puzzled!

Gong Jian held a swarthy iron pot and slammed it on his head!


His head penetrated the iron pot!

"See? This pot has been scrapped! Gong Jian smiled and said, "So, you have to refine it!"

"At this time, can't we go to the Hall of Merit and ask for the ore?"

Chen Nan couldn't help but say, "Won't the people of the Hall of Merit really embarrass us?"

"Who dares?" Gong Jian sneered: "If they dare to embarrass our brothers, I will write their names on the blackboard, as long as they want to eat..."


"The pot is broken, there is no way to do it!"

"Starve their turtle grandchildren!"

Chen Nan felt that these guys in the guys were very interesting!

Eyes will be rewarded!

Distinctive character!

Although the status in the gang room is not high!

But the benefits here are really many!

And you don't have to be bound by people!

Gong Jian took out a book and threw it to Chen Nan: "Brother Chen Nan, this is the outline of the refining instrument of the Sword Forging Palace, you take it and take a look!"

"Anyway, you are also a disciple of the Sword Forging Academy!"

"This is all you should know!"

Chen Nan nodded solemnly!

Gong Jian said again, "Do you have a place to live under the mountain?" If not, you can live in the mountains!

"It's still the old rule, six people take turns at night!"

"If someone eats at night, you can also prepare a hot meal for them!"

Chen Nandao: "Don't bother so much, since I live in the mountains, leave the matter of cooking at night to me!" "

The five looked at each other!

Apparently did not expect such a good thing!

Gong Jian hesitated and said, "In that case, then you will be on the night shift from now on, and our five brothers will still be responsible during the day!"

"Okay, that's it, Dawang, you take Brother Chen Nan to choose a house!"

Then Dawang took Chen Nan to choose a house!

Looking at the back of the two leaving, Yue Dong suddenly said: "Boss, I feel that this guy and we are not the same people!" Gong

Jian's eyes flashed with an intriguing gaze: "Is it a person all the way, don't you know if you test it?" "

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